Apa Reaction Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

In a response paper, you do assess the item you’ve been assigned to observe, but you add your personal reaction and impressions to the report. The steps for completing a reaction or response paper are: once you have established an outline for your paper, you 39 ll need to craft an essay using the basic elements of every strong essay, including a strong introductory sentence. In the case of a reaction paper, the first senetence should contain the title of the object to which you are responding, and the name of the author.

The last sentence of your introductory papragraph should contain a thesis statement. Because the paper is assigned to give you a more hands on knowledge of social psychology, you should concern yourself with evaluating the theory and relating it to social experiences you may have had. For example, if you choose to write a paper on gender and throughout the paper you consistently refer to sex when you mean gender. Your paper should flow smoothly, which means that how the paper is organized is just as important as the content. I expect that you demonstrate evidence suggesting you have thought deeply about the concept s and their implications. If you type this paper the night before it is due, or even 2 3 days before it is due, the paper will look like it. If you choose to use a movie to aid in your analysis of a theory, make sure that the paper does not turn into a movie review.

Specifically, 1 margins, double spaced throughout, title page, and a references page. The paper should be written so that it clearly expresses what you know and intend to write. Although an elegant and graceful style is welcome, scientific papers of this nature is not exercises in poetic writing. This means the paper should be written to communicate logically and succinctly rather than to evoke emotional reactions.

Explain In Details How Good Essays Are Supposed to Be Written

As pieces of scientific writing, the function of this paper is to report in logical fashion your reasoning about an issue and your comments concerning the issue. This means that the style appropriate for this paper is differs from everyday conversational style which contains many cursory expressions. Therefore, when you write this paper, avoid using slang and popular expressions such as with it meaning to understand or really into it meaning very interested in it. In addition, contractions, such as dont for do not,are to be avoided unless you are reporting dialogue. Careful organization is a major factor in producing a clearly written piece of work. A paper that is well written inevitably creates a better impression than one that is disorganized and awkwardly phrased.

Gordon Parks Photo Essay Life Magazine

One excellent way to produce an organized piece of written work is to use an outline. One is to organize the paper before writing it out in detail by putting your ideas and thoughts into an outline. If this approach is too constraining or you do not have the discipline to use it, then you can write a section of the paper and afterward try to outline what you have written.

If you cannot outline a section you have written, then your organization needs improvement. To repeat, unlike poetry, scientific papers should show the marks of clear organization and logical thinking. Other sentences within a paragraph should be related to the topic sentence and develop the idea stated in the topic sentence. If you examine your paragraphs and cannot state in a sentence what the paragraph is about, then chances are it is about too much or nothing at all. Additionally, you should avoid paragraphs that only contain one or two sentences, because they almost always represent an isolated thought, an out of order thought, or a misplaced transition sentence. If you find one or two sentence paragraphs in your paper, get rid of them by attaching them to the preceding or following paragraph or deleting them altogether.

Another way to produce a clearly written paper is to pay attention to how you connect sentences within a paragraph and to how you connect paragraphs within a section. The transitions between sentences and paragraphs should be smooth, and consistent with your line of reasoning. Discuss petty and cacioppos elaboration likelihood model of persuasion using advertisements.

Describe and analyze how your own experience s have been affected by one or more of the techniques used in social influence. Observe and take notes on a series of helping behaviors that you see in your daily activities. Try to determine why helping takes place and discuss your findings or hypotheses in light of the social psychological research and theories. I would probably stop and help her because my socially implanted stereotypes have kicked in, and i have quickly evaluated the situation.

This is obviously the wrong way to break the helping situation down but what else do we know. It is harder to change things in certain areas of the world but you have to start somewhere and the best place to start is with yourself. One problem with self report questionnaire is the problem of self basis, which is manipulating ones answers in a more positive regard to favor of ones self. The following paper is indicative of the type and quality of a reaction paper i am expecting from each and every one of you.

The author of this paper approached me and told me the idea the author had for this first paper, which i approved. In a professional manner, the author discusses a very sensitive topic by examining aspects of social psychology and discussing personal experiences. Your approach to your own paper may be very different and that is entirely acceptable. I will not divulge whether this is an a or b paper, but i will tell you that the author earned one of the two. Racial stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination research clearly shows the existence of stereotypes and the power they exert on social thought baron amp byrne, 1997. Baron and byrne 1997 also reported that recent research has shown a strong link between stereotypes and prejudice.

They noted that research has shown that prejudice can activate stereotypes and stereotypes strengthen prejudice which leads to a vicious circle that can have dire consequences on the targets of the prejudice. Today open expressions of prejudice have greatly declined in most countries, however expressions of prejudice in social behavior have become more subtle baron amp byrne, 1997. Even though i was born after the civil rights movement and desegregation, racial stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination all played a part in growing up in south georgia. Stereotypes, as defined by baron and byrne 1997 , are beliefs that the members of specific social groups share certain characteristics or traits. As previously stated, baron and byrne 1997 report that stereotypes exert power on social thought and this affects how we process social information. When information is relevant to an activated stereotype, it is usually processed more quickly than information that is not relevant to the stereotype baron amp byrne, 1997. Additionally, baron amp byrne 1997 report that people who hold stereotypes are more likely to pay attention to information that is consistent with the stereotype than to information that is inconsistent with the stereotype.

Information that is inconsistent with the stereotype is either ignored, refuted, or subtly changed so as to be consistent with the activated stereotype baron amp byrne, 1997. Stereotypes may be activated and influence our thinking without our being consciously aware it has occurred and without our intent baron amp byrne, 1997. This effect occurs when we encounter members of a specific social group with which we hold a stereotype and can be reduced if we are cognitively busy baron amp byrne, 1997. Baron and byrne 1997 report that stereotypes require cognitive resources which may not be available if we are busy thinking about other things. However, at home i was exposed to the stereotypes that my parents had formed about members of specific social groups. One example of a racial stereotype that i often overheard was that black people like fried chicken. It was also often said that black people like soul food or foods such as collard greens, turnips, and corn bread to go along with their fried chicken.