Relay for Life Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Danbury, ct the refreshing night air gave me some comfort as i neared the end of my lap. My legs felt like i had stood for hours and my arms were so numb i almost couldn rsquo t feel them. Some of my team members were already there setting up for the big event: the relay for life run sponsored by the american cancer society. Our tasks included setting up tents and booths so those walking on the track could stop for water and snacks. The sky was getting dimmer by the second and soon the opening ceremony would begin.

It seemed as if we were sharing their pain as we walked alongside them on this journey, a journey that took not just the body but also the heart. Although only small, white paper bags, they held more meaning than words can describe. Because of this, we were doing more than just making a pretty ring of luminaries, we were relighting the souls of those who had passed away and energizing those still struggling. As the sky grew darker, the luminaries shined brighter and reminded me that though a cancer patient rsquo s life is often gloomy and dreadful, their hearts can be hopeful because they know people are out there looking for a cure. Thinking about this, my eyes began to grow misty and i would have cried had someone not handed me the baton and said, ldquo it rsquo s your turn, don rsquo t stop. As i neared our tent, my body told me to take a break, but my heart and mind told me to keep going.

Cancer patients on the long, painful road to recovery also think about giving up, but they know that somewhere, people are fighting the battle with them. It made me realize how many are willing to take time to help raise money for cancer research and that it takes a whole community to fight cancer, the leading cause of death in the united states. Most of all, it gave me a chance to contribute not only to my community, but to the fight against cancer.

I know that as long as there are people willing to stand together like that, one day, a cure will surely be found. That's why we have been in business so long with many happy customers to show for it. If you want our help today, just register with us online and then fill in the order form. In no time at all, one of our writers with an advanced degree in your essay's topic will begin to craft you a superbly written academic paper.

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Below is an essay on relay for life from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Relay for life in today's modern world a lot of people lost their fight to cancer. Many years ago, cancer was a tabu and no one really talked about the awful disease.