Argumentative Essay for Gun Control Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Recent events such as the shooting  in connecticut's elementary school and the shooting in a colorado theater at an early morning screening of the dark knight rises have persuaded many government officials to support gun control laws. However, many government officials still hold to the 2nd amendment, which bluntly states. The government should not control guns rights to extremes, but it shouldn't let us have too much freedom.

Constitution and most state constitutions guarantee the right to bear arms, but the courts have ruled that this right may be strictly controlled. Supreme court, 1 this ruling by the supreme court basically means that there are no restrictions to what the government can do to change and revise the 2nd amendment to their liking. The government can put all the restrictions they want on our right to bear arms, including firearms. Gary kleck, a professor of criminology at florida state university argues that gun control laws have not reduced crimes. Egendorf, 1 isn't the government trying to lower crime by making gun laws? it's not working, the crime rate is not going down.

In fact, if stricter gun laws were placed upon our country, the crime rate would most likely go up, seeing as that there would be a greater amount of helpless citizens that would be easily targeted by those wishing to rob, murder, or steal. Another reason that the government should not be able to place extreme gun control laws on the united states is that, according to a survey i performed, 65 out of 100 people do believe that gun control laws violate the constitution. This just shows that the american people do not agree with the supreme court when it comes to the supreme court's ability to restrict our right to have guns.

There is a statistic that states that 52% of the nation believes that common sense gun control laws should be implicated. Greenhaven press, 1 this sort of statistic supports the government on creating gun laws, but it doesn't give the government the power to make all the gun laws they want to, or gun laws that would restrict us extremely. The american people just do not agree with that, which brings us to our next issue of this debate. Anyone in the united states at any time could purchase any firearm that they wish, even if they are a crazy killer that's planning on massacring a group of people.

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If people were allowed to do this, then the people that purchased weapons would not be recorded in any sort of database, and any crime committed with that weapon would result in the evidence left over not adequate enough to convict or even figure out who committed the crime. The amount of crime that would result from this would overwhelm our departments meant for controlling crime and would make a lot of people happy that the government is no longer controlling us. Engler, 1 that many weapons without any way to keep track of who has what would encourage criminals to commit crimes for which they have a small chance of being caught, which would therefore increase the amount of crime and the amount of death in the united states, and this is all because of those that thought the government was not trying to keep us safe.

According to the survey that i performed, 65% of people believe that gun control laws are violating the constitution. Question is, what would be happening in our country if we did not have the government giving us all these laws? our country would most likely be in chaos. Extreme and no gun control is not the answer to the problem we're facing at this time. Extreme gun control would do nothing except make the united state's citizens angry with the government and rebel against it, while no gun control would mean total chaos. Moderate gun control would protect everyone that would be at risk from criminals who wish them harm.

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It is already practiced today, as a way of keeping track of those who purchase weapons, mainly for the purpose of knowing who owns a firearm that has committed some type of crime. I have an assignment in my university class dealing with an argumentative essay. Show more i have an assignment in my university class dealing with an argumentative essay. The current assignment is to write an outline of at least six pros of gun control and at least six cons of having gun control.

Well there are no pros to gun control unless you are a criminal or a gun grabbing politician. Can it be supposed that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants, they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. Implementing a gun control policy will not really be effective in making all guns vanish in society. This policy will also not do anything to make guns safer in essay or paper on argument for gun control.

The key thing is the more difficult you make it for someone to buy a gun, the fewer people will probably own guns.argumentative essay gun control. Our team of professionals is going to help you write essay for college or university. Just ask and we will make one with highest quality.argumentative essay on gun control students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others. Students should consider the following points when looking for essay writing services to write essay for me. This is one of the main concerns of students, as they do not have a lot of cash to spend freely. A company should offer their services at reasonable prices, but this should be compared to the quality of their services.

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