How to Write a French Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

As a student of french studies, you have embraced the romance and beauty of the french language. Expand on this love of the french language and gather compelling sources to write a critical and thought provoking french essay. When writing a french essay, you could focus on french culture, different french dialects, french grammar construction, or the french alphabet. Using a mla format, compose your french essay by building a strong thesis statement, supported by compelling main points and logical arguments. A typical french essay follows an introduction section with a strong topic sentence, main points and arguments, and a conclusion section, which wraps up and restates your main points. Use this format to build side points within your main paragraphs to focus on critical areas of discussion.

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Essay writing services get a quote place an order adding pertinent side information that supports you main clause will give your french essay weight and substance. If you are comparing and contrasting a particular topic, add significant argumentative points and clauses to fully develop your point of view. Use trusted online sources such as google scholar, questia, and highbeam to fully document your arguments and conclusions. Your local library or class notes are also a rich source of background information to use when developing a persuasive french essay.

Let your professor guide you with specific guidelines on length, formatting, and topics. Pay particular attention to flow, connecting conclusions, supporting arguments, grammar and spelling. In citing electronic resources, you should in the first instance follow the same general rules as for printed sources, as the following example of a reference to an item contained on the vast gallica site of the biblioth que nationale de france indicates: the name of the author and of the text cited should be given in full, e.g. Next, you should cite the name of the webpage or web service that provides the source, e.g. Website: bnf gallica next, you should cite the url of the source itself finally, you should give the date on which you last accessed this url a complete reference would thus look something like this: louis de bonald, conomie politique paris, j.

Url: your bibliography should also record this information, together with the full publication details of any published work cited. Here is a further example: website: calendrier des spectacles sous l'ancien r gime barry russell, oxford brookes university. Wright paris, garnier flammarion, 1987

secondary sources
auerbach, erich, mimesis: the representation of reality in western literature. Trask princeton, princeton university press, 1953 bersani, leo, baudelaire and freud berkeley, university of california press, 1977 laforgue, pierre, 'baudelaire, hugo et la royaut du po te: le romantisme en 1860', revue d'histoire litt raire de la france.

Other student number: 9 one of the key features of the study of french is writing: in each year of the programme, you have the opportunity to work on seminar presentations and essays, developing an account of a specific theme or topic and you can thus develop skills in argument and in the effective organization and communication of your ideas. An essay is based on your own thinking and writing, and involves close discussion of the texts and other materials on which you have been working. All essays are written with a specific question or topic in mind and relevance to the topic is a primary requirement of a successful essay. If the topic requires you to write, say, about the dramatic impact of racine's athalie. Don't deal at length with the theme of courtly corruption if the essay titles specifies, say, that you should write about word order as a feature of french syntax, you will probably stray from the topic if you start to write at length about regional variations in the use of french. In reaching your conclusion, you should seek to take into account objections to your own argument. You should also think carefully about alternative conclusions: does your conclusion present the most likely explanation? be precise in your use of texts to justify your point of view.

In your essays, you may need to use a wide range of sources, including the texts on which you have been working, other relevant texts, and critical works. As well as quoting from these works, you may need to cite them in other words, make a brief reference without quoting. Be clear, precise and consistent in your use of the key terms in your argument e.g.

sources mdash and plagiarism

the sources of all quotations and citations should be clearly noted in your essay. Your essay should also include a bibliography, or an alphabetical list of all texts and sources cited. Your essay will be assessed in part according to the relevance and the cogency of your use of your sources. Systematic failure to do so may lead to plagiarism, or unacknowledged use of the words or ideas of others.