How to Write An Essay on Emotional Intelligence Text

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Emotional intelligence essay, research paper emotional intelligence prices start from $10/page. Emotional intelligence is a phenomenon which lets entrepreneurs to empathize with their customer’s emotions. 3 goleman's theory is that academic intelligence has little to do with emotional life essays on emotional intelligence reflective practice. 7 works nov 19, 2014 · essays on emotional intelligence reflection for emotional intelligence emotional intelligence is an intelligence based on emotion emotional intelligence essay college essaysdont worry emotional intelligence essay. emotional intelligence refers to a combination of skills including, empathy, self control, self awareness, sensitivity, and self motivation.

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What is emotional intelligence used for? i think it is used for a lot of things and it is also good to have emotional intelligence. If you have bad emotional intelligence you can lose your temper easily or become sad. A lot of people know what being creative or being smart is, but a lot dont fully understand what emotional intelligence is. If you dont have any emotional intelligence you could hurt yourself or someone else. I dont think that emotional intelligence is important to you for your overall intelligence. The more emotional intelligence you have, i think the better person that you are, not more intelligent.

Someone with a bad emotional intelligence you wouldnt want to be around all of the time because they could be mean or depressed all the time. If someone had good emotional intelligences the person can control their emotions better in different situations. Emotional intelligence is just a small part of what makes a person intelligent and more important to their personality. It says that i dont need to defend myself to inspire confidence and that i am happy in my own skin.

I was surprise that i got a low leader score because lots of people tell me i am hard headed. I think i actually scored high on the self image test because i look down on myself a lot. I always been independent since my mom and dad got divorced when i was really young.

These test were fairly close to fitting my emotional intelligence, but not in all situations. I think that these kinds of test can only determine a broad idea of you emotional intelligence. The test asks only twelve questions, which you cant determine someones emotional intelligence from. For example, someone might be a leader on the basketball court, but then follow someone in his or her math group.

There are to many different people in the world to determine their emotional intelligence from twelve questions. The test is just for entertainment and to give you a broad view of your intelligence. In conclusion, emotional intelligence is important to a person, but not as important to your overall intelligence. It can cause some people to have eating disorders, to commit crimes, or to have early pregnancies.

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There are many different tests that you can take to measure you emotional intelligence. These test are used for entertainment and dont give you an exact score on emotional intelligence. These test will just give you a broad idea of how much emotional intelligence you have. attention. provides free sample essays and essay examples on any topics and subjects. essay writing service produces 100% custom essays, term papers amp research papers, written by quality essay writers only.

In the managed heart: commercialization of human feeling, arlie hochschild pointed out the difference between physical and emotional labor, and the importance of emotional intelligence which identified the need for monitoring emotional intelligence at work. This essay will highlight the need for managers to have knowledge of emotional intelligence in order to successfully manage in the workplace, and in order to achieve optimal employee and customer satisfaction. In order to successfully implement exceptional leadership qualities a manager must familiarize and understand the concept of emotional intelligence as well as develop a strong working relationship with his/her employees.

This essay will focus on three aspects emotional intelligence implementation in the workplace. There are three as pects of implementing characteristics of emotional intelligence that this essay will focus on. Firstly, how a managers’ understanding of emotional intelligence affects the employees. Third, how significant the leadership of a manger with emotional intelligence can influence employees in the workplace benefitting workplace effectiveness and efficiency. When a manager establishes a professional relationship with their employees, they must not only be aware of the employees’ work ethic but also their emotions and how they interact with customers and other coworkers. The best way a manager can be influential and support their employee’s emotions and feelings is by possessing sufficient knowledge in emotional intelligence ei.

Emotional intelligence is ‘the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth’ mayer salovey, 1997:5. Employees who are experiencing personal issues at home can potentially bring them into the workplace. A manager who is well informed of emotional intelligence is able to differentiate and identify the difference between personal issues that occur at home and those that are caused in the workplace. Many organizations now make it imperative to implement positive emotional labor into the work environment. 79 claim ‘employees who bottle up negative emotions and express positive ones, can lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout’. 79 if emotional issues continue to be unresolved in the workplace it can potentially lead to impulsive acts such as quitting, anti social behavior and unproductive work. However, having sufficient knowledge in ei in collaboration with a positive attitude encouragement campaign can influence employees to be in control of their emotions without management being directly involved.

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For example, best buys awarded their employees with smiley face stickers so that customers were able to identify that they would provide exceptionally good service. Through this, a sense of pride and satisfaction is achieved through performing job roles the best they can on a professional and emotional level. Without an understanding of emotional intelligence a manager will not be able to successfully develop a complete relationship with their employees thus affecting workplace efficiency and effectiveness. The relationship between a manager and their employees is equally as important as the relationship between an employee and the customer. A common belief gained from study of intelligence essay is that knowledge and intelligence are two different aspects to deal with however, in reality both of them are quite interlinked. According to many intelligence essay writing sources, both of these highly important subjects are like the two sides of the same coin.

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