Ethics In Writing Research Papers Text

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academic dishonesty and macintyre's view of virtue: a 5 page essay on alasdair macintyre's after virtue and the application of his philosophy to academic dishonesty amp ethics. The writer explains his views on emotivism, virtue, and the state of modern moral discourse. personal ethics and the good life: a 5 page paper that considers what elements are necessary for determining the good life and happiness.

By providing numerous examples, the writer supports the belief that morality and personal ethics are necessary elements in achieving internal happiness. kantadu.wps ethical theory / kantian perspective abortion is not always wrong: a 5 age paper arguing that abortion is not always wrong from the perspective of immanuel kant. aborkant.wps immanuel kant 146 s concept of good will analyzed: a 5 page paper which examines german philosopher immanuel kant 146 s good will principle as articulated in his 1785 work, the fundamental principles of the metaphysics of morals also known as the grounding for the metaphysics of morals. Specifically analyzed is why good will is considered to be good, according to kant, and how it is expressed. gdwillan.wps moral traditions: man is able to take into consideration the motivations as well as the consequences of their decisions and behaviors. Man has the ability to reason, as opposed to acting from natural instincts or compulsion. Thus, the biological imperatives are supplanted by the ethical considerations of moral judgment.

Kant, in the foundation of the metaphysics of morals explains that the only moral motive is to act from respect for the moral law. The value of mankind is determined by this ability to define ethical behavior and adhere to moral traditions. It is the essence of human behavior to define right from wrong in the quest for community and transcendence. This 5 page paper examines briefly the ideas of kant, john stuart mill, aristotle and williams concerning the basis for moral tradition. ktmorals.wps kant and the ethics of choice: a 5 page paper that investigate the significants of intention or consequences on the moral and ethical decisions of individuals. This paper supports kant's theory that though man may incorporate personal and sometimes selfish considerations into the process of ethical determinations, this does not negate the moral applications of these choices. At the same time, kant's theories call in to question whether the effects of moral choices, whether good or kant 146 s moral law and mill 146 s utilitarianism: a 5 page paper discussing beginning differences in kant 146 s and aristotle 146 s views of the individual 146 s rights and whether those of the individual are higher than those of the state in which he lives.

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Kant maintains that the rights of the state overrides those of the individual aristotle 146 s view is that the highest rights are those of the individual. kantari.wps the philosophies of kant and mill: throughout time man has attempted to understand the motivations of moral conduct. The associations between the individual and the establishment of society have been the subject of numerous debates and discourses that included the primary consideration of moral or ethical beliefs in the instigation of laws and, or the ethical meaning of community. Immanuel kant has presented one viewpoint in the foundations of the metaphysics of morals that is founded on his belief that the worth of man is inherent in his ability to reason. This 5 page paper asserts that john stuart mill holds another opinion as presented in the book, utilitarianism that is seemingly at odds with the thoughts of kant. ktmilknt.wps the practical application of the theories of kant and mill: immanuel kant and john stuart mill are philosophers who addressed the issues of morality in terms of how moral traditions are formed. The philosophies of so many great thinkers over the ages have contributed to the study of morality and to the question of what is virtue? that in order to really come to grips with writing a term paper on the subject.

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Usually requires at least a few years of solid background in the study of philosophy. Scimago journal rank sjr: 1.491scimago journal rank sjr: 2014: 1.491 sjr is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s impact. Impact factor: 2.890impact factor: 2014: 2.890 the impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. © thomson reuters journal citation reports 2015 5 year impact factor: 3.544five year impact factor: 2014: 3.544 to calculate the five year impact factor, citations are counted in 2014 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years.

© journal citation reports 2015, published by thomson reuters there is no one qualitative method, but rather a number of research approaches which fall under the umbrella of lsquo qualitative methods rsquo. The various social science disciplines tend to have different conventions on best practice in qualitative research. However ss amp m has prepared the following general guidance for the writing and assessment of papers which present qualitative data either alone or in combination with quantitative methods. Are the methods of the research appropriate to the nature of the question s being asked, i.e.

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principles of selection qualitative research is often based on or includes non probability sampling. The unit s of research may include one or a combination of people, events, institutions, samples of natural behaviour, conversations, written and visual material, etc. If authors were not required to obtain ethical approval as is the case in some countries or unable to obtain attain ethical approval as sometimes occurs in resource poor settings they should explain this.

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Please anonymise this information as appropriate in the manuscript, and give the information when asked during submission. Procedures for securing informed consent should be provided any ethical concerns that arose during the research should be discussed. The process of analysis should be made as transparent as possible notwithstanding the conceptual and theoretical creativity that typically characterises qualitative research. For example how was the analysis conducted how were themes, concepts and categories generated from the data whether analysis was computer assisted and, if so, how who was involved in the analysis and in what manner assurance of analytic rigour. For example steps taken to guard against selectivity in the use of data triangulation inter rater reliability member and expert checking the researcher rsquo s own position should clearly be stated. For example, have they examined their own role, possible bias, and influence on the research reflexivity ? consideration of context the research should be clearly contextualised.

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