Persuasive Essays With Counter-Arguments Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

how to address a counterargument in an argumentative essay addressing a counteragument is very persuasive because it shows your audience that you're thinking about their concerns. Even though you might not agree with them, you respect them enough to consider their side of the argument. The idea is to look at the key objections someone might have about your claim, assertion, or proposal. Here's how you could structure the topic sentence of a counterargument paragraph: x the con or objection y the pro or rebuttal example 1: structure: i know that you might feel x. But we will make it affordable. support: ways that we'll make fish club affordable paragraph: i know that you think a fish club will be too expensive, but we will make it affordable. First of all, we will solicit donations from fish and pet stores to get any supplies we might need.

In addition, we will study up on what types of fish are more common and less expensive to buy. Finally, we will learn how to make some of the decorations and equipment we need for the aquariums that our fish live in. example 2: structure: some people might think x however, y. Some people might think that a rock climbing club is too dangerous however, we will take plenty of safety precautions.

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support: the safety precautions we'll take paragraph: some people might think that rock climbing is too dangerous however, we will take plenty of safety precautions. One thing we will always do is wear safety gear such as helmets and good quality harnesses. Also, no one will be allowed to climb until they've passed a test that demonstrates their knowledge of how to rock climb safely.

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And don't forget, there will be two adults with us at all times, showing us to do climbing in a safe and responsible way. example: i know some people might say they're too tired to do sports after school. support: reasons why exercise can be re energizing paragraph: i know some people might say they're too tired to do sports after school, but actually a good athletic work out can be re energizing. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have more energy that those people who don't. Was it really that relaxing? when you exercise, you increase the flow of adrenelin and oxygen to the brain.

Then when you get home you'll actually have more energy to do all the things you need to do such as chores and homework, and even relaxing. Being able to formulate and write an effective counter argument is one of the most important skills anyone can possess. Whether in debate or in an academic thesis, a counter argument can be used to both weaken opposing viewpoints and strengthen your own. In this blog post, we’ll look at the best ways to prepare and write an argument that undermines either your own thesis or that of an opponent. We’ll also look at why a counter argument can be so powerful in logic, persuasion, and reasoning.

If you’d like to enhance your ability to formulate persuasive, effective counter arguments, enroll in our course, develop your critical thinking skills easily ! a counter argument is any argument that is opposed to your thesis. It explains why your thesis – in part of in full – is incorrect, and uses evidence and logical reasoning to undermine your thesis. Given this definition, it seems unusual that you would want to prepare an argument that rebuts your own thesis. However, in some cases presenting a counter argument can actually strengthen your thesis and weaken any arguments that opposite it. Presenting a counter argument gives you an opportunity to respond to criticism in your own essay. It allows you to answer common questions or rebuttals that your audience might have before they have a chance to raise them independently.