Argumentative Essays on Going Green Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Going green is a concept that includes doing what is necessary to save the environment. This may involve simple tasks such as using reusable bags when shopping to avoid wasting paper and plastic bags. There are products you can buy that help reduce your carbon footprint on the environment. The idea of reusing materials to save the environment does not sit well with a lot of people. Some feel it is too much work while others feel little money is being saved for such a big effort. Others feel harmful toxins is not that big of a deal but they make better products. Opinions continue to conflict one another but more efforts are being made to save, preserve and protect natural resources that could one day be no more.

There are various things people can go when going green that is easier than you think. On a small scale, when you think about your family you could buy products that are organic, locally grown, or made from recycled materials. They may reuse certain containers they purchased, grow their own food, or find different uses for old household items. There are other elements of going green that may become costly depending on your budget and situation. There items such as appliances to light bulbs that can be obtained while being made to be more energy efficient. There are companies and individuals seeking creative and useful ways for people to go green regularly.

It seems more has to be done to encourage more people to do so instead of providing written information about its benefits. This is another option that can help families and businesses save money in the years to come. More attention is being brought up regarding this concept since questions have been raised about natural resources and how much longer they will be in existence. Navigationskip to content oppapers.comresearch papers and essays for all joinloginwriting serviceuploadblogfollow us join search going green home page»recreation amp sports»travel we have many premium term papers and essays on going green. The act of greening involves incorporating green products and processes into an environment, such as the home, the work place, and the general lifestyle.

Participating in our school’s effort to become green , we have been assigned to carefully study the ways to turn an old building. Here are a few tips that got me motivated to turn our world lime green.: today when walking around to the store i saw a huge sign designed by some strange old man standing by the side of the road that said, please help the world go more green. Our world is trying to go green, but we are so far into pollution with gas from old musty factory buildings and littering that it might be kind of hard to just throw away all bad things and start over fresh in just a matter of months. From an estimate more than likely it would take years and years but not anytime soon to deplete our world of all pollution and go green. That is why today would be a good time to start our going green process! going green is a matter of saving up energy and water supply to try and save planet earth from more harm than humans have already caused.

If you are one who wants to save our earth please listen to some of the tips i am about to give you maybe you can put these few things into action for a start to a new world. When turning your computer on set your device onto energy saving settings and make sure to shut them down before leaving for the day. Inkjet printers give off a good amount of energy, so shut them off and unplug them until they are occasionally needed.

Digital age is the era our nation is living in, and weirdly we still consume mass amounts of mashed up tree pulp that usually gets tossed in the trash or in the recycling bin. Try to use your computer for filing instead of using squeaky old wood filing cabinets. Greenprint is a brand new software used to eliminate blank pages from documents before printing and also converts to pdf for paperless document sharing. Americans spend an average of 47 hours per year commuting through gridlock traffic. Carpooling, biking, walking, or public transportation can put less of a strain on our environment. If non of that appeals to you consider getting a hybrid, motorcycle, or an electrically motorized vehicle.