Is It Okay to Talk About Religion In a College Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

That's the one topic that people can react most strongly to you risk that strong reaction being a negative one. Allow me to offer a little perspective here, although i may be speaking out of turn. Unlike christianity, some parts of these 'religious' texts actually do away with the whole concept of god and divinity. They stress that the ultimate religious experience is infact that of a person's inner soul, which connects him with the whole universe in perfect harmony. Show transcript hide transcript

transcript: tips for writing a college admissions essay

now we're going to talk about essay writing tips.

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Writing college essays is often the most intimidating part of the college application process. The first thing i'm going to tell you, and this may blow your minds, ignore essay questions. It doesn't even matter what the questions are, okay? the only reason they've come up with those questions is because they believe that's the way for you to tell your best stories. What are your greatest hits? no matter what the essay question is, that's your job. Is to tell whatever your greatest story is, whatever your greatest hits are, okay? and if you look at the common app, you'll see that actually it makes sense.

If all you're doing is saying the same thing that everyone else has said, you're not doing yourself any favors at all, okay? that's number two. What does that mean? well, the easiest way to describe it is, if you were to show your essay to your best friend and you're not like a little bit embarrassed, you're doing it wrong. Last thing, and maybe the most important, be careful about showing your work to too many people. At some point, you're showing your work to one guy, you're showing it to the next guy, and this guy makes this change and that guy makes that change.

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Find somebody who is an expert by all means, whether it's a professional or a family member. But what you should do 100% of the time is avoid showing it to 10 people, 20 people. If you want to work with a professional, do it, but avoid the problem of too many cooks. If you do those four things, you're going to be just fine and there's no reason to be concerned or intimidated by college essays. Host: jon frank music by istock about videos are made available on an as is basis, subject to the terms of use. College admission officers read and evaluate thousands of applications every academic year. It’s safe to assume that they have read more than a few essays that have mesmerized them.

However, it’s also safe to assume that these college admittance officers have also read enough essays that are boring, crappy, and just not interesting. Here are some of the college essay topics to avoid if you are preparing for your college application. History of drug abuse my current cocaine addiction my exciting sex life previous stints in jail my biggest act of heroism ever the right and wrong of religion my boring and friendless life just another travel story an essay about my comedic talents focusing on my weaknesses honestly, no one would ever put your essay in the accepted list if you write about your addictions in the past or in the present. Talking about your interest in drug use or sex can backfire when written in your college essays. Even if it is already a part of the past, college acceptance officers just don’t see such past as healthy. They like individuals with an edge, but a troublesome character isn’t attractive at all. It would be okay to talk about something heroic you have done in the past, but be careful in your words.

This also applies to tackling an important and controversial issue in your essay. For some topics like sex, money, religion, and government, there is no definite right and wrong. One of the most popular essay topics also double as one of the top college essay topics to avoid.

When done right, talking about travel is a good thing that can land you a slot in the university. However, simply describing or telling a story about your recent travels will not help. How did it change you as a person? how did it influence you? those are some questions you might want to answer instead of simply writing an essay about your trip to france. Do you know students who want critical essay reviews from a professor of english literature? click like to share. Essay on hinduism with a free essay review topic: explain how and where hinduism originated, major tenets of the religion including the caste system, and how and where it spread from india.

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Including different aspects such as origination, major tenets, and the widespread practice, hinduism is an extremely diverse religion, which involves many facets. Ever since it’s origination, it has been a tolerant and accepting religion, which has enabled it to continue even to modern day. It spread throughout india, and to other areas through trade, nomads, travelers, and other transportation methods. The first basics for hinduism came about by the cultural assimilation of the aryans and dravidians.

The diffusion of the ideas came about to the formation of the major tenets today. The major beliefs of hinduism aren’t completely specific, but there are a few overarching beliefs such as reincarnation. There have been six different types of hinduism that have been practiced in history, or up to today. They include folk hinduism, which is pre vedic beliefs, vedic hinduism, which is the practice of basing the beliefs on the vedas, yogic hinduism, which focuses on yoga and its applications, dharmic hinduism, which practices living in a moral way, and bhakthi hinduism, which are specific devotional practices.

Today, there are four modern divisions: vaishnavism, shaivism, smartism, and shaktism. There are also many major gods and goddesses, such as brahma, vishnu, shiva, and devi. Hinduism doesn’t have a major text, but instead has many scriptures to derive from, such as the epics ramayana and mahabharata, the upanishads, the puranas, the vedas, and the bhagavad gita.

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The caste system is merely a way to define the different job specializations between the people, and give each person a group of belonging. Later, the caste of untouchables, who are people who do tasks considered dirty such as cremation, was introduced. Due to hinduism’s overarching beliefs, it has spread to many regions of the world. The country with the highest percent of hindus is nepal, which is followed by india. Due to hinduism’s aversion to missionaries, the religion has spread only by voluntary conversion. Although it might not have become extremely widespread, many of the aspects of the religion have made a great societal impact.

One example of this is yoga, which is widely practiced in even western countries. In current day, different hindus have many different beliefs, but there are many common rituals and festivals that support an overarching theme. For example, many hindus are vegetarian, and also consider the cow to be a sacred animal, because of it’s nourishing milk. Due to all this, hinduism is an extremely diverse and rich religion, which is still practiced today. Due to it’s tolerance and overarching peaceful tenets, hinduism is the oldest practicing religion today.

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Many beliefs in hinduism have assimilated to common culture, and it still remains true to its foundations. As a result of the different aspects such as origination, major tenets, and the widespread practice, hinduism is an extremely diverse religion, which involves many facets that are still practiced today. Essay review both the argument and the organization of your essay needs improving, but fortunately those two issues are closely related. And while all of those things are perhaps loosely connected to the topic of religious beliefs, they are all also distinct topics that might be better treated in separate paragraphs although that's not what i suggest you do.