Culture Shock Problem Solution Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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First when visitors arrive at the host country with new culture they are excited and enjoyed. But after a certain amount of time, depends of capability to adjust to new culture, they start feeling frustrated and depressed due to problems. When i arrived in united states, after a period of time, i found myself to be alone.

My background in english was not weak and i thought i wouldn't problem in america. Moreover i thought i could find job in united states right away due to my background. On the other hand knowing english isn't enough to talk to people and communicate with them. They need to study and investigate their culture culture shock is a problem we face up to every day, especially when we travel abroad.

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Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety results from losing all the familiar signs and symbols of the social intercourse. To deal with this, we should find out the reason for ir and understand how it is influence our lives. Misunderstanding native languages including body languages or being unfamiliar with new food are responsible for the culture shock. When you visit a foreign country, you will find it difficult to understand the language, even when you know the language, that makes you buzzled. Some people use slangs so you can 039 t look them up in the dictionary to get the real meaning, for instance, when you are in vietnam, you will hear a man say something like ong noi may day when they want to threat or play a joke.

My friend, who is studying in german told me that the first time she came there, she couldn 039 t eat cheese or pizza, that made her lose 5 kilos in 1 month. And what is effects of these problems? misunderstanding the languages makes you confused so much. For example, when westerners visit vietnam, they may feel disturbed when hear what are you doing? or where are you going?. And the strange food sometimes makes you suffer from intestinal disturbance, especially when you taste tropical food.

Become friendly with native people, get used to with new food will make you feel more comfortable and cosy. In conclusion, culture shock should always be studied carefully so that people can feel easier to adjust to new enviroment and haven 039 t to meet culture shock. I would best describe culture shock as a roller coaster ride fun and exciting, yet a little scary and daunting. It happens from country to country, from state to state, city to city and within neighborhoods. culture shock 1 definition of culture culture as the most complex terms has countless different definitions ranging from complicated phrases to the simple statement describing culture as the way we do things around here. The widely used definition of culture is that of meads 1951 , a body of learned.

Are you working on your upcoming problem solution essay on culture shock? this is a very fascinating subject to write about because we live in a multicultural environment nowadays. In the first place, you should define the problem so as to be able to develop an effective solution. For instance, if you have travelled to different countries, you may have an idea about this phenomenon. Cultural differences become more evident when you go abroad, as the common signs and symbols that we are used to disappear.

People expresses body language in other ways and we could get confused in the cultural shift if we do not get ready for this experience. There are some common signs which define this phenomenon, such as language misunderstanding or unfamiliarity with new foods. Even if you speak a foreign language, there is always a lack of understanding when you are abroad. The accent and the slang makes the experience puzzling speaking another language at the street is not as easy as listening to a foreign language in a classroom. Then, how can you get ready for the experience beforehand? once you have explained the problem, you should proceed to develop the solution. Therefore, you should present some alternatives to your readers, such as: keep an open mind. in order to minimize the possible effects of the shock, you should think about it before going on the trip. Doing some mind work will always ease any confusing situations which make take place.

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