Coca Cola Marketing Research Papers Text

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On the 14th of june coca colas soft drinks were banned from the markets in belgium and later also in luxemburg and france. Two failures in the bottling system were the cause for the nausea that the people suffered. According to the article it would have been better if they would have acted fast and told the whole truth. Coca cola is in an ologopolistic market and therefore branding plays a great role. In the ologopolistic market the firms dont compete with price, but rather with advertising and other non price strategies. Therefore one can predict that this scandal has shifted the demand curve to the left.

The government should make coca cola increase their health controls internalise their externalities , if scandals of this sort happen again. They can enforce this by either subsidies reward of in this case taxation punishment. People who would usually only buy coca cola due to the heavy advertising might try a substitute during the time of the ban. According to the zero sum game, the lose that coca cola is making right now is directly proportional to the profits the other firms are making in the respected market. Coca cola will need to take further actions to restore their brand name that they have established throughout all these years.

A strong brand has very length: 1545 words 4.4 double spaced pages the coca cola company was founded in 1886 by john pemberton, a civil war veteran and atlanta pharmacist. He was inspired by his curiosity as he stirred up a fragrant, caramel colored liquid that he brought down to a place called jacobs’ pharmacy. There he added carbonated water and let several customers sample the new concoction. This inspired curiosity has now grown to be the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups.

This paper will focus on an analysis of operations of the statement of cash flow reports and a vertical and horizontal analysis of the consolidated balance sheets. Also an analysis of the global financial condition of the coca cola company and the value of goodwill and other intangible assets will be discussed. The statement of cash flows reports a firm’s major cash inflows and outflows for a period. This statement provides useful information about a company’s ability to generate cash from operations, maintain and expand its operating capacity, meeting its financial obligations, and pay dividends. There are three types of activities to look at in this statement, which are cash flows from operating activities, investing activities, and financial activities 3, 2005. When analyzing coca cola’s statement of cash flow, the first thing to note is a steady increase in operating activities within the past few years.

From 2001 to 2003 the cash from net income increased from $4.1 million to $5.5 million. The operating activities is often the most important cash flow of a business because it shows the cash from revenue compared to the payments made for expenses 2. The cash flows from investing activities are cash flows from transactions that affect the investments in non current assets. Some of these include investments in bottling companies purchases of property, plant and equipment and purchases of investments and assets. From 2001 to 2003 it went from $1.1 million to $9.3 million, showing a slight decline 2.

Some of these include the issuances of debts, payment of debts, issuances of stock, purchase of stock, and dividends. There has been a steady increase in this section from $2.8 million to $3.6 million from 2001 to 2003. Also, there has been an increase in purchase of stocks and an increase in dividends paid out making this a fairly safe investment prospect 2.

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When analyzing coca cola’s consolidated balance sheet you can compare the assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity between different years. In this case, i compared 2002 to 2003 and did a vertical and horizontal analysis. In a vertical analysis of the balance sheet, each asset item is stated as a percent of the total assets and each liability and shareholders’ equity item is stated as a percent of the total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 3, 2005. There were a few minor percentage changes in coca cola’s assets but for the most part stayed relatively close. From 2002 to 2003 the changes went as followed: current assets increased.6%, investments and other assets increased.9%, property, plant, and equipment decreased 1.9%, and intangible assets increased.4%. In the liabilities and shareholders’ equity sections of the balance sheet there were minor changes to all the categories but not a significant amount. Current liabilities decreased by 1.3%, long term and others decreased 2%, common stock decreased.4%, capital surplus increased.3%, and retained earnings increased 3.4%.

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