Narrative Essays About Parents Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Personality includes many characteristics that cannot be passed down through heredity. Personality is determined by the actions and emotions swirling around whomever the personality controls. A child who grows and matures in a rough neighborhood is likely to have a rough personality to match.

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It is almost a form of adaptation that is used to help people to survive in the environment in which they reside. A child who enjoys a particular character on a tv show may strive to act more like them. A change in how the character acts can result in a change in the child's personality. Seeing recent news can also encourage people to become more open minded about a particular subject that they would normally be hostile towards. One example of this is a person who normally would not help others being moved by the earthquake in japan, and begin to volunteer for relief efforts. A mother might be a kind hearted stay at home mom, and a dad might be a hefty hard working man. Their roles will determine the personality of a person because their child will make some of the same decisions their parents made, based on example from them, helping the child decide between right and wrong, preferred and not preferred, fun and not fun.

Billy roberts identity is something that people make for themselves, but there are many different influences in life that can help the person make the decision of what to be. My mom is a good sport, but extremely competitive and that always shows through me in sports that i play. My parents always want me to be myself, but they don rsquo t want me to make bad choices throughout my life.

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Also, both of my parents have lots of self confidence, but they rsquo re not arrogant. The fact that walsingham is centered on god and christianity plays a big part in becoming who i am. Many things can affect the way i make my decisions in life of who to be, but in the end it is always up to me.

Environment and heredity can affect the way that i make choices, but when it comes down to the wire, i am the one that chooses to let those things affect who i am. I make the decision, but aspects of my life influence the way that i make my choices. Everything a person experiences shapes him, so i always try to take something from each experience. I prefer to do things myself because i have trouble relying on other people as i have learned how unreliable people can be. I have a sense of humor because when bad things happen, i have to find a way to laugh it off, or it will stay with me. I am active because when i lived in italy there was nothing to do except to be outside. Then, my friends and i would stay outside until we were forced to go personality is a reflection of life experiences and is always forming.

Our mothers spent time with each other almost every day, so the four other girls and i, though we could not talk, hung out as well. As i grew and was finally able to communicate, i didn rsquo t have to learn how to make friends because i already had them. Going to pre school without these four girls forced me to make new friends, though. This was difficult because i did not know the basics to making friends mdash talking, smiling, and just hanging out.

I did not know how to interact with those who knew nothing about me and i nothing about them. I built an imaginary wall around me in order to see who truly wanted to break it down to enter my crazy life and actually get to know the real me. I learned to make it even stronger since i had learned about harsh judgments people can make based on first impressions of others. In addition, after people get a taste of who i am, they seem to have expectations about who i am, and i do not want to show them whether they are right or not.

These true friends don rsquo t judge me based on what i do because they actually care about me and about building my self confidence. I am so much happier with true friends because i don rsquo t have to put a wall up, but can take it down. I learned this from my four friends from early childhood when we grew up together. They could not judge me because they were too young, and i am thankful i have their acceptance to this day. Others cannot shape my personality, but the experiences i have with them certainly have that power. Sometimes people learn characteristics from their parents because children watch their parents while developing. Sometimes we learn negative behavior if parents are smokers, their children likely will pick up the habit.

In some cases, a boy or girl might want to be a slacker, but parents could make that child a better student by getting a tutor or making sure he or she studies before every test. Although parents can influence a child positively, there can be negative effects too. If a boy has his dreams shut down by his parents, this limits his self esteem and expression and creativity. When a child wants to be or do something, but she has no motivation, a parent rsquo s role is to guide her. This involves learning in reaction to something being modeled that the child does not want to be. I did not want to look at life pessimistically and i am social, so i decided to become believe in the impossible and to make lots of friends.

Because of this positive environment, i have learned to be a friendly, caring student. I can definitely trace how i my identity has been affected by my family and friends. When i lived with the cavazos family, i tried to learn a lot about politics because that rsquo s something that i didn rsquo t know much about, but they talk about politics constantly. When i lived with my grandparents i learned how to make and repair things around the house. From him i have learned about mechanics, the economy, stocks, mixed martial arts, and many other things.