Essay for Gender Inequality Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Like others, a social problem that is widespread in american society is gender inequality. It is important to understand what gender inequality is in order to identify and correct the problem. Two sub systems that gender inequality can be found are in the family and in the workplace.

Gender inequality, in my definition, is the unequal and biased treatment between the two sexes. I strongly believe that the unequal treatment of women is something that should have stayed in primitive times. We are in the present now and we are far more advanced than we ever were and yet we are old school in our thinking of how men and women should be treated. I can strongly identify with gender inequality because many of my closest friends have faced it or still face it. Materialist theories define gender inequality as a result of how men and women are tied to the economic structure of society.

They believe that women's role as a mother and wife are devalued by society and deny access to highly respected public opportunities. Gender stratification refers to the ranking of the sexes in such a way that women are unequal in power, resources, prestige, or worth. Materialist theories indicate that gender stratification is increased where women's work is dedicated toward the family and men's work is dedicated outward trade and the marketplace.

There is an old saying that can apply to gender inequality this is a man's world. Women have always been a step behind men because society has not accepted that women are just as capable as men. Knowing this to be a fact, its hard to accept that society can be so insensitive to women. Even in the sophisticated world that we live in, we can see gender inequality play an activ you have not saved any essays.

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Throughout many decades women have been struggling to be equal to men, both at home and in the work place. Women have come a long way and are certainly fighting to gain that equality, but gender roles are very important in our society. They have become important in life from birth, and society continues to push these gender roles.

The treatment of the male gender is very different from that of the female, and this issue has become very important to me, as a woman. As children we learn and adapt to specific gender roles, and as we grow they become more evident and more important to our role in a society. Because of this discrimination, social mobility has been difficult, but is definitely changing to benefit women. Women of the late 20th century are fighting more to end the discrimination, and a lot has improved. It is an issue that affects everyone, and people have to realize that women are stronger, smarter and involved with the world much more than they were a half a century ago.

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The controversy with this issue however, is that many people don't believe that women belong in high powered positions. Many men believe that women aren't aggressive enough and strong enough to handle the sometimes high pressure that comes with some positions. Others believe that women are better off taking the traditional gender role and staying home to take care of the family and household chores. Men only do 20 to 30 percent of the housework, and this is the expectation of many people on society today.

This same controversy is not only seen in the united states, but in europe, asia and africa as well. The internet has been a very useful source for informatio in sociology the word gender refers to the socio cultural characterization of man and woman, the way societies make a distinction between men and women and assign them social roles. The distinction between sex and gender was introduced to deal with the general tendency to attribute women's subordination to their anatomy. For ages it was believed that the different characteristics, roles and status accorded to women and men in society are determined by sex, that they are natural and therefore not changeable. Gender is seen closely related to the roles and behavior assigned to women and men based on their sexual differences.

The birth of the son is celebrated, the birth of a daughter filled with pain sons are showered with love, respect, better food and proper health care. Boys are encouraged to be tough and outgoing girls are encouraged to be homebound and shy. Gender inequality is therefore a form of inequality which is distinct from other forms of economic and social inequalities. It stems not only from pre existing differences in economic endowments between women and men but also from pre existing gendered social norms and social perceptions. Gender inequality has adverse impact on development goals as reduces economic growth. It hampers the overall well being because blocking women from participation in social, political and economic activities can adversely affect the whole society. Many developing countries including india have displayed gender inequality in education, employment and health.

India has witnessed gender inequality from its early history due to its socio economic and religious practices that resulted in a wide gap between the position of men and women in the society. The origin of the indian idea of appropriate female behavior can be traced to the rules laid down by manu in 200 b.c. By a young girl, by a young woman, or even by an aged one, nothing must be done independently, even in her own house. In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead to her sons a woman must never be independent. Statistics reveal that in india males significantly outnumber females arid this imbalance has increased over time. From a global perspective india accounts for 19% of all live births and 27% of all maternal deaths.

The deaths of young girls in india exceed those of young boys by over 300,0 each year and every 6th infant death is specifically due to gender discrimination. In fact, gender has been the most statistically significant determinant of malnutrition among young children and malnutrition is a frequent, direct or underlying, cause of death among girls below age 5. Adult women consume approximately 1,0 fewer calories per day than men according to one estimate. Consequences for women they never reach their full growth potential, and suffer from anemia, which are risk factors in pregnancy. This condition complicates childbearing and results in women and infant deaths, and low birth weight infants. The tradition also requires that women eat last and least throughout their lives even when pregnant and lactating. A primary way that parents discriminate against their girl children is through neglect during illness.