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Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Also in intracranial disorders circulation, due weakness vessels, the current should weak and in applying electrodes, says that, in faradization, well moistened, sponge electrodes are used when desired reach the muscles for a single muscle, the olive pointed electrode. To galvanize for single muscles and separate nerve trunks, use small electrodes for large groups and pain in many nerve filaments, use large, well moistened sponge electrodes. In galvanization the head, the seance should not exceed five minutes in neuralgia, a longer time in sciatica, about fifteen minutes repeated every four hours several ejements enter into the composition pain the peripheral irritation, the transmission the impression the centre, and its realization consciousness. Hence, pain may relieved either interrupting its transmission the centres conscious impiesuions, or suspending the functions thebe centres. For example, aconite and gelseminum relieve pain in the former manner, and the ansesthetics in the latter.

The ansesthetidsy when applied locally, however, have an company report writing effect similar that aconite, and are, therefore, antagonistic both peripheral and centric neuralgia. When a few minims chloroform are injected into the neighbourhood a nerve trunk, the peripheral expansion the nerve put into an ansesthetic and analgesic condition and since introduced this method treating sciatica, cervioobrachial and intercostal neuralgia, coccygodynia, and other neuralgias nerves in accessible situations, his experience has been extremely satisfactory. The needle must inserted deeply, since merely inject chloroform under the skin, like morphia, perfectly useless in such neuralgias, unless the nervetrunk in the immediate vicinity.

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