Body Image And Advertising Essays Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 2141 words 6.1 double spaced pages just be is a familiar slogan to the current american culture. It is the slogan of a well known designer, calvin klein, who, in his advertisements, supposedly promotes individuality and uniqueness. Yet, calvin klein, along with all known designers, does not have overweight or unattractive people on his billboard ads, on his runways, in his magazine pictures or on his television commercials.

Moreover, the movie, music and the mass media corroborate with the fashion industry in setting and advertising a certain standards for a physical ideal of a human body. Such propaganda promotes the public into depriving themselves of needed nutrition and generates eating disorders within people in order to fit the set standard of the physical ideal. The negative attitude towards overweight population of the modern society is a sociocultural phenomenon. If one examines the artwork as relatively recent as the works of the renaissance period, it can be witnessed that women who were somewhat chunky, were considered beautiful and they were painted and sculpted. Fleshy men and women are in the masterpieces of such artist as michelangelo, de vinci, rafael, goya y lucientes and etc. Love handles, fat deposits and skin folds were regarded as attractive and were applauded. Cleopatra, for example, was praised for her beauty, yet by modern standards she would be considered overweigh.

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1996 ethic differences in women's body satisfaction: an experimental investigation. 2001 disturbances in a social body: differences in body image and eating problems among african american and white women. Advertising is such a standard in today's society, it is almost impossible to imagine living without it. Advertising can be found in newspapers, magazines, television, internet, billboards, and costless other ways moran, 2004. Women of all ages see a variety of images, which could cause a multitude of reactions, both negative and positive.

The purpose of this research project is to look into the ideals women have about body image and determine if, and what affects advertising and media images have on the perceptions that have been developed over the years. One of the most effective forms of advertising is to tell people that there is something wrong with them or their lives. One of the outcomes of such a strategy is that people really do begin to believe that there is something wrong with them. When people begin to believe this, negative body image becomes a very real problem in today's society. Looking at the other side of the issue, some women find this strategy completely powerless to them and they have a positive effect and become stronger because of the advertisements. Having very thin models representing the women of the american society is all over the media and causing people to stop and look into this issue. Though not all companies are using this strategy, a majority of them have now and in the past.

Are the companies who are using the more average women pushing to be more politically correct or is it just another ploy to bring in the larger market? or will using two different body images, like cover girl has started to do the last couple of years, become the way to be more to win over the market? these issues are some that i hope to get answers to through my research and the research that others have already done. Not only do women have perceived images from the media, but also what kinds of pressures do the men who also see the advertisements add to the women around them? is the media trying to use i was inspired writing this article because the media has protrayed certain images to our youngsters makin them feel the must look muscular or skinny inorder to acheive anything in life. Even though everyone has an opinion about what his or her perfect body would be, changing one 039 s personal features would take away from individuality. I personally would never have plastic surgery because when i look at myself, i do not see a tall, skinny young man with a funny looking nose and big bug eyes, rather i see a beautifully sculpted masterpiece that god has made just for me. I take pride in the fact that there is no one else on this earth exactly like me.

Not just my inner beauty, but my outer beauty makes me different from everyone else. What’s body image? body image is how people picture themselves and how they think other people picture them. It is basically how you feel about your body, and it includes your perception, imagination, emotions, and physical sensations. Mass media has been able to shape popular culture and often influence public opinion. Images portrayed by the media tend to make people strive to be someone else 039 s idea of perfect while subconsciously ignoring their own goals. Stereotypes formed by the media that include thin, tanned women, and wealthy, muscular men have led to a decline in self acceptance.

The majority of media today often present the perfect body to the public, hoping that consumers will strive to achieve fitness using a certain product or idea. While this form of advertising may somewhat increase a product 039 s market share, many people suffer from inner conflicts as a result of failure to achieve the body of a top athlete or fashion model. As a result of these body images projected by the media, men and women have encountered physical problems, including bulimia, anorexia, employment of harmful dietary plans, low self esteem, and depression.

Unless reality is discerned from what is presented in certain media, some people will continue to suffer. Consumers could find the truth more easily if media offered products advertised by everyday people without the entire extra glamour. In addition to this, if the public could view adverts only as something to get one 039 s attention and not a portrayal of how one should look, there would be fewer problems. Until either is accomplished, the negative effects will be felt by the vulnerable, and companies will continue to make their money. Consumers which are given a false impression about a product through various forms of media are the ones who suffer most from our society 039 s portrayal of the perfect body.

After being influenced by a television commercial or a magazine pictorial, certain people in this world will purchase an item hoping that the same success shown in the media will be achieved by them as well. Every day, people who feel unattractive wear sensual cologne, and those who are not athletic wear carl lewis track shoes mentally, some may feel an improvement but in reality nothing has changed. Realization of this fact leads to the demise of many individuals 039 self pride. The severity of both the mental and physical damage done to the person depends on the case. Some may resort to extreme diets, more unnecessary spending, or a decline in social activity. After being rejected at a local bar despite the bath he took in polo sport, jerry might finally understand that his appearance or personality is the problem, not his cologne. The mental effects of the mass media 039 s portrayal of the perfect body can cause people to resort to unhealthy methods of losing weight to attain that athletic look that so many desire.