Mba Essay Cross Cultural Experiences Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The 7 short essays are your chance to show us how you communicate your ideas and how you contribute to the world in which you live, whilst also highlighting: your business orientation, your international experience or exposure, your achievements and project/people leadership experience, your extra curricula activities, your values and priorities, your career goals and reasons for wanting to take an mba. Important achievement: what do you consider to be your single most important achievement and why? self development: please comment on a situation where your leadership skills proved to be inadequate and what you learned. What does global leadership mean to you? key differentiators: give us four bullet points that clearly differentiate you, that identify your unique contributions to the program. Reflection: give an example of the most unexpected thing that you 39 ve ever learned. For people who are planning to consider new jobs and/or organizations after the mba: please give us your short term career goal post mba. Which function, industry and geography do you see yourself working in? are these changes for you, and, if so, why? how will you approach your job search? b.

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For people who are company sponsored, confirmed going back to their previous company, entrepreneurs planning to go back to their own firm, and/or members of a family who are planning to work for the family business after graduation: please let us know your short term career goals and plans after your mba. Optional essay: additional information: is there any additional information that is critical for the admissions committee to know which has not been covered elsewhere in this application? imd position sought after graduation essay: please give us your short term career goal post mba up to 5 years. Describe how the imd mba will help you achieve this goal and how you will approach your job search.

20 characters max the maximum length for each essay is 1230 characters including. Imd most important achievement essay: what do you consider to be your single most important achievement and why? 1230 characters max two situations of importance to you: please describe two situations, business or otherwise, in which you were involved and which were of importance to you. 1230 characters max failure to reach objective: please comment on a situation where you failed to reach an objective and what you learned from it. 1230 characters max leadership: describe a situation where you had to demonstrate strong leadership skills.

1230 characters max describe yourself: how do you imagine your superior would describe your strengths and weaknesses to someone who does not know you? 1230 characters max international exposure: describe a situation where you successfully worked across cultures and/or nations. 1230 characters max differentiators: imd receives numerous applications per year. Give us four bullet points that clearly differentiate you from this applicant pool.

1230 characters max length: 684 words 2 double spaced pages rating: red free cross cultural experiences question answered: present the ways in which cross cultural experiences strengthen a continuous development of the world environment. Some view these experiences as a way to interact with individuals who are diverse, often experiencing things unfathomable in relation to one's own life. Some view these experiences as an opportunity to strengthen world relations, promoting the idea of peace and worldwide togetherness. Also, some would say that cross culture is a way to understand people of all races and circumstances, lowering the threat of war and misunderstandings. It is a chance to share the american culture with others, often learning more about a foreign place in the process.

They enrich the lives of those who participate by offering experience, knowledge, patience, and an understanding into one's own culture, as well as into that of those who share this beautiful world with us. Cross cultural experiences allow the partaker to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. This old adage is quite relevant when addressed to the experience of learning in another surrounding. They get to taste the different cuisine, enjoy music, and interact with citizens who are dissimilar. They are becoming aware of the different plights and jubilant exercises someone across the globe views as normal. For instance, if someone from a relatively peaceful country visits a warlike realm, they will understand and see firsthand the variation of the two atmospheres.

When focusing on the situation, it is easier to clarify why certain individuals behave in a different way. Often, america is stereotyped for all types of ideals, such as baseball and apple pie. However, once entered into a new culture, one can adequately portray america for the diverse melting pot and land of opportunity for all races that it indeed is. It offers strong ties to other countries, while promoting the greatness of the red, white, and blue. Due to the recent attacks on america, i am more than convinced that cross cultural experiences are more necessary than ever before. These experiences will show that americans are eager to embrace those of another country. While some feel as if americans are overconfident and smug, this will allow those to see our hunger to learn new things.

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We also want to show that we are a peaceful group, entirely civil and understanding to those who are different. The world is coming to a place where it is no longer one country separate from another. We are seeing the nations evolve as one for a common good, setting forth to destroy evils such as terrorism. The united states has already joined forces with great britain, china, and others to fight off the evil that is trying to infiltrate the land. The cross cultural learning will only continue to promote the feeling of togetherness and respect. I offer that these experiences are the first and most positive step in creating a globe that is highly developed and respected.

Countries who partake in shared learning will remain friendly, peaceful, and better for their assistance. They will experience priceless learning at the hands of those from another locale. Most importantly, the world will be drawn together as never before, showing evils that united, we will stop violence, senseless killings, and war.

The environment will forever be an altered universe, and undoubtedly a better place in which to live. essay submitted by daniel anorga cook isolating a single cross cultural experience is an interesting challenge in itself. I have been raised by my native peruvian mother, with a family spread across many countries, including argentina, brazil, england, germany, italy, spain, sweden and peru.

During college i studied abroad in five chilean cities through the school for international training sit. As a two time fulbright fellow, management consultant and executive, i have advised chilean, venezuelan, and mexican governments, multinational corporations and development organizations on entrepreneurship and international development. Over the past 10 years, i have traveled to 30 countries and spent over four years living in chile and peru. But even with this background, i was unprepared to what i was discover and how much i would learn about myself and society as i began a month long homestay with an indigenous mapuche family on the isla huapi, several hundred miles to the north of antartica. I was here as part of the fall semester of sit and i was to have no contact with other students or the outside world for four weeks. As the bus dropped me off on isla huapi, i began an experience that was at once exhilarating, humbling, challenging and critical to my current understanding of human and cross cultural interaction. Isla huapi is nearly 100 percent indigenous and one of the least developed areas in latin americas southern cone, accessible only by a primitive ferry.

Running water, electricity, public infrastructure and basic consumer goods are all non existent. Nearly everything consumed on the island was gathered, grown or built locally with minimal external contact. Whether or not the westernization of the mapuche is inevitable, justified or beneficial, my personal experiences with the mapuche represented a major shift in my thinking about cultural exploration, understand and communication.