Cause And Effect Essay on Long Distance Relationships Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Long distance relationships have their ups and downs, just like a regular relationship has. However, when it comes to the bottom line, are they really worth it? yes, they are 100% worth it when true love is involved. If two peoples' love is so strong, no distance should be able to come in their way. I recently experienced a long distance relationship and i learned that the distance makes the relationship more unique and special than the ones that most people would think of. Although we went through a lot of hardships and difficulties, it was worth it at the end. Though we didn't see each other much, sometimes i think that's better it made the time we spent together extra special.

It is very difficult to love someone so much and at the same time acknowledge the fact that it isn't possible to physically have them present. Since the individuals aren't always together, compassion and affection can't be shown at all times. Unlike ordinary relationships, not only must there be trust between the two, but also within one's self.

In a standard relationship, trust within one's self is not as great because it is not as needed. However, in a long distance relationship, when the couple can't always be together and it isn marriage and relationship break ups are one of the worlds top controversial issues. It is often contested about and causes people to suffer from psychological problems. Specially for teenage couples who are not mature enough to manage the sacrifices that long distance relationships require. Studies were conducted and found that most of the couples involved in a long distance relationship will break up.

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One of the major reasons why relationships fall apart is the lack of communication. For it can lead to misunderstandings and can even ruin a relationship no matter how deep it is. Communication and quality time are one of the most important things to manage a relationship. It is a way of expressing ones feelings and through it couples get to know each other much better. That is why, the problem occurs when a couple doesnt understand each others behavior. Where in student needs to focus on their studies and are having a hard time balancing their time between relationship and school.

It is one of the most stressful and depressing events that could happen in ones life. Studies show that one out of five teenagers experience depression after a break up. They have a hard time moving on and they get confuse about the things around them. They have sleepless nights and keep on thinking about the reasons why such thing happened.

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It may be hard to understand the reasons behind goodbyes but one day everything will be alright. Long distance relationships from relationship break up is causing depression from men are from mars and women are from venus from long distance relationships from you have not saved any essays. Currently, upon entering college as a transfer student, i find myself working at a long distance relationship. I feel that activities such as going to class, studying, and becoming more involved in the ucla community have been different for me than for students not involved in relationships. As with most other students, fitting in with new people in a new environment is very important.

I find that with someone else having a large affect on the decisions in my personal life, there is an added dimension of stress on my social life. I have other things on my mind on top of building new friendships, and they have effected the decisions i have made. I'm sure that there are pressures that students at ucla feel when involved in relationships with people outside of our school. Whether there are adverse effects or positive influences from each individual relationship, there is no denying that there is some sort of consequence. Students in relationships often have different interests and goals, and i am curious as to whether these factors have an impact, be it positive or negative, on their social adjustment to college life.

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This subject is of personal interest to me because, as a new student, i need to know whether i will be able to handle both my college relationships and the outside factor of a long distance relationship. Knowing the difficulties that my peers endure and the history of personal relationships among students will help me to put my own life at college in a new perspective. Things have not been easy for me so far, and it troubles me to think that my priorities might change as far as my personal life as well as my education are concerned.