Cause And Effect Essay About Computer Addiction Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

hey guys, i was just wondering if anyone out there that is pretty good in the grammar and punctuation department could read over this paper and tell me what to change? i happen to always miss something when proof reading it myself and being that we 039 re on spring break and campus is closed, it would be awesome if i got someone elses opinion before class on monday. Thanks in advance, be as critical as you need to be! cause and effects of computer addiction cause and effects of computer addiction in the 21st century, computer addiction isn 039 t all that uncommon anymore. Now , that anyone can get a relatively good pc without breaking the bank, more people are getting hooked without even knowing it. I can personally attest to computer addiction being a real problem in society today remove today /. It all starts when you open the internet browser for the first time and find something that is capable of holding your attention for what seems like only minutes, which eventually turns into hours long sentence.

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World of warcraft is one of the major time 039 sink holes 039 fullstop , but let 039 s not forget about the companies that produce and support 039 mini games 039 on facebook like 039 farmtown 039 , 039 yoville 039 , 039 mafia wars 039 , among others. Urges to stay online with the promise of more in game currency and experience points. Most of us have stayed on the computer much longer than we had originally intended. But, when you start looking for signs of addiction you can almost always notice the same pattern. The typical pattern is as follows: never use this in you essay : lost track of time, conscious efforts to cut back on computer time and repeatedly failing, thinking frequently about the computer when not using it, or constantly looking forward to the next opportunity to use it. Others tend to use the computer as a means to 039 escape 039 from the 039 real world 039 when they 039 re feeling depressed or stressed. The beginning stages of addiction begin when your need to stay online takes check your idea.

Where is the subject of each one precedence over going out with friends and being socially active. Relationships begin to wither as the user stops attending social gatherings, skips meetings with friends and avoids family members to get more computer time. Even when they do interact with their friends, users may become irritable when away. Eventually, excessive use of the computer can cause cause is always followed by a noun, not a verbe the user to withdraw completely from society. When the user is constantly gaming on the pc no abbriviation , it can cause someone to place more value on something within the game rather than things happening in their real lives, such as choosing to compete in a 039 tournament 039 at 5 pm very precis detail 5 pm/ write the numbers in letters when they have class at that time. Some of the long term effects of computer addiction which include include what? but are not limited to: carpal tunnel, diminishing eye sight, weight gain, back problems, and blood clots from sitting at the computer for too long.

As for the late night computer sessions, these can cut into much needed sleep time. Long term sleep deprivation can cause drowsiness, problems concentrating, and slowing of the immune system. Computer addiction can also indirectly lead to poor overall physical condition and even obesity. Sooner than later, the consequences of computer addiction will catch up to the user. Late night use or misuse on the job will affect overall job performance, which could eventually lead to demotion or job loss. As the addiction takes its toll on your immediate family and significant other other what? , it may eventually lead to a failed marriage. While medical professionals do not agree that it is possible to become addicted to the computer do not use 92 ,/ in your writing.

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Computer and internet /internet, it is withou doubt a real problem in today 039 s society. With technology advancing every day and computers continuously getting cheaper, it 039 s only going to get easier and more convenient for children to stay at home on the computer rather than going to play outside with their friends. Doctors from around the globe suspect an even larger increase in childhood obesity and early onset diabetes as more children are choosing to stay 039 connected 039 for longer time frames. Is computer/ and internet addiction a real threat to our society? only time will tell. I think i just need to focus on the effects of this problem, is it right ? secondly, some people are so addicted that they only turn of their computers when they go to bed. For example, one day i got up and realized that i couldn 039 t see anything clearly. Something had happened to my eyes and all i could do then was sleeping and waiting for myself recover.

That 039 s horrible period ! do you think they are reasonable or i need to find another effects. Do i need to add any thing for those two effects above ? serious causes of computer addiction technology has developed so much that it is almost crucial to have electronic devices at home. Our life has gotten so used to having technology around us that we can’t imagine our lives without them. However, while having electronic devices at home could be comfortable and handy at times, it could also have negative effect on children, especially on teenagers. But teenagers, who always seek fun activities around them, use computer to play games, chat with friends and to catch up with the latest gossip on celebrities. Computer can cause teenagers to be physically, and mentally ill, and the more the child spends more time on computer, the more he/she loses time to focus on academics, and to talk to their family.

Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order technology is one of the major assets in today's world. Some human being living in this world surely uses technology in their everyday living.

Nowadays, technology does have many uses and advantages yet one cannot deny, it also has some disadvantages and one of this is video game addiction. Cause and effects of the video game addiction recommends some solutions video game addiction is excessive or compulsive use of computer or video games that interferes with our daily life. Instances have been reported in which users play compulsively, isolating themselves from other forms of social contacts and focusing almost entirely in game achievements rather than broader life events. Retrieved june 25, 2007, there are some possible causes that are related to this addiction. The first possible cause is that in the hypothetical world created by such games, gamers become confident and gain satisfaction which they cannot get in the real world. Second, many video games satisfy the basic psychological needs like rewards, freedom and connection with other players and lastly, video games are becoming increasingly complex, detailed and compelling to a growing international audience of players. And since the problem is a relatively new phenomenon, the exact cause of game addiction is unknown.

In south korea, video games were recently blamed for the deaths of four young men. A four month old baby also died after her parents left her unattended to play world of war craft. First is that it displaces physical activity and the time spent upon studies, with friends and even with family. Psychiatrists are concerned about the wellbeing of children who spend much of their time with video games that they may not develop friendships, get some outdoor exercise or suffer in their schoolwork. For sure that a child who spends most of his time playing video games may be prone to violence and may be at risk for behavioral and other health problems. Among mental health professionals, there are those who maintain that in playing video games, certain children can develop a sense of proficiency which they might not otherwise achieve. However, other authorities speculate that performing violent actions in video games may be more conducive to children's aggression than passively watching violent acts on television.

According to this view, the more children practice violence acts, the more likely they are to perform violent acts clark, 1993. Some educational professionals, while allowing that video games permit children to engage in a somewhat creative dialogue, maintain that this engagement is highly constrained compared to other activities, such as creative writing provenzo, 1992 a problem shared by those who rate violence in television and video games is that the definition of violence is necessarily subjective. Given this subjectivity, raters have attempted to assess antisocial violence more accurately by ranking violent acts according to severity, noting the context in which violent acts occur, and considering the overall message as pro or anti violence. There are no grey areas in the behavior of game characters, and players are rarely required to reflect or make contextual judgments provenzo, 1992. Ratings of video game violence have developed as an extension of ratings of television violence. Among those organizations that have attempted to rate television violence, the national coalition on television violence nctv has also developed a system to rate the violent content of video games. The nctv system contains ratings that range from xunfit and xv highly violent to pg and g ratings.

Another 44.3% and 15.3% received the other violent ratings of xv and rv, respectively. A total of 20% of games received a pg or g rating nctv, 1990.some educational professionals, while allowing that video games permit children to engage in a somewhat creative dialogue, maintain that this engagement is highly constrained compared to other activities, such as creative writing provenzo, 1992 excessive use of video games may have some or all of the symptoms of drug addiction or other proposed psychological addictions. Some players become more concerned with their interactions in the game than in their broader lives.

Players may play many hours perâ this essay has been submitted to us by a student. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays day, gain or lose significant weight due to playing, disrupt sleep patterns to play and suffer sleep deprivation as an effect, play at work, avoid phone calls from friends and/or lie about play time. Relationships with family and friends and performance at work or school may suffer tanner, 2007. In the world of video game addiction there's an increasing evidence that people of all ages, especially teens and pre teens, are facing very real, sometimes severe consequences associated with the excessive use of video games.most adolescents like to spend their free time playing video games. Soon, friends, family, schools, and eve personal hygiene are neglected as nearly every spare moment is spent playing the game.

When i first saw the game of my best friends i asked them curiously how to play that kind of game? because i don't really know how to play depends of the ancients commonly called dota. I was a third year student when i had been influence by my best friends to play such game, since the day i've watched them play, i was tempted to play too, it just looks like interesting and fun…at first it's really hard for me to learn that game, first of all we don't have computer at home. But, i learned from my companion because, in every time they play, i play too, even i'm not as good as them. Since then i always play without realizing that i'm playing too much, wasting time just playing.