Joseph Stalin Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Joseph stalin was the head of the communist party and the leader of the soviet union from 1927 to 1953. He created the centrally planned economy in the soviet union in order to expand it's industries and become a modern industrial power, carrying out lenin's dreams of industrial development. He established policies that would make his nation the second most powerful in the world. He went to the point where his rule became more than a dictatorship and turned to totalitarianism. This is where a government exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life. He forced people to follow the concept of an absolute ruler and decided how his people thought, lived, and what they believed.

His ideas were to be lived by without exception and no one was allowed to challenge him as the absolute ruler. The party was run by stalin and he demanded complete obedience from the party members. The communist party was made to serve stalin's needs and not those of the communist party.

Stalin made his party seem like it was democratic and like it suited the peoples needs by compelling them to vote in elections. Since there was only one political party, the voters were forced to vote for stalin. He brought in a constitution in 1936 which was proclaimed to emphasize civil rights but also to emphasize the obligations of citizens to their ruler. Anyone who disagreed with stalin was taken by the secret police and put in jails or killed.

The great purge вќ was a time where stalin removed all people who challenged him as the absolute ruler a length: 837 words 2.4 double spaced pages rating: red free son of a poverty stricken shoemaker, raised in a backward province, joseph stalin had only a minimum of education. However, he had a burning faith in the destiny of social revolution and an iron determination to play a prominent role in it. His rise to power was bloody and bold, yet under his leadership, in an unexplainable twenty nine years, russia because a highly industrialized nation. Stalin was a despotic ruler who more than any other individual molded the features that characterized the soviet regime and shaped the direction of europe after world war ii ended in 1945.

From a young revolutionist to an absolute master of soviet russia, joseph stalin cast his shadow over the entire globe through his provocative affair in domestic and foreign policy. Stalin was born in gori, georgia as the third and only surviving child of a cobbler and ex serf compton’s 403. In 1912 he took the alias of ‘stalin’, from the russian word stal, meaning ‘steel , hence his nickname man of steel compton’s 402. Stalin began his studies at the seminary as a devout believer in orthodox christianity. In 1899, just about the time of graduation, he gave up his religious education and to devote his time to the revolutionary movement against the russian monarchy. In 1902 stalin was hunted down and arrested by the imperial police for organizing a large worker’s demonstration.

A year later he was sentenced to exile in the russian region of siberia, but soon managed to escape and was back in georgia by early 1904 archer 58. When the russian social democratic party split into menshevik and bolshevik factions, stalin sided with the bolsheviks, who just happened to be led by vladimir lenin. After the bolshevik’s civil war victory, stalin became highly organized and was elected secretary of the communist party. After lenin’s death, stalin gradually isolated and shunned his political rivals, especially leon trotsky, and by the end of 1929 joseph stalin had succeeded in eliminating his opponents and became the supreme leader of the ussr compton’s 404. In the late 1920’s, living in lenin’s shadow, stalin decided that the new economic policy would introduce the five year plan. While writing about stalin, it is good to keep in mind that he saw nothing immoral about using force in order to gain power archer 72.

The plan, which was financed by exploiting resources in the countryside, resulted in the near collapse of soviet agriculture and the deaths of millions of peasants from the greatest manmade famine ever created compton’s 403. Although the working conditions were amiss, those in labor camps were basically sentenced to death due to insufficient housing and harsh working conditions. Estimates of those arrested and executed for defying stalin from 1936 to 1938 in the great purge range between 1.5 million and 7 million. In some ways stalin’s domestic power over the people of the ussr was not too dissimilar from the enormous power hitler exerted over his country at the height of his dictatorship ulam 258 259.

On the same note, stalin’s foreign policies were about as inhumane and unrealistic as the domestic policies. During world war ii, stalin gave up the idea of collective security with the west and decided upon an alliance with nazi germany instead. The german’s promised nonaggression against soviet territory in exchange for the invasion of poland. But hitler, being the man he was, broke that promise and ordered a three pronged attack against the ussr. The soviets suffered many loses, but then rallied behind stalin, who assumed direct leadership of the war effort. The allied governments soon recognized the soviet’s realm of influence and stalin established a puppet communist regimes and drew the so called iron curtain between eastern and western europe compton’s 404. With that said and done, stalin’s next goal was to catch up with the industrialized united states and develop his own atomic bomb.

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