How to Write a Flashback In a Narrative Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The main difference between the narrative essay and story is that the writer uses the method of telling about sequence of facts and events narration in order to explicate some idea.

    1.       purpose of writing.
think why you are telling this story. Each narration essay should have a purpose typically it is entertaining or informing the reader about your point.
    2.       context of your topic.
you need to explicate the context of the narrative essay from the very beginning.

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    3.       person and point of view.
a narrative paper should be written in the first or third person. In case you are telling about the events based on actions of other people or circumstances that do not depend on you it is recommended to use the third person he, she, they.
    4.       details.
your story must be detailed in order for you to be clear and specific in the narration.

What is more, the reader can be attracted by the vivid and interesting details, which is why, try to include some pieces that will refer to the reader’s senses.

    5.       organization of the essay.
the narrative essay traditionally has a chronological time line. Nevertheless, you may use such creative option as flashback if you are sure that your narrative will be still clear for the reader.
    6.       structure of the narrative essay.
the narrative typically has 3 parts: introduction, main body and the conclusion. The main body of the essay includes descriptions and details that will assist the reader in understanding the writer’s experience.

Also, here you should provide the supporting evidence that will explicate your thesis. The conclusion should close your events and also proves the significance of the experience described. Tell the reader about the lesson you have learned and how those events influenced your life. As you have stated a moral in your thesis turn back to it and show how you proved your statement. Place your order now some stories behave conveniently for their authors: they take place in several consecutive scenes not very far apart in time, and everything the reader needs to know is contained in those scenes.

You start when the action starts, write sequentially to the end of the action and stop. The ones that take place all over the temporal map: scenes in the storys present, scenes from the protagonists childhood that are needed to understand the storys present, scenes from halfway across the country the tuesday before the story began. To create any sort of coherent structure for this story, you are going to need flashbacks. This is because even the best written flashback carries a built in disadvantage: it is, by definition, already over. But offsetting this inherent disadvantage are the several advantages a good flashback can bring to a story.

It can make plausible a characters motives, by showing what events in his past compel him to act the way he is now. It can fill in events that show how the story situation reached the exciting state its in now. And it can present crucial information that happened so long ago amp 151years, or even decades, earlier amp 151that there is simply no other way to include it. Your story concerns the behavior of your protagonist, gary, toward his teenage son, jack, who has just been arrested for illegal possession of firearms. Garys own father was shot during a robbery when gary was a child, and he witnessed the killing.

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How do you convey to the reader what guns mean to gary? you have three choices: tell the reader in exposition, or have gary ruminate about his fathers murder. The problem is that the scene is too vital and dramatic for either exposition or expository memory. Youd be missing a strong opportunity to make your story affect the reader viscerally.

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The story would seem to start twice, because the time leap is so long, and chances are very good that the reader would stop reading on the grounds that you dont seem to know what youre doing. When a flashback is the best choice, it will still lack immediacy however, you can minimize this drawback and maximize the flashbacks advantages by following three simple guidelines. Its not even the second scene following a brief, sketchy, introductory scene like the following: gary stared out his kitchen window. It took him back to that other rainy day thirty years ago, the day that had changed garys life forever the reason this is not an adequate first scene to support a flashback is that its not really a scene at all. It should be an interesting, vivid scene, which brings its character s to life for us. It should contain action pertinent to the storys central concern, whether thats a murder, a family argument or a personal internal crisis.

What if your story contains more than one flashback? in that case, i hope its either a novel or a long short story. Most of what you write should actually occur in story time with one exception, which well get to later. If you do need two or more flashbacks, intersperse strong present story time scenes among them. The reader will likely become either confused or irritated, wondering when youre going to actually get on with your main story. The transition to some flashbacks are so clumsily written that the reader isnt even sure until halfway through the scene that it is a flashback. A reader who is expending energy trying to figure out where and when she is now is not able to engage with your story. Protagonist michael schaeffer, a former hit man, has just come upon the site of a multiple murder: all his old habits came back automatically.

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