Mba Essay Weakness And Strength Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Almost every mba application asks some version of the strengths and weaknesses question. Whatever the context, the need to define strengths and weaknesses for an mba application is one of the most difficult tasks an mba applicant faces. If you have difficulty knowing your own strengths and weaknesses.

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It can help to read through past performance reviews at work, think about projects where you were particularly successful and why and speak with your colleagues and friends about what their perception. Often your own desire and motivation to involve yourself in a particular task can reveal the areas where you feel strong and the areas of improvement. honesty is the best pol icy and you should be honest about your genuine areas for improvement and the qualities you are quite proud of. For example, you are an analytical and thorough worker who is detail oriented, and yet have a difficulty seeing the big picture in a strategic way. Avoid insincere weaknesses that are clearly strengths disguised as weaknesses.

Statements like: ldquo my driven nature sometimes leads others to dislike working with me because i am always the strongest member of the team rdquo  certainly exhibits a weakness in interpersonal skills. The candidate may have intended communicate a strong work ethic and willingness to take on additional responsibility with such a ldquo weakness rdquo  but the attempt can easily backfire. The ability to discuss your weaknesses candidly is a strength in itself. In general, mba programs are seeking smart, dedicated and self aware students who are able to see themselves clearly and improve and adapt when necessary. Your own ability to understand the areas you might be able to improve is a great way to demonstrate this ability to self assess. The best way to communicate effectively about your own abilities and talents is to show and not tell. Provide a very specific example of a time that you utilized this great quality, and your solid results.

If you are still worried, create a reality check for your own ego by having a friend or family member read your essay and let you know if you are coming across as arrogant. strengths and weaknesses in a recommendation: for some reason, this question strikes more fear in the heart of a recommender than any other. Your recommenders are often concerned that they will expose a fatal weakness to the admissions committee, and somehow ruin your chances. Therefore, many recommenders ask you to tell them what your strengths and weaknesses are. Ideally, when you are asked to communicate your strengths and weaknesses to your recommender, you will be able to take the opportunity to sit down and brainstorm together.

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This can be awkward, but if you are honest about what you think you need to work on and what you are hoping to gain from your mba education, it can be a productive conversation.  make sure that your recommender is able to cite solid steps you have taken to overcome any weakness that is raised in a recommendation. Overall, honesty and self awareness will be noted and appreciated in the process whatever your strengths or weaknesses may be! for a concise, thoughtful guide that will help you navigate the mba admissions process with greater success, order our new book, the mba application roadmap. Structural ceramic materials are important because they are light weight, harder than metals, withstand higher temperatures and are actually stronger. When they do fracture, most high strength ceramics suffer catastrophic failure, which means.

Yourself and that will fuel the success of the next goal, and the next one after that, until there are endless possibilities for you. Start off by writing down each and every goal you want to reach in your lifetime. December 14, 2009 i believe one of my personal strengths in communication is that i can talk to just about anyone. In communication, my strength would be that i have the ability to listen as well as respond. I enjoy having conversation with people of different cultures, because it gives me a chance to learn more about their lifestyle. I have a weakness with communication when it comes to having to speak to a large group of people. My weakness in communication is also when i have to speak in front of the class, or in front of a very large group of people i become nervous, because my weakness of thinking that they are more focused on me than on the information that i will be presenting.

I work at that weakness by having the personal strength to try to make the presentation enjoyable so that the focus will not be so much on the speaker but the information be presented to the group. I have learned through the years that it is important to stay focused on your strengths and not your weaknesses and to realize that for the most part everybody else is probably just as nervous as i am. I try to communicate just the point i am trying to make and have the point understandable to those who are listening. I sometimes have a weakness in the fact that i may be too honest with my answer and do not think before answering. I realize that when you are communicating with people, they really do not want the truth because it hurts and is offensive. I find that it is much easier for me to communicate, when i have knowledge of the conversation being discussed. I am very weak when it comes to starting a conversation and leading the discussion.

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I will avoid a conversation as much as possible when i have to present the information to be discussed. In communication, i am also weak in the area that i will choose to listen more that participate. The weakness is that sometimes my body language will give a different answer than what i would have spoken. When i am using non verbal communication as a point of contact i will point out or agree to something from just listening to the topic being discussed. I focus on my non verbal communication skills, because i want the non verbal to be just as understandable as the verbal.

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With non verbal communication, i try to give more eye contact so that there is no misunderstanding of the communication intended. I find nodding your head helps in non verbal communication, because a nod can say a lot. In having communicated with all different types of people, i once was told that if you stop and think for five seconds before you speak, your communication skills would present themselves in a most intelligent manner. Communication comes somewhat easy for me, because i like to talk, but just talking and not communicating would become a weakness. I try to always have something to communicate to other people that would be beneficial. Whether communicating verbally or non verbally your actions will for the most part, represent how you are feeling about a particular subject or discussion. When it is possible always, try to communicate verbally and have the person you are communicating with acknowledge that they understand what you are saying.

Communication, verbally or non verbally is a very powerful tool and when you understand your strengths and weaknesses in that area you will be able to communicate much more efficiently with people. When you are communicating, with different types of people you will be able to decide if verbal or non verbal communication would be the best approach according to their logic and the logic of the situation and surrounding environment. you can order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on personal strengths and weakness topics at our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with custom papers written by highly qualified academic writers. High quality and no plagiarism guarantee! get professional essay writing help at an affordable cost. when the adcom asks about our strengths and weaknesses in an essay, how do we address that? which weaknesses can be highlighted in such an essay? and how should be these presented to make a positive impact? what things should not be highlighted in this essay? sure, folks. Focus on leadership if you can, because everybody  not just hbs! loves leadership. As for your second strength, find something that allows you to tell a great story. Why? well… why would anyone wanna discuss something negative in their application? so, the trick is to pick weaknesses that somehow shed light  on your strengths.