How to Write a Narrative Essay Rough Draft Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

1 it assumes that you have adequate information and understanding, are near or at the end of gathering research, and have completed an exercise in prewriting. what you need: adequate time period for focus clear study area to eliminate distractions, whether other school projects or friends' demands, in order to concentrate on the task at hand preparation and research with as much current and historical data and viewpoints as necessary target audience or a clear idea for whom you are writing: your professor, an age group, a friend, a profession, etc. prewriting exercises derive these from your prewriting exercise reference works, print outs, quotes, etc. Details can be added you now want to focus on developing your argument edits! do not revise as you write, or correct spelling, punctuation, etc. This is the first draft, so what you put down will be revised and organized after take a break after your prewriting exercise! refresh yourself review the ideas, topics, themes, questions you have come up with in your prewriting exercise. evaluate the ideas, topics, themes, questions whether by scoring, prioritizing, or whatever method seems best. Keep this list in case your first choice s don't work sequence what you have prioritized as in outlining, above.

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Avoid the verb to be for clear, dynamic, and effective presentation avoid the verb to be and your presentation will be effective, clear, and dynamic avoiding to be will also avoid the passive voice support interpretations with quotes, data, etc. Make sure you leave enough time to write several drafts get feedback from a teacher, relative, or friend make revisions based on those comments take a few days off and proofread several times. Procrastination when you settle in at your desk and turn on your computer, don’t be surprised if you suddenly find yourself desperate for a glass of water or a bowl of ice cream. Maybe you’ll start to feel a little chilly and need to get up and put on a sweater. You may feel compelled to write your grandmother that thank you note or clean your closet, walk the dog, or even do your calculus homework.

Even celebrated authors have to rewrite their work, sometimes over and over again. Hemingway wrote 39 versions of the ending to a farewell to arms before he was satisfied. This is your opportunity to explore your thoughts and ideas without worrying about how it sounds. The idea is to take the thoughts from inside your head and put them on paper, or computer screen so you have something to work with. If you took notes while you were brainstorming and developing your topic, try turning the notes about each subtopic into a paragraph or several paragraphs. Imagine that you are telling a friend, sibling, parent, or favorite teacher about the topic. Without worrying about perfect structure or language, write down the words as if you were speaking.

You’ll be going back later to figure out if there’s a better word or a better way of phasing your ideas. Grammar and spelling don’t worry about grammar and spelling for now! you can go back and fix that later too. Even if those squiggly red lines appear underneath a word telling you that you’ve misspelled it, or if you just wrote something awkward, irrelevant, or inappropriate, don’t delete it or go back and fix it. The skeleton you can only organize your essay if you have something to work with.

Think of it this way: you couldn’t clean or organize your room unless you had a mess to begin with. For now, you’ll be working on getting all your thoughts out, without getting mired in the mechanics of writing or the details of your story. If you are not sure about a detail, you can add a question mark or a note to yourself, or leave a blank.

Keep your rough draft rough if you examine every word before going to the next one going back to edit or delete what you just wrote and pausing to worry about grammar, spelling, or organization, you will never be able to move forward and get all your ideas down which is the name of the game when it comes to the rough draft. To get things started, give yourself a short amount of time to write freely and as quickly as possible. Tell yourself that for fifteen minutes, you have to stay in your chair and write, without checking your e mail, downloading another song off the internet, or asking your mom what’s for dinner.

After fifteen minutes, you can take a five minute break to reward yourself and clear your mind. Soon you will find that you can write for longer intervals maybe twenty minutes, then a half hour, or maybe even an hour. It’s good writing practice to set up an allotted period of time and be disciplined enough to stick to it. Writing can be cathartic, especially when you are writing about a topic close to your heart. As duke ellington said, i merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues. Taking breaks you’re probably not going to write your entire rough draft in a single session. You can take breaks to reward yourself for finishing a section, or if you’re feeling a little stuck.

But some people like to stop in the middle of a paragraph or a section, so they don’t have to start a completely new task when they go back to it. Before abandoning your computer, first try to jot down any other ideas that may have been floating around in your head that you didn’t get to yet. This way when you sit down tomorrow or next week, the words will jog your memory. Save the introduction for later many students make the mistake of trying to write the introduction first. Sounds logical, right? but if you think about it, it would be impossible to introduce something if you haven’t clearly defined what it is you’re introducing. In other words, once you get all your ideas down and start to look at what you’ve written, you will then have a much better sense of where your essay is really going. Although you may have predetermined your topic and what you want to focus on, you will only really see your ideas start to shape up once you’ve started to write.

When you get someone else to read your rough draft, or when you go back to revise it yourself, you will probably find the perfect first sentence buried somewhere in the middle or even toward the end of your draft. Most writers find that when they revise, they find the hook that will draw in the reader. Similarly, many writers wait until later to find a good conclusion somewhere in their first draft. Save your drafts when you start working on a new draft, save the file from the last version you worked on with a new name, according to the date or the draft essay_draft1, essay_draft2, etc. That way, if you deleted something you want to use later, you can go back to an old draft to find it. If you think you don’t have anything else to say, look at what you’ve jotted down and ask yourself: so what? why is what you said important? what did it teach you? what does it mean? what are the broader implications? suppose you are writing a description of someone you admire.

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You are able to describe that person in detail: she has big brown eyes and a beautiful smile she wears stylish clothes and walks with a confident gait. How do you dig deeper? what exactly do you admire about her beyond her physical attributes or her clothes? does she have a way of speaking or expressing herself in an unusual way? why do you think she is stylish? does she dress in an unusual way that you feel is artistic? by thinking about more than the facts, you will suddenly find more to say that will then be interesting to the reader. You don’t have to have well formed opinions when you first write down your thoughts. When you work on your next draft, you’ll go back and figure out how your ideas connect and make sure there is a unifying principle. I’ve actually talked to most of these band’s members by the time i graduated high school. The only ones i haven’t talked to are the members of project 86, but that changed over the summer and what happened when i met them changed my life. It was a living sacrifice reunion concert in cleveland and project 86 was there so i went to see them.

This was a downer wek, i couldn’t hang out with my cousin because he was busy with his fiancée and then i couldn’t afford my favorite game. I watched them play and got really excited to see that there was a table they would sit at to give autographs out to the public. As i headed towards the car, a man that looked like the vocalist i so highly held respect for said, hey, can you tell me the best restaurant around here? yeah, i actually can’t remember then name it escapes me but i’ll show you how to get there, we are going there anyways. I’ll drive and you drive in front of us, lead the way…uh i never got your name rob, rob branscome cool, are you related to amy branscome? yeah she’s my second cousin. Alright see you there at that point i couldn’t even breathe, he knew my family, how in the world? so we ended up at the restaurant, i cannot recall the name, but it was a steakhouse type place. When u get a demo recorded, send it my way, i’ll take it to tooth and nail records and get you guys in.