Computing Phd Thesis Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

This guide is aimed at those involved in phd research into computing, but much of what is said here applies to all phds. Although a successful phd is commonly judged by one having 1 completed a written phd dissertation the thesis. It is usually not clear how these two objectives can be achieved within a given time typically 3 years. The path to a successful phd is necessarily a hard but rewarding process of conscientiously developing and mastering the skills for independent research and leadership. It is important that one must pay attention to the following basic skills: formulate plans to meet short term and long term goals, learn to meet deadlines under difficult circumstances nothing is absolute, timing is the essence. Be able to identify the underlying reasons for changing plans and goals of research.

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One must learn to tell the difference between goals and approaches taken and not to be easily distracted by the latter. Learn to communicate by formulating a message through presentations and publications to which peers are interested in listening and reading. Have initiatives to make a novel contribution to existing work. Be able to draw conclusions from what one sets out to achieve even from apparently negative results ! keen to learn the skills to evaluate peers work through reading groups, literature search, and publication reviews. Keen and be able to demonstrate the importance of ones research to both expert and non expert audience.

Help a student to define a small project in the first year with a definite deadline, say before april of the second year for september start. This will highlight problems in approach and if conducted to conclusion can lead to a conference paper. establish a supervision committee typically the supervisor plus another two academic staff at the beginning of first year in order to advise and review the student's progress throughout the following three years. Make sure the student is familiar with the professional standards of published work by suggesting at least one good phd dissertation to read and regular reading groups to attend. Ensure that the student understands that original research can only come about after extensive review and analysis of existing work published or otherwise , and requires dedicating time! help the student to write concisely and logically. Graphical illustrations can lead to dramatic improvements in the effectiveness of writing. Attend weekly supervision meetings and research reading groups with notes on research in progress, methods attempted, and papers read.

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Treat research like a job and maintain average though flexible working hours minimum 8hrs per working day. encourage the student to give informal seminars and dry runs of conference presentations. Help the student to learn how to face criticism and acquire presentational skills. Arrange first year progress review for the student with the supervision committee to make sure that the student who fails to make adequate progress by time of first year report june july is encouraged to resubmit by september. encourage independence after the first year and make sure a student is able to set ones own goals and meet deadlines. Help the student to understand underlying problems when one fails to meet deadlines.

Ensure that second and third year students help in the training of first year freshmen and that a student makes active contributions to research group activities, such as organising seminars and reading groups. Encourage final year students to give group seminars before writing dissertation and to help organise story line and the structure of ones thesis. Encourage a student to read as widely as possible outside ones discipline and to discuss ones research with friends and non experts. Phd dissertation of quality on time 3 years and successfully defending the dissertation in the oral exam. Actively seek to meet and express ones views to experts in the field at workshops, seminars and visits. Be able to stimulate the supervisor with novel findings and directions of new research.

Be resourceful and be able to benefit from peers in ideas, implementations, proposals or demonstrations do not try to reinvent the wheels all the time ! keen and can pass on the research and knowledge to the next generation of research students. A phd dissertation must not be merely a record of all the work one has carried out over three years! it is essential to appreciate that a phd thesis is not a report of everything one has attempted and experimented. It is about formulating a story to convey a message s that presents novel contribution s to the chosen field no matter how small the contributions may appear to be. The dissertation should be structured to include: problem statement identification of unsolved problem and reason for solving it: the nature, purpose and motivation for the investigation should be clearly stated. The thesis approach and whether the aim s was substantially achieved should be made clear.

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Background review the context status of research in direction of solution: the relevant background material and limitations of existing methods. The candidate must show that one has adequate knowledge of the subject and of the literature and can critically place ones work in a wider context. Find solutions development of ones own ideas and theoretical framework supported by mathematical analysis. Demonstration of the solutions implementations, justifications for assumptions, evaluation and analysis of results.

Assess the suitability and limitation of ones solutions, evaluate the importance of the contribution comparative evaluation against other methods, both analytical and experimental. Reproduced by kind permission of professor sean gong, professor of visual computation, department of computer science, queen mary university of london. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of findaphd. Mapping subtasks with multiple versions on an ad hoc grid, parallel computing, special issue on. That has something to do with parallel programming, high performance computing, cloud computing. .phd thesis on parallel computing students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others.

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