Lyndon Johnson Essay Topics Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

It was in reference to the war invietnam that the american government under the johnson administration had beensteadily become more involved in each passing year after he came to officefollowing kennedy's assassination in november 1963. One can only imagine how thismust have hurt for a man of johnson's pride and character. Nixon 32 were 32 presidents 32 during 32 one 32 of 32 the 32 most 32 turbulent 32 periods 32 in 32 american 32 history 46 32 32. Although 32 these 32 two 32 presidents 32 faced 32 similar 32 problems 32 during 32 their 32 presidency 44 32 their 32 presidential 32 style 32 and 32 approach 32 32 to 32 these 32 problems 32 was 32 fundamentally 32 different 46 32 32. Upon 32 taking 32 office 32 in 32 1963 44 32 johnson 32 took 32 advantage 32 of 32 the 32 aftermath 32 of 32 the 32 assassination 32 of 32. In 32 the 32 mid 32 1960 x27 s 32 president 32 lyndon 32 b 46 32 johnson 32 introduced 32 the 32 great 32 society 32 welfare 32 act 32 to 32 the 32 nation 46 32 32.

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President 32 lyndon 32 b 46 32 johnson 32 addressed 32 the 32 initial 32 need 32 for 32 welfare 32 as 32 a 32 program 32 to 32 bring 32 families 32 living 32 in 32 poverty 32 up 32 to 32 the 32 middle 32 class 46 32 32. The 32 war 32 in 32 vietnam 32 thus 32 became 32 a 32 test 32 of 32 u 46 s 46 32 resolve 32 in 32 fighting 32 communism 32 and 32 president 32 johnson x27 s 32 reputation 32 was 32 on 32 the 32 line 46 lyndon 32 johnson 32 did 32 not 32 make 32 the 32 decisions 32 to 32 escalate 32 the 32 war 32 alone 46 32. Bibliography 32 works 32 citedhttp 58 x2f x2f w 46 lbjlib 46 utexas 46 edu x2f 32 lyndon 32 b 46 32. Shortly 32 after 32 the 32 assassination 32 of 32 president 32 kennedy 44 32 then 32 president 32 lyndon 32 b 46 32 johnson 32 ordered 32 an 32 investigation 32 of 32 the 32 assassination 32 by 32 a 32 committee 32 made 32 of 32 members 32 selected 32 by 32 president 32 johnson 46 32 32. Accompanying 32 the 32 president 32 in 32 the 32 limousine 32 was 32 the 32 first 32 lady 44 32 texas 32 governor 32 john 32 connelly 32 seated 32 directly 32 in 32 front 32 of 32 president 32 kennedy 44 32 and 32 governor 32 connelly x27 s 32. Kennedy x27 s 32 new 32 frontier 32 and 32 lyndon 32 b 46 32 johnson x27 s 32 great 32 society 32 you 32 must 32 understand 32 their 32 intentions 32 first 46 john 32 f 46 32 kennedy 32 was 32 not 32 an 32 ordinary 32 president 46 32 32. The 32 new 32 frontier 32 was 32 over 46 after 32 kennedy x27 s 32 assassination 32 vice 32 president 32 lyndon 32 b 46 32 johnson 32 took 32 over 32 presidency 46 32 32.

According to johnson, the most serious effect of poverty is hopelessness for the young. A young person that lives a life in poverty is one who grows up in a broken home, with no descent education, surrounded by a hostile, squalid environment, faces racial discrimination, and lives in ill health. This young man or woman lacks the skills required to survive in a complex society. The war on poverty will give people a chance to develop their skills and use them to their capacity, to share and contribute to achieve the american dream. Johnson argues that history proves that each time america gives people a chance to produce and consume, a new industry is created. Providing new opportunities for those who earn little enriches the lives of the rest of the population. Johnson maintains that the war will benefit all the american citizens since every time we broaden the base of abundance and give new opportunities to those that have little it enriches lives of all.

This is due to the laxity of the politicians on this matter since the poor vote in low rates, and they do not contribute to campaign funds. Most republicans tend to avoid this issue, because they feel that the government has no way of solving it. The democrats avoid it for the fear of the political consequences they can be tagged as liberals.

excerpted from an essay by robert dallek: johnson was much loved and greatly hated not just liked and disliked but adored by some and despised by others. Some people remember him as kind, generous, compassionate, considerate, decent, and devoted to advancing the well being of the least advantaged among us. The journalists rowland evans and robert novak have given us an indelible picture of johnson applying the treatment to people who needed persuading. It was, supplication, accusation, cajolery, exuberance, scorn, tears, complaint, the hint of threat.

He moved in close, his face a scant millimeter from his target, his eyes widening and narrowing, his eyebrows rising and falling. Mimicry, humor, and the genius of analogy made the treatment an almost hypnotic experience and rendered the target stunned and helpless. johnson was a man possessed by inner demons. From early in his childhood he manifested character traits that shaped his behavior throughout his life. As a boy and a man he suffered from a sense of emptiness: he couldn't stand to be alone he needed constant companionship, attention, affection, and approval. He had insatiable appetites: for work, women, food, drink, conversation, and material possessions.

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They were all in the service of filling himself up of giving himself a sort of validity or sense of self worth. Johnson's neediness translated into a number of traits that has a large impact on his political actions. He had a compulsion to be the best, to outdo everybody, to eclipse all his predecessors in the white house and become the greatest president in american history. As journalist nicholas lemann says, johnson wanted to set world records in politics, as a star athlete would in sports. He turned a post with limited influence into the most powerful position in the senate, from which he directed the passage of significant laws affecting labor, the elderly, housing, civil rights, defense, and space exploration. As majority leader, he was thrilled to be the first legislator in washington with a car phone.