College Writing Assignments Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Write a text message to a girl apologizing for the series of drunken text messages you sent her at 2 a.m. Write a justification for taking time off from work and school to figure out what it is you really want to do. Write an obituary for a family member who was, by all accounts, an emotionally distant asshole and unaccomplished poet.

Write an e mail to your professor explaining why youve missed his/her class so many times. Write a thank you note to your aunt for the wedding gift she meant to send to your younger but already more successful brother. Write a letter to your parents notifying them that you have decided to drop out of law school and they wont be getting back any of the money for this semester, which only started two weeks ago. Write a post it note to your landlord with a feasible yet non cliché explanation for being late on this months rent. Write and practice reciting a monologue in which you explain to a girl that you arent a scumbag like your friend s who slept with her and then didnt call her. Write another monologue in which you apologize to the same girl for not calling her after you slept with her two weeks ago. In literature gives you an advantage over people who have degrees in business, finance, or economics.

Write an e mail to your dad with not so subtle hints about how youre overqualified for the only openings you can find and how the job market is just not what it used to be. College courses demand many different kinds of writing that employ a variety of strategies for different audiences. You may be required to write long essays or short answers in response to examination questions. You may be asked to keep a journal, write a lab report, and document the process you use to perform research. You may be called upon to create a design document, write a business report or plan, and report on the results of research. These are only some of the many types of writing you may engage in throughout your college career. College writing, also called academic writing, is assigned to teach you the critical thinking and writing skills needed to communicate in courses and in the workplace.

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To acquire and practice these skills, you are asked to write many different types of assignments under different circumstances. Sometimes your instructor will assign a topic and define the audience sometimes you will have to define and limit the topic and audience yourself. In any case, college writing teaches you about the series of decisions you must make as you forge the link between your information and your audience. For example, you must decide what sources of information you will use, how you will interpret this information, how you will organize your ideas, and what words and strategies you will use to explain your ideas. Your college writing experience will teach you about the writing process and about writing for particular disciplines, such as those in the liberal arts and business management specializations. College writing offers you the opportunity to learn many different strategies for approaching writing tasks so that you may communicate how much you know and understand about a subject to a particular audience, usually your classmates or your instructor. The expository nature of college writing, with its emphasis on the knowledge you gain in your college courses and through research, makes such writing different from your previous writing and perhaps more challenging.

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Instructors may expect your essays to contain more research, show more awareness of differing points of view, and even reflect more sophisticated expository techniques, such as argument and persuasion. The main sources of the content of your college writing will be assigned textbook readings, library books and articles, your experience, and even field studies you might have designed. You will often use the skills you learn in college writing throughout your career. Expository writing focuses on information and the manipulation of that information. Student services: 1616 mccormick drive, largo, md 20774 the main purpose of english 101 is to introduce you to the conventions of academic writing and critical thinking.

And while academic writing means different things to different people, there are some common elements. We write to communicate to others whether they are colleagues, professionals in their fields, or friends. For that matter, the process of writing is epistemological a way of coming to know. Writing can become a medium for self reflection, self expression, and communication, a means of coming to know for both the writer and reader. learning to write requires writing.

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Ultimately, writing takes practice, and as a writer, you will have opportunities to write both in the classroom as well as outside. With that said, the goal i have for this class one that all writing courses share is to give you, as students, enough practice writing so that you will become more effective writers by the end of this course than you were at the start. Also, you will develop a greater understanding of what you need to consider to continue to develop as writers. as we delve into this semester, i hope you will discover also that writing, reading, and learning are intricately intermeshed.

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Writing is based on experience experience with a text or personal experience and that reading is a means to broadening experiences, especially when actively engaged by reading dialectically as opposed to polemically. Much of the readings, lectures, and discussions may challenge more commonly accepted assumptions and beliefs. You will be required to critically rethink and reevaluate popular concepts and ideas this may also challenge your own ideas so please try to keep open perspective. One of the main goals for this class will be to try to understand how language informs and shapes our culture and society as well as our everyday lives and practices. lastly, i assume you already think critically you would not have made it to college otherwise, of course. Now we will try to go beyond critical thinking skills we will reflect on a range of possibilities and positions. And together, i hope we can become more critically conscious of the world we inhabit. the following links are downloadable versions of the printed syllabus, reading schedule, and assignment sheets.

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