Post Ww2 Essay Topics Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 461 words 1.3 double spaced pages rating: red free the result of the second world war fundamentally changed canada and its economy started booming. There are many reasons for this change and if you remember, world war i also made a big impact on the development of canada. However, in the next few paragraphs i will talk about how canada gained much more respect and autonomy from the second world war than ever before and also the change from a country into an industrialized nation. After greatly contributing to the war, especially in the battle of the atlantic, canada ended up having the 3rd largest navy and 4th largest air force. Now, for such a small nation of only around 11 to 12 million, this was a large military force. Since canada had done so well in the war already their second world war as a country canada started to grow further and further apart from mother britain.

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Canadians everywhere no longer saw themselves as british, scottish, or american, they were canadian. With such an enormous military contribution during the war, other countries began to recognize the success of canada. However, this was changing drastically after and during the war as industry began to take over as being more important.

After the war, it was only natural that big investments were being made in mining, production, transportation, and services industries. This was also bringing in waves of post war immigration, the backbone of canada’s multicultural society we know today. Because of canada’s boost in the industrial economy and its status in world war ii, job options were abundant.

By 1942 there was a full employment as hundreds and thousands of canadian men and women found work in war industries. In ottawa, with mackenzie king returning to power, the government started to institute major social programs. Just like world war i, the result of world war ii brought drastic changes to canada’s economy.

During canada’s ten year period from 1939 to 1949 to this date there has been no other timeframe in which canada’s economy changed so much. The role played by canada during the war was immeasurable, especially considering the size of the nation, where one tenth of canada’s population served in the military. 23 feb 2016 i 39 m righting an essay on wwii for class, but the catch is it can 39 t be on hitler, it can involve hitler but it can 39 t be directly on him.

Show more i 039 m righting an essay on wwii for class, but the catch is it can 039 t be on hitler, it can involve hitler but it can 039 t be directly on him. Does anyone have any suggestions? best answer what were the results and consequences of war? what contributed to the war? answer is with the treaty of versailles! what did each country do to prepare for the war? why did the allied not attack at the first sign of aggression from britain? they were tired and scared of war. Focus on why france did not attack without british support when germans invaded rhineland. Why did churchill and the allied forces demand unconditional surrender? in what ways did the us benefit the war? which is the country most affected by the war and why? answer is the ussr.

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I think that every 2 out of 3 slaviks were killed because they were ranked 2nd after the jews on hitler 039 s most hated list. They were also right next to germany and hitler believed that the ussr was weak because the bolsheviks were considered 039 jews 039 and the old german monarchy was dissolved. At the same time, industrial factories and cities were destroyed throughout the war. In what ways were it different? what was decided at the yalta conference? what was decided at the munich conference? there 039 s a whole lot of great and amazing questions that one can come up with. If you need help, just email me, i 039 ll be happy to help : i 039 m reviewing for my ap exam, and eh, it would help me in the end xd if none of the questions work for you, just let me know and i 039 ll come up with new ones. I 39 m a third year anthropology and international relations student, but my god i 39 m having such troubles. I 039 m a third year anthropology and international relations student, but my god i 039 m having such troubles finding a good argument for topics in history papers.

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