Classroom Management Research Paper Text

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effective classroom management is determined by the main task of the education sector: to promote the development of the students personality. To exercise an effective classroom management, a teacher has to stand in the position of assistant to the student, the person contributing to achieving the students objectives. It is necessary to make the teacher student interaction predictable and understandable to the student, so that he could make a choice, to make independent decisions. Use free sample research papers on effective classroom management for better understanding of the fact that the main task of the teacher in the classroom when working with student is to teach students to set goals, plan, evaluate the results of their activities. Classroom management is the process of maintaining an effective learning environment in the classroom that causes in students a desire to work actively without violations of discipline.

if classroom management is indeed effective: students spend more time learning the teacher is not distracted by the comments to the students behavior, various retreats he is able to begin the lesson in time because of the ability to calm the children and setting the working environment in the classroom. One of the most important tasks of the classroom management is to increase the actual time of the educational process classroom management is used for the development of effective self organizational skills, the teacher teaches students to take responsibility self management and awareness , sets the rules and procedures for joint activities. classroom as an object of management is characterized by the following parameters: multifaceted environment. It is important to teach children to be active all the time to perform various tasks, use the training material. Teacher needs to respond immediately to the huge amount of incoming information – verbal reaction and silence, smiles and quarrel, resentment and misunderstanding. The teacher interchanges information with students literally hundreds of times a day. Students always see if a teacher is right, whether his actions are right or he is unfair.

An important classroom management task for the teacher is to achieve this goal by increasing the mutual aid between students in the classroom, as well as training cooperation, such as creating micro groups to work on the task. Proctor of red river college, classroom management is a set of teaching behaviors by which the teacher promotes appropriate student behavior and eliminates inappropriate behavior, develops good interpersonal relationships and a positive socio emotional climate, and establishes and maintains an effective and productive classroom organization. In short, classroom management is the organizational techniques of the teacher that keeps the classroom in order and on task. In fact, punishment as a form of discipline to gain control is a last resort cummings, 20. Cummings states our goal is to establish a community of learners who feel bonded and connected such a community exhibits self discipline and perseverance and takes responsibility for learning. Giving students the ability to bond and connect with other students on the same level is a great asset to any classroom.

The not so surprising finding that the more time students spend on task, the more likely they are to master that task seems to dictate that we should devote our time to the standards, not to teaching self control cummings, 20. Classroom management has the greatest effect on student learning, as compared with other factors including cognitive processes, home environment and parental support, school culture, curriculum design, and school demographics. Teachers need to anticipate what skills and work habits students need so that they can demonstrate high levels of performance on state and national standards.

Cummings, 20 in making an effective classroom discipline plan, i believe that standards are a great stepping stone. Standards set by schools and scholarly teachers are usually created from experience and experience can be an asset to a novice teacher. Having standards is just the building blocks to build your classroom management plan from. They give you ideas of things that work so that you can move forward in making them effective in your classroom. Particularly devastating to the nation’s youth have been sharp increases in the numbers of children and teenagers who are abused, who live in poverty and who commit suicide, says charney.

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More of our children will bring awful baggage to school baggage which will seriously impair or compromise their capacity to learn and to be with others. The baggage that they can bring into the classroom is caused by this responsibility. If they were allowed to learn on the level that i learned years ago, they might be less stressed and more willing to work with the assignments and tasks at hand. It seems almost like we are going back to the 1800s when children started slave labor at very young ages.

Although our children are not necessarily thought of or treated as slaves, the emotional responsibility they hold is just as overwhelming. I want rules that we like, not because they give license or permission, but because they help us construct a community that is orderly and safe. Both teacher and student success can often be traced back to the ability of the teacher to effectively manage the classroom. Research shows that effective classroom management and organization during the first few weeks of class are crucial in determining expectations, behavior patterns, and procedures that will set the tone for the rest of the year. Effective classroom management is essential in maintaining an organized, and civil classroom. You want students’ to develop an understanding of mutual respect by making expectations clear, and providing written ideas of how the classroom should be managed. The keys to effective classroom management are organization of procedures and resources, a well arranged classroom environment, monitoring student progress, anticipating and handling classroom problems, and designing an effective learning center.

By providing these management skills in the classroom you will clearly and effectively manage any classroom, and go above and beyond expectations. Organizing procedures and resources is the first management skill to focus on when developing an effective classroom management plan. From day one it is important to go through daily procedures with students by offering an example of daily activities. Create an example of a daily schedule for the students’ to read over and ask any questions that they may have. For example if your classroom participates in elective courses, make sure your students’ understand that everyday they will not have art from .

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Prior to the first day of class your classroom should be properly organized with teaching aids and resources organized and put away in areas that can create the most effective use of these resources. For example if you have worksheets that correlate with certain math lesions, you want to make sure that these worksheets are labeled and ready to be copied and handed out to your students’, so that they can take advantage of these helpful worksheets. For example if your classroom is doing research on a certain animal that each student must research and present to the classroom, a helpful resource during this research would be, the internet. With this being said it is important to schedule research time in the computer lab so that students can use resources on the internet to expand there research limitations, while also allowing students’ to ask questions and become more computer savvy.

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Running head: snyder’s classroom management classroom management x edu650: teaching learning and leading in the 21st century instructor: snyder’s classroom management snyder’s classroom management culinary arts/home economics a. Goal the goal of this classroom and program is to ensure that all students who are taking a great interest in professional cooking, and have enrolled at a upper high school level grades 11 and 12 vocational program, are prepared in knowledge with basic culinary skills that will promote their preparedness for higher level technical studies. Students will receive hands on experience, knowledgeable book studies, valid daily instruction, and modern world trends that occur in today’s market. The five qualities that contribute to excellence in teaching are passion for collaboration, commitment, achievement, caring and trust spurr, 2010, p.