Impact of Community Service Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Community service is one of many ways to help the surrounding community and make society a better place. There are many different forms of community service which include volunteering at local hospitals, churches, fire stations, clinics, and schools as well as other public or private organization within the community. Each task preformed at any of these establishments may help improve not only the economy of the society but help the performance of the organization. The efforts put forth to better the surroundings may benefit the host organization but the main reason to help is the eternal reward and the feeling of accomplishment towards others.

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Some have always asserted that it's the government's job to take care of people in need and others claim that private charitable organizations and individuals can shoulder the whole burden of helping those in need. Government assistance will continue only if voters firmly express their desires to see the continuance of particular programs. Private assistance will continue only if enough of us ask ourselves, in our hearts, whether we can afford to give of ourselves. But i believe if people really cared about their community their would be no need for government involvement. People would donate their money to private organizations out of morality and for good of the community. Private organization should take over all community service programs so the government can focus on other issues that are more important. length: 614 words 1.8 double spaced pages rating: red free when people hear how many hours of community service i have done, they ask, do you get paid? when i say no, they wonder why i do it.

Many think that community service is just something you are forced to do for school. I like making people feel as though they matter, and it gives me a warm feeling at the end of the day because i feel i have made a difference. Some people do community service because they have to, but i do it because i want to. I helped children complete their homework assignments and spend quality time with them while their parents work late. I read to the children and played with them when their parents do not have the time. For the past three years, i have assisted the adult volunteers at the after school care program at parkview elementary. This program is one in which, parents can leave their children supervised by adults while they work late.

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This gave me the opportunity to talk to them just one on one and see what they were like. Since i began in november 20, i have been going every weekday until my mission was accomplished in december 2001. I have worked with them on completing their homework, reading books, and many different things.

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I wish everyone had the chance to do a project like this and see how much fun it is. You are not only helping others, but in a way it helps you by making you feel special and important to someone. Completing a community service project is required for graduation at my high school and in miami dade county.

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Once i found a project, i stuck firm with my plans and was determined to help the children. In concern to the time used, i did not spend a lot of time deciding what i wanted to do because my little sister was in the aftercare program also. In total, i shared 310 hours of my time with the aftercare program and its many participants. I am surprised that at the end of each friday, i go home feeling as if i take more than i contribute. I hope to continue mentoring not just throughout high school, but for the rest of my life.