Master Thesis Earnings Management Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Consequently, the group has established four scholarships to be awarded in 2013 to students or student groups at nhh with excellent proposals for master theses in financial accounting or auditing, preferably two scholarships in financial accouting and two in auditing. Each scholarship amounts to nok 40 0 the amount is before taxes , and is awarded on the basis of a master thesis proposal from the applying student or student group. One fourth of the scholarship will be paid out after it is awarded, and three fourths after the thesis is handed in for evaluation given that the grade is a or b. There are some requirements to the proposal and an obligation to take bus430 during the fall 2013: the proposal must be related to financial accounting or auditing. Broadly interpreted, and normally it should sketch an empirical study on the basis of norwegian data, for example a replication of a previously published study using american or international data. The proposal should be about 3 5 pages, and should normally include a short introduction, hypotheses development, test methodology and a discussion about data availability, as well as a list of references.

It is an advantage to discuss shortly the content of the proposals with the financial accounting and auditing faculty at nhh before applying. The applying student or student group must take bus430 financial accounting and capital markets during the fall semester 2013. The research group in financial accounting and auditing is obliged to provide excellent supervision and guidance to students or student groups which are awarded scholarships. The group encourages structuring the thesis in terms of an introduction, two papers and a concluding section.

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Each paper should be approximately 30 pages with references and tables, so that the thesis should be about 75 pages with the introduction and the final section. If finishing the thesis with the prospect of an a, the students should consider applying for the phd program. An example of a possible master thesis, that could be awarded a scholarship, is to study earnings management before large capital issues based on private norwegian firms.

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The research group in financial accounting and auditing has access to accounting data for all firms registered in br nn ysund, as well as for all firms listed on the oslo stock exchange. Earnings management could be measured empirically by excess or abnormal accruals, and the hypothesis is that abnormal accruals are significantly higher in the year before large capital expansions. The first paper could, for example, concentrate on abnormal accruals before equity issues, and the second paper on abnormal accruals before big loans. Or the papers could differ in terms of the first raising a simple hypothesis to be tested, while the second goes further into details, e.g. The second paper could also, for example, analyze how variables related to audit quality affect the extent of measured earnings management.

Applications for master thesis scholarships in financial accounting and auditing should be sent to professor kjell henry knivsfl before october 15th 2013 and awarded master theses should be written in the following spring semester, i.e. The scholarships are awarded after a short time of review by the financial accounting and auditing faculty at nhh. The criteria for accepting an application is that the most likely grade of a thesis in line with the proposal will be a. If there are more qualified applications than scholarships, the best applications will be awarded. Showing result 1 5 of 14 swedish dissertations containing the words earnings management.

This thesis deals with the interplay between education, labor markets and health. It consists of five studies exploiting large scale administrative datasets from sweden. The first study asks if health and educational attainment are related within monozygotic twin mz pairs. Read more showing result 1 5 of 26 essays containing the words earnings management thesis. Background and problem definition: the ceo letter is one significant narrative document through which senior management have opportunity to express beliefs and values to their shareholders. The ceo letter is unregulated in its nature and thereby subject to management opportunism through tone management.