Master Thesis Abstract Template Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Submitted by admin on mon, 1am please note the templates and the following instructions are based on ms word 2003. If you require instructions on ms word 2007 or newer version, please visit the learning commons workshops. we have developed microsoft word templates for your use when writing your thesis/dissertation. The point of these templates is to assist you with the formatting so that you can focus on the writing. In order to do that, you must first understand what formatting is expected, and the easiest  way to achieve that formatting. This web site is structured as a tutorial to guide you through the process of creating your thesis/dissertation in microsoft word. Some time spent up front to learn the skills to create such a structured document will save you hours of tedious re formatting before it is time to hand it in. Using these templates from the first paragraph that you write, and understanding the use of styles, will help in you in achieving a consistently formatted document.

Word can automatically generate a table of contents and list of figures with page numbers. There are free drop in classes that you can attend to learn about using word with these templates. the faculty of graduate studies does not offer technical support for the templates. If you need assistance, please visit the above drop in classes offered by the university of calgary learning commons. the template is divided into two parts: one template for your front matter title page, table of contents, etc. You can simply ignore the front matter template until you need it see step 5 , but use the chapter template for each of your chapters.

remember, since all templates are created following the updated thesis guidelines, it is strongly recommended that you follow the updated thesis guidelines as well.

    download the chapter template, standard  or numbered.
save the file to the desktop, onto a usb, into my documents, or wherever you can locate the file again. use the chapter template locate the file saved through my computer or windows explorer don't open word double click on the file or right click and choose new. Word should open, and a new document has been started based on  the template. Can you see the toolbar? if not, choose view gt toolbars gt thesis template for office 2007, the toolbar is under add on.

The sfu library thesis template is a microsoft word file that contains styles created specifically for formatting sfu theses, dissertations, extended essays, and projects. They have been tested in word for windows and mac, and can be used with reference management software. There are two template files available to format your document for submission to sfu library, with numbered headings or unnumbered headings. The library recommends downloading the numbered headings template the numbers can be easily removed with assistance from the theses office at a later date, if desired. The following document is applicable to both versions of the thesis template numbered and unnumbered headings. In addition to reading the template instructions, you can get assistance by attending a workshop or reviewing our online tutorials. A comprehensive list of all sfu library designed styles found within the latest version of the thesis templates is linked below.

The thesis templates contain both sfu library designed styles and embedded microsoft styles. Any style not listed within this document is a microsoft style please avoid using styles that are not listed here. The sfu library thesis template is a word document .docx that includes styles designed to assist in thesis formatting. A word style is a formatting preset that determines font, size, line spacing, and other attributes. Use of styles saves time over manual formatting, and ensures that formatting is applied consistently throughout your document. The library’s thesis templates are designed to minimize the time spent formatting your document.

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There are a number of advantages to using the library’s templates: the template includes styles for formatting all the parts of a document headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, captions, figures, tables, etc. Headings, figures, and tables can be numbered automatically the table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables are created and updated automatically some styles help with layout by keeping paragraphs together: e.g. Table captions with table data if problems arise, they can be easily fixed with the help of the theses office some changes to word's default viewing options and autocorrection settings are recommended. The landscaped pages template is for content usually tables and figures that will not fit within the margins of the thesis template's portrait layout 6 width. Please see the thesis template instructions for information on creating landscape pages and objects.

 the theses office can assist with creating landscape pages or adjusting objects to fit on a portrait page – please book an appointment  for assistance. €�using landscaped pages and sections in your thesis is acceptable but can cause issues with margins and pagination. If you’d like to avoid inserting landscaped pages and sections in your document, use this template to create your object, convert it into an image, rotate it and insert it into your document.

Sfu library does not currently provide support for theses written in openoffice/libreoffice, scrivener, or apple pages. Documents using these applications can be exported to word for use in the library's thesis template. The styles found within this document have been modified from those created by joanie wolfe, in accordance with cc by nc 2.5 ca. The intellectual property present in sfu’s template based file belong to joanie wolfe and are licensed via creative commons attribution noncommercial 2.5 canada cc by nc 2.5 ca . Please note that sfu library does not provide technical support for students who choose to use the latex template.  however, the library has worked with previous sfu graduate students to provide a template and latex class that sets your thesis according to sfu's requirements amp format  before submission. If you run into a problem with the latex template or class, please contact the current maintainer ross churchley as of 1 may 2015. Students with general questions about using latex or problems are encouraged to consult one of the following resources: the sfu thesis latex project is a volunteer effort made by many sfu graduate students over the years.

Thanks to the following students who contributed to the old template: stephen chan 1989 , margaret sharon 1996 , pepe kubon 1997 98 , greg baker 2003 06 , chris mcintosh 2011 , bradley coleman 2012 , juan galvez 2012 , firuz demir 2013 , ahmed saad 2013 , reynaldo arteaga 2014. This should be written in english for master level theses include the title, any sub titles, author’s name, department and chalmers university of technology. Proposal prepared by name in part fulfillment of the degree requirements for the degree level of arts or sciences in degree area. Pandatip: the abstract starts off your thesis proposal by introducing a summary of the complete proposal.