How to Write Agree And Disagree Essay In Ielts Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

When the question asks whether you agree or disagree, you can either express a strong opinion completely agree or disagree or you can express a balanced opinion partly agree, or agree to a certain extent. Let 39 s look at two ways to answer the following question: after leaving school or university, young people should choose a job or career that they love, rather than one that pays the best salary. To what extent do you agree with this statement? 2 introduction for a balanced opinion for 39 agree or disagree 39 essays, do you think you should give both sides of the argument or just one side? the answer is that you can do either. A essay structure for one side of the argument:

    introduction: topic + your opinion either agree or disagree first idea to support your opinion second idea to support your opinion conclusion: repeat your opinion
b essay structure for giving both sides:
    introduction: topic + say that you 39 partly agree 39 on the one hand. Conclusion: repeat that you accept elements of both arguments
remember: it 39 s very important to get the introduction right.

A Narrative Essay Outline

This tells the examiner whether you are going to give one side of the argument or both sides. To what extent do you agree? public libraries should provide books and not waste their limited resources on expensive high tech media such as software, videos or dvds. Do you agree or disagree? families who send their children to private schools should not be required to pay taxes that support the state education system.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? beside a lot of advantages, some people believe that the internet creates many problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? recent figures show an increase in violent crime among youngsters under the age of 18. Some psychologists claim that the basic reason for this is that children these days are not getting the social and emotional learning they need from parents and teachers. Some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch tv. To what extent do you agree or disagree? universities should take the same number of men and women in each major. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? many people in the music business feel that illegal music sites on the internet are a serious threat to the industry and more should be done to prevent them from operating.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? some people are concerned that children spend too much time on computers playing games, chatting and watching videos. But all this time is actually good preparation for children, who will have to spend many hours working on computers throughout their education and working lives. Sponsored links this lesson is meant to help you with to what extent do you agree or disagree essay structure. Below i outline some different plans, but the real idea is that you follow an approach that will work for most any ielts essay. Work from these principles:

    understand what the question is asking decide on your point of view make your point of view clear in the introduction and conclusion decide how to use your 2/3 body paragraphs
the only hard bit is deciding what to do with your body paragraphs. see my lesson on ielts essay structure  and this download structure ielts essays plan 2827 . You need to answer the question directly and this means that you need to say how much you agree or disagree with the idea.

The next step is to see that there are 3/4 different possible answers and you need to decide which one you want to use. The answers are i agree completely i disagree completely i disagree/agree either slightly/mostly/a lot its important that you are clear on your point of view before you start writing. Its also important that you know how to explain the point of view with reasons and explanations before you start writing. the essay structure you choose depends a lot on what you know and what you think. Point of view restate the point of view for me its really important that you get the introduction and conclusion correct. please use language that makes it clear that you strongly/weakly agree/disagree etc. If you dont, you might just write another opinion essay that doesnt answer the question.

the aa or bb model

if you strongly agree, you could try this  aa model a. I disagree because another reason why the idea is wrong if you choose this approach, make sure that you can write 2 complete paragraphs with reasons and examples before you start.  this approach sometimes goes wrong because the two reasons are too similar and the essay gets repetitive.

the ab model

if you strongly agree or disagree you can also try this approach when there are two options in the question. Explain why the other option is worse/better reasons and examples this is really just a variation of the aa model, but the difference is that you look at both sides of the argument.

the ab model weakly agree/disagree

if you have a weaker opinion, then you really need to look at both sides of the argument and use this ab model. Explain that there are some problems too reasons and examples this approach can of course go wrong too often because the point of view is unclear. To get it right make sure that your overall opinion is clear in the introduction and that you start each paragraph with a clear sentence making it obvious that you are either going to write about  reasons why you agree or disagree.

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