Dissertation Words Per Section Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Your dissertation should be bound using what is known as fastback or channel binding. You are required to submit two bound copies which are retained by the department. You can get this done either at the unis print shop fastback binding £2.50 per copy or at avs. The maximum length of the dissertation should be 70 words, excluding references, although 50 words is recommended and it should be written in a journal paper style and format.

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A maximum of 80 words is acceptable for dissertations that present qualitative data. Appendices can be attached, if desired, which can include expanded descriptions of techniques or extended descriptions of data summarised in the results section. Allow margins of 1 inch at the top and bottom, and a 1 inch left margin and a 1 inch right margin. Figures should be numbered consecutively and inserted as near as possible to the point of reference in the text. Each figure should be accompanied by a brief caption, and where necessary a clear legend. The first page of the dissertation should be devoted to the title together with your urn number, not your name immediately underneath this should appear the following words: a dissertation submitted to the university of surrey in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of bsc hons in psychology centred below that statement should appear the year in which the dissertation was submitted.

The second page should present a statement of contents, together with appropriate page numbers. The third page should be given over to a summary of the, dissertation of not more than 200 words. The format and style of the dissertation should follow that of a published journal paper. These headings are fairly self explanatory, but the following notes are intended to clarify the scope of each section. When you come to write your dissertation you should not feel constrained to write it using the exact format suggested below.

The following notes are offered as a guide but are not prescriptive, and may not be appropriate for the project you are presenting. That is what they are there for! a useful tip is to consult journal articles presenting studies closely related to your own to guide your own presentation. Additional tips regarding your write up are available on the psychology homepage at begin with a clear indication of the content area of the dissertation. You should then summarise the present state of knowledge of the topic under study.

An exhaustive literature review is not expected, nor should you simply regurgitate all you have read or heard that might conceivably have some bearing, however remote, on the issue at hand. The aim is to establish the focus of your study and to set the stage for what follows. When deciding on the content of the introduction indicate any theoretical issues involved and outline the findings of earlier investigators. If appropriate, highlight any contradictory findings which your study might clarify. In a well written introduction, the last few sentences should follow naturally from what has gone before. The aim of this section is to provide the competent reader with sufficient relevant detail to enable him/her to repeat your study in all its major aspects.

This section normally comprises a number of sub sections: participants: this section might include details of age, sex, socioeconomic level, cultural or educational background, and intelligence range of subjects who participated in your study. This section can be omitted if no apparatus or materials are involved in the study. Procedure: describe exactly what procedure was followed with each subject or group of subjects and indicate what measures were taken and how they were recorded. This section may include a reference to the interview schedule which should be included in the appendix in the case of qualitative studies. 4.3.3 results/analysis/findings begin this section with a statement of how the data under consideration were generated from the recorded observations.

Do the data represent frequencies, scores per subject, or what? if tables or figures are employed, insert them close to the point of reference in the text. Describe the method of statistical analysis employed where appropriate, report summary statistics and make a brief, clear statement of the meaning of the results of statistical analysis. The text in this section should make clear to the reader what the main features of the results are.

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Indicate whether they turned out as expected and whether your hypotheses if any can be accepted or rejected. Assess the significance of your results in terms of issued raised in the introduction. If inadequacies in the design of your study have become apparent, suggest how they might be overcome in future work. In the case of qualitative research, a section entitled self reflection may be introduced in which to consider possible biases which might affect the research. No new material you need to list in full all the sources that you have cited in the main body of your dissertation. There should be a perfect match between the citations in the text and the items in the references section. Remember that second hand citations should not be listed, only the material that you have actually read.

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