Papers About Love Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 621 words 1.8 double spaced pages rating: red free love is a word with many definitions. Although, webster defines love as a strong feeling of attraction resulting from sexual desire enthusiasm or fondness. But to me love is not just a feeling, but it is the way that you treat the ones you care for. You should treat the ones you love so considerately through your actions they'll know you care and love them. Love in my eyes, is making that sacrifice for someone, knowing that you might regret it sooner or later.

The true meaning of love like what is the meaning of life is one of the questions that will remain unsolved forever. But right now the love is a great thing that should be treasured forever and valued as a important part in your life because it will effect all relationships, romantic or not. Love has not changed at all over the course of history and this makes it the most important emotion anyone could have. Most people take love for granted and worry about it always being there when they need it the most. It is the love we use between our intermediate family and our extended family members. Family love is said to be blind, only to show that love can be shown to anyone no matter condition or problems one can have. Hard times, and times we have as a family, but no matter what the situations are within the family, love is usaully a important part.

Whether it is a friendship between two guys, two girls, or one male and one female, these friendships will develop into love. Friends may fight or move to other areas, but friends will always have that connection they once shared. When we finally find the love we have been looking for, i beleive you can not imagine life with anybody else. Romantic love is a connection between two people that is captured with a feeling that is not only felt within the heart but within their body as well. I have never been in love with a girl, i can only imagine what it might be like to be in love. But, from my observations of my friends and family love just seems like a big headache more than anything else. To simply write a definition of love is complicated because every person has a different perception of love.

The only way to capture the true meaning of love is to experience the feeling and find out for yourself, what love is. Love, in itself is something that will never fade away, no matter who falls in and out of it. The concept of love is one that will change over time, but remains a characteristic of life. When true love is found, it will last forever, and you will probably have the happiest times of your life. Time may change many things but feelings and emotions are a part of that which remains constant. papers we love pwl is a community built around reading, discussing and learning more about academic computer science papers. This repository serves as a directory of some of the best papers the community can find, bringing together documents scattered across the web.

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Lead a session and show off code that you wrote that implements these ideas or just give us the lowdown about the paper because of hard math!. You can contribute by adding pr's for papers, code, and/or links to other repositories. If you need to reach out to us or have ideas for papers, just ask us via our twitter account. Be good to each other and to the pwl community! this article examines the nature of love and some of the ethical and political ramifications. For the philosopher, the question what is love? generates a host of issues: love is an abstract noun which means for some it is a word unattached to anything real or sensible, that is all for others, it is a means by which our being our self and its world are irrevocably affected once we are ‘touched by love’ some have sought to analyze it, others have preferred to leave it in the realm of the ineffable. Yet it is undeniable that love plays an enormous and unavoidable role in our several cultures we find it discussed in song, film, and novels humorously or seriously it is a constant theme of maturing life and a vibrant theme for youth.

Philosophically, the nature of love has, since the time of the ancient greeks, been a mainstay in philosophy, producing theories that range from the materialistic conception of love as purely a physical phenomenon an animalistic or genetic urge that dictates our behavior to theories of love as an intensely spiritual affair that in its highest permits us to touch divinity. Historically, in the western tradition, plato’s symposium presents the initiating text, for it provides us with an enormously influential and attractive notion that love is characterized by a series of elevations, in which animalistic desire or base lust is superseded by a more intellectual conception of love which also is surpassed by what may be construed by a theological vision of love that transcends sensual attraction and mutuality. Since then there have been detractors and supporters of platonic love as well as a host of alternative theories including that of plato’s student, aristotle and his more secular theory of true love reflecting what he described as ‘two bodies and one soul.’ the philosophical treatment of love transcends a variety of sub disciplines including epistemology. Often statements or arguments concerning love, its nature and role in human life for example connect to one or all the central theories of philosophy, and is often compared with, or examined in the context of, the philosophies of sex and gender as well as body and intentionality. The task of a philosophy of love is to present the appropriate issues in a cogent manner, drawing on relevant theories of human nature, desire, ethics, and so on.

The philosophical discussion regarding love logically begins with questions concerning its nature. This implies that love has a nature, a proposition that some may oppose arguing that love is conceptually irrational, in the sense that it cannot be described in rational or meaningful propositions. For such critics, who are presenting a metaphysical and epistemological argument, love may be an ejection of emotions that defy rational examination on the other hand, some languages, such as papuan, do not even admit the concept, which negates the possibility of a philosophical examination. In english, the word love, which is derived from germanic forms of the sanskrit lubh desire , is broadly defined and hence imprecise, which generates first order problems of definition and meaning, which are resolved to some extent by the reference to the greek terms, eros.

The term eros greek erasthai is used to refer to that part of love constituting a passionate, intense desire for something it is often referred to as a sexual desire, hence the modern notion of erotic greek erotikos . In plato 's writings however, eros is held to be a common desire that seeks transcendental beauty the particular beauty of an individual reminds us of true beauty that exists in the world of forms or ideas phaedrus 249e: he who loves the beautiful is called a lover because he partakes of it. The platonic socratic position maintains that the love we generate for beauty on this earth can never be truly satisfied until we die but in the meantime we should aspire beyond the particular stimulating image in front of us to the contemplation of beauty in itself. The implication of the platonic theory of eros is that ideal beauty, which is reflected in the particular images of beauty we find, becomes interchangeable across people and things, ideas, and art: to love is to love the platonic form of beauty not a particular individual, but the element they posses of true ideal beauty. Reciprocity is not necessary to plato's view of love, for the desire is for the object of beauty , than for, say, the company of another and shared values and pursuits. Many in the platonic vein of philosophy hold that love is an intrinsically higher value than appetitive or physical desire.