Call for Papers European Business Research Conference Text

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This conference is organised by european centre for business and economic research ecber , wbi london bca aust usa , and world business institute, australia and sponsored by six international peer reviewed refereed journals. Paper submission guidelines, review process acceptance notice: please send us a copy of a completed or nearly completed paper or an abstract in word file by 27 july 2012. To submit your paper please click on 'submit paper link' on the website and fill in the form and attach your paper and click the submit button. All papers will be double blind reviewed and outcome in terms of whether accepted or not will be announced within two weeks after arrival of the paper. Written feedback and publications opportunity: the most important feature of this conference is written feedback on your paper in the form of paper evaluation report which will be provided in writing after the conference.

Quality papers having original contributions will be considered for publication in the following international peer reviewed and indexed cabell, ulrich, era etc journals: journal of business and policy research. World journal of management, global economy and finance journal, international review of business research papers, global review of accounting and finance, world journal of social science and world review of business research, subject to compliance to review report, editorial comments, conference feedback and payment of applicable subscription fees. Best paper award and conference proceedings: those who register for the conference, their papers will be published in the conference proceedings with isbn via a dedicated website which can be accessed and viewed by researchers around the world. Outstanding papers will be considered for publication in one of the above sponsoring journals. Further information: for more information please visit the links provided in the conference website program chair: professor dr.

Please read and follow the link manuscript submission guidelines before your submission. Review process takes about three days for abstract and a week for full paper and would notify the acceptance as soon as review process is over. Publication opportunities: you will have the opportunity to publish either in affiliated journal or sponsored journals. Journal of global entrepreneurship research is an affiliated journal published by springer and the journal will independently consider high quality papers.

Outstanding papers will be selected for publication in sponsored journals: journal of business and policy research. World journal of management, global economy and finance journal, international review of business research papers, and global review of accounting and finance and they are indexed by cabell, ebsco and ulrich of usa and australian business deans council abdc. Written feedback awards and feedings: unlike most of the conference, we deliver written feedback on your paper soon after the conference.

Best paper award and outstanding paper award in each track will be conferred by the program committee. The registration fee includes four tea/coffee and break time foods plus two hot buffet lunch at 5 star hotel in rome, printed program book and conference proceedings. Further enquiries and information: please visit our website program chair: professor dr.

All papers will be blind reviewed to ensure quality and timeliness of the research.  there is publicatio0n opportunity without any submission fee. Submission, review process and notice of acceptance: please send us  either abstract or full papers by 29 february  2016 please note you can submit papers at any time before this deadline via our dedicated email address: [email protected]. All abstract and/or full papers must include title, the name and address of the corresponding author, email address and the field of research and we will not accept any paper without these information.  times taken to inform the review outcome is  about 3 days for abstract and 7 days for full papers. Authors needing long time for funding approval must send their abstract well before the submission deadline. All proceedings will be linked to google scholar and london academic research and publications ltd.

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For wider readership.  papers which clearly show contribution to the body of knowledge will be considered for publication in our other journals subject to full compliance to review reports and payment of applicable paper processing fee. Award, written feedback, conference feedings and registration fees: best paper award will be announced soon after the conference and these papers will be published in one of international peer reviewed journals. Unlike other conferences, we will provide written feedback on the paper presented. In addition,  participation certificates, payment receipt, name badge, lunch card and  program book will be provided.there are several options for conference registration fees and these fees include arrival, morning and afternoon break foods and lunch for 2 days. Registration fee starts from us$450 and please see the registration fee schedule. Please click on links provided on the conference website  for more details.

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For further enquiries please contact nuha jahan via email: [email protected] international program and review  committee: professor dr. All papers will be double blind reviewed to ensure quality and timeliness of the research. Please send us either abstracts or full papers by 29 february, 2016 please note you can submit papers at any time before this deadline via our dedicated email address: [email protected]. All abstract and/or full papers must include the paper title, the name and affiliation of the corresponding author, email address and the field of research. If you have only submitted an abstract and want to publish in one of our journals, you must send us the full paper by 21 march, 2016.  times taken to inform the review outcome is about 3 days for abstracts and 7 days for full papers.

Authors needing long time for funding approval must send their abstracts / full papers well before the submission deadline. Yet today’s electronic communications markets and policy are tested by the sheer abundance of online content and its need for distribution through multiple channels and regardless of frontiers. Access to a wide variety of relevant content is key to democracy and the exercise of fundamental rights, just as the freedom to express oneself and disseminate and access content irrespective of means of communication is fundamental for pluralism.

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Moreover, content creation, distribution and consumption are increasingly occupying a crucial role for the success of online business and european competitiveness on the internet. Besides authors and media companies, internet users also increasingly generate content, which in turn contributes to the richness of diverse information available to european citizens, and beyond. The more access to content becomes valuable, the greater the stakes in securing a prominent role in the selection and distribution of content, especially in the online environment.

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The presence of network externalities and centripetal forces on the internet, coupled with a relatively favourable regulatory environment in many legal systems that grants a menu of safe harbours to online intermediaries, has led many online intermediaries to occupy a remarkably large space in the internet ecosystem. These new powerful players have come to disrupt and also replace traditional publishers and content distributors as the real intermediaries between content producers and consumers. To eu policy makers such trends can be ambiguous either representing the disruptive forces of competition or as indicators for new points of control in the internet ecosystem.

Some commentators and policy makers argue that structural, aggressive policy measures are needed, from network neutrality to platform regulation, and antitrust interventions such as even breaking up large intermediaries to limit their ability to capitalise on their vertical and conglomerate integration. Others argue that the new online intermediaries represent a welcome disruptive innovation that should be allowed and enabled, as they bring further benefits to consumers, and as they introduce innovative business models such as personalized services and predictive algorithms. The european commission recently acknowledged in its digital single market strategy the growing importance of creating a fertile environment for content creation and distribution. Priority has therefore been given to content related policy initiatives such as reforming copyright law, evaluating the fitness of legislation on audio visual media services, and taking action against detrimental geo blocking practices that limit cross border access to content.