How to Review Literature for Dissertation Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

As an academic writer, you are expected to provide an analytical overview of the significant literature published on your topic. If your audience knows less than you do on the topic, your purpose is instructional. If the audience knows more than you do, your purpose is to demonstrate familiarity, expertise, and intelligence with the topic. In your review of literature you are expected to do the following: place one 39 s original work in the context of existing literature. Determine which literature makes a significant contribution to the understanding of your topic. Ensure sources and references are current and relevant, cited appropriately according to your discipline. Present terminology and viewpoints on the topic in an unbiased and comprehensive manner.

Include the following content in your literature review: provide an overview of the subject, issue, or theory under consideration. Divide outside works into categories and concepts in support or against a particular position. Provide conclusions about those works that make the greatest contribution to the understanding and development of your subject. Your attitude towards works that you present, either in support or against your topic, through the use of reporting verbs which allow the writer to convey clearly whether the claims in the outside work are to be taken as accepted or not. Use reporting verbs to indicate positive assessment advocate, argue, hold, see neutral assessment address, cite, comment, look at tentative assessment allude to, believe, hypothesize, suggest or critical assessment attack, condemn, object, refute.

Selecting and quoting only the most relevant material for your subject and argument. Introducing and integrating only relevant quotations into your literature review. The conscientious use of citations reflects your decisions to give greater emphasis to either the reported author or the reported message. Integral citations are those where the name of the cited author occurs in the citing sentence. Non integral citations make reference to the author in parenthesis or through end or footnotes.

Your ideas should be at the center of your writing, but your work has to be embedded in what has come before to demonstrate its relevance and importance to the subject. But in these cases, and especially where they are required make a post mortem examination, just, in consequence the time, labor, and skill required, and the responsibility and risk they incur, that the public should award them a proper honorarium. Medical men should also properly paid for attendance as witnesses in criminal cases. There no profession the members which eleemosynary services are more liberally dispensed than the medical but justice requires that some limits should placed the performance such good offices. The title above cited sufficiently sets forth its character and scope, and the name martin, berlin, will a sufficient guarantee the excellence the production. Many the plates will found old and familiar friends, having been adopted from such authors as beigel, virchow, hyatt, nsegele, schroeder, rokitansky, busch, hueter, duges, hodge, blume, boivin, dubois, hunter, braune, moreau, duncan, wagner, kiersch, cruveilhier, olshallsen, etc. Such a collection can nowhere else had, and the price demanded absurdly small the work sold only subscription, and sincerely trust that a long list may amply repay the enterprise mauifest the concluding number this well known, and justly much lauded atlas skin diseases now before the public.

The vocabulary commendation has been nearly exhausted in the notices all hands the previous numbers the series, that no meed praise remains for this final part, other than an iteration the merits and characteristics its predecessors, truthfulness life and excellence mechanical execution. Invertebrate, ditta we are in receipt the first part this excellent atlas, dealing with the anatomy the vertebrata, and comprising plates illustrating the anatomy the skate, the cod, the salamander, content writing services the tortoise, the pigeon, the rabbit. The drawings are very well executed best dissertation writers throughout, and the colouring search dissertations good the whole conveying an excellent idea the parts and forms depicted. An explanatory text facing each plate and clearly indicating and describing the parts portrayed, course greatly enhances their value the student, as also the accompanying practical directions. We unhesitatingly recommend the work all who are commencing the study the object this work, published in germany some three or four years ago, show that the cerebral constitution criminals exhibits mainly deficiency deficient gyms development and a consequent excess fissures, which obviously are fundamental defects. And this being generalized throughout, the brain substance does not admit compensation vicarious functioning.

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The introduction sets forth means figures and verbal description the normal character the cerebral convolutions and fissures, and contrasts therewith the appearances presented brain specimens from criminals. Then follows the record twenty two observations criminals convicted difi rent offences, together with reproductions means photo engravings which are more permanent and durable than the photographs in the original the brain surfaces and sections. Four sections devoted a recapitulation the facts brought out the observations, together with deductions, complete the work. Speaking generally, the book may described as a really valuable contribution anthropology, medicine, juiisprudence, and psychology, and having been prepared for the information lay as well as professional readers, the avoidance, as far as possible, technicalities, may justly expected exercise a wide influence in the community. An introduction pathology and morbid this very excellent hand book pathology needs no commendation at the hands the reviewer, its great merits and advantages for the student being already widely known.

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