Love Addiction Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Although those are the most common types of addiction, there are also more bizarre things like sex addicts and gambling. Weather to caffeine, or food, or cleaning, they are all small kinds of addiction. Like, if you do not have your daily dose of triple shot espresso in the morning, you will go insane, or whenever you feel an extreme emotion, you feel the urge to eat. There are some people who have extreme additions, that destroy families, demolish their former selves, and lose everything they ever had, just for a drink or a few hits. Having an addiction can scar a family and leave charred relationships in its wake. Most people dealing with addiction have done it for most of their lives, and have no intention of stopping, or even realize that they have a problem.

Because they deny that anything is wrong, the other party in the relationship begins to question their own habits. Growing up with an alcoholic father, i spent most of my childhood questioning myself. I did not understand why he would forget to pick me up on sundays, or why there was always a half gallon of black velvet in the back seat of his truck. When he was drunk, he would call and tell me that my life goals were not good enough, and that i should consider other routes.

He would comment on my weight which was never really a problem and criticize my every move. He lied about scratches and bruises and broken ankles from bar fights, blaming them on his job. My mother lived with these habits for seventeen years before she finally had enough. His addiction had taken over his mind and actions, until he was not the person he used to be. He was an uncaring, alcohol fixated human, who was willing to lose his wife and child over a bottle. Alcohol destroyed my family, and i know tha love addiction is often overlooked or minimized throughout our society and deemed as harmless or insignificant.

As an expert in addiction and many other process disorders, the ignorance of the true facts of love addiction are quite astonishing. When we think of addiction, automatically our brain thinks of cocaine, heroin, meth, and many other physical substances. This video explains that an addict has the ability to replace a physical substance with a feeling and/or emotion, such as love. It is well known that all people are born with numerous dependencies in life. Beginning at birth, in order to survive and cope we need to depend first on our parents then on various other supports, people and situations, in order to become competent in our struggle to grow.

This instinctive need for support may degrade into some unhealthy patterns of addiction that are difficult to eliminate from our lifestyle and will lead to certain suffering when we grow up. It is not a problem of accepting individual responsibility to self, but rather a challenge to identify methods to get rid of our addictions/ passions and thereby find inner peace, harmony and happiness as a result of being free deep down. Love addiction is one of the destabilizing and unhealthy forms of a person person relationship that leads us to desperation and obsession, and it is the focus of this text to review this kind of addiction, demonstrate some ways to extinguish this behavior and the steps to help recover it. What happens to us when we grow dependent on people, things, or situations? let's take a closer look here and try to understand underlying details.

The psychological benefit of this kind of addiction is similar to that of drug addiction. The first time we experiment with drugs/ alcohol we may get our first experience of artificial happiness as we enjoy euphoria and become relieved of stress. Step by step our body acclimates to the drug dose and becomes desensitized so that larger dose increments are necessary to achieve the same result.

After a while we adjust to that larger dose, too, and any available euphoria somehow goes away, even by talking a larger dose. Since then, we need a considerably larger and always growing dose to make us feel just alright , our body system simply can't operate normally any more since now as the drugs become a necessary part of our metabolism and perceived well being. The same kind of changes takes place within us when we grow psychologically addicted. One day we just meet someone we believe to be special' and we fall in love and become infatuated so called infantile love and since that moment our life is changed.

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At the first stage of this relationship, literally speaking, we want to jump with happiness and we live on cloud nine with happiness and joy. We get emotionally involved, blindly, without even trying to get to know this person, their character, their inner world, values and flaws, their goals and preferences in life, their degree of socialization. We can see no flaws, no imperfections in our new partner as we bow to our counterfeit emotions. We just see our partner as perfect and we can't notice and recognize the real person behind our dream and we can't recognize their true real attitude towards ourselves either. Thus, the first stage of emotional transformation gets in our way we mistake our dream for reality and we put this person on a pedestal and start worshiping him/her. Some behaviorists theorize subtle endocrine changes as contributing factors in this phase of behavior.

Eventually, slowly but steadily we begin to see something new about our partner that we didn't notice before. Flaws and imperfections of our partner come to the surface and become so obvious that everything we had worshiped so willfully about our partner before instantly becomes unremarkable and normal. Besides, we are tired and even angry with the same things that made us happy before. Often abandonment of the relationship results at this stage, only to reinforce our addiction to our ex partner and to increase our need for the euphoria that we were used to receive at the beginning of the relationship.

Neither partner feels happy in this situation but since the relationship is based on psychological addiction and the need of the euphoria, it is typically difficult to cancel the relationship. When the relationship is broken and comes to the end somehow, we feel deep bitterness, frustration, depression, desperation and pain. We may fight for our relationship, hoping to bring our partner back only to find that little satisfaction comes out of it as a new unhealthy cycle begins, based on previous offenses and rebukes produced by our wrong beliefs that we project on our partner, but also by our growing need for the euphoria. It is just for a short moment that we may feel that love is back, and is mutual and everything feels great, for just a moment until all the previous offenses and insults appear again. The further removed from infatuation`s emotional reward likened to endorphins the deeper the addiction grows.