Critical Lens Essay for Hamlet Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

A critical analysis is a piece of writing which is written about a particular text. Analyzing it means that you break it down and look at it in depth and pull it apart and study it. The thought and consideration of other circumstances isn't found to be important. The angel that sits on someones shoulder is usually the representation of the superego. The ego is the part which maintains the balance between our id which are our impulses and our superego which is our conscience.

The person usually faced with having to decide between the id devil and the superego angle represents the ego. Disclaimer: free essays on hamlet posted on this site were donated by anonymous users and are provided for informational use only. The free hamlet research paper critical lens essay presented on this page should not be viewed as a sample of our on line writing service. If you need fresh and competent research / writing on hamlet, use the professional writing service offered by our company. Critical lens: loyalty is the test of a true friendship a true friendship is filled with though times, during these times loyalty is expressed and you learn who your true friends are. Friends are the only things close enough to hold your feet to the ground and their loyalty is the sobering force in an otherwise hectic world. Both william shakespeare s hamlet and j.d salinger s catcher in the rye show that loyalty is the test of a true friendship.

Loyalty is expressed in many ways, one example is horatio s friendship to hamlet during his darkest hour. Horatio is characterized as a loyal companion because his calm demeanor during hamlets confused, angered and hurt moments. Throughout the play horatio displays the tone of loyalty, horatio comforts hamlet in his time of need. For example, when hamlet foreshadows his demise preceding the fencing match, horatio helps him stand tall against all odds. Holden caulfield in j.d salenger s catcher in the rye, is an example of a person characterized by depression. Phoebe is characterized as a person of infinite strength far greater then her years.

Despite holden s imperfections, suicide thoughts and negative attitude, phoebe sticks by him, with unfathomable devotion and camaraderie. Her ability to charm him and understand his feelings marks her personality with a theme of compassion and true loyalty. This loyalty is not only expressed by family, but the love which goes along with true friendship is proof of a true, indelible friendship.

Throughout j.d salingers novel catcher in the rye, and shakespeare s play hamlet we can see that this quote is valid. During the hard times, all we have to cling to is the knowledge that our friends will have the same loyalty as the protagonists in these works of literature. essays, term papers, research papers related: send the link below via email or im invited audience members will follow you as you navigate and present people invited to a presentation do not need a prezi account this link expires 10 minutes after you close the presentation a maximum of 30 users can follow your presentation learn more about this feature in the manual you have not saved any essays. It was once said, whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. This quote defines someone to be cautious when spending a lot of time on something you are putting your mind to do so that it does not take over who you are.

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This quote is proven valid with examples from the play hamlet, written by william shakespeare. Hamlet devotes himself into avenging his father's death, which although he devises a plan in which takes over his life, he is ultimately successful in the end. In the beginning of the play, hamlet is faced with very important information about his fathers deathвќ. Hamlet talks with a ghost that appears to be his father, and in which the ghost tells the story of how hamlet's father was murdered.

Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole, with juice of cursed hebona in a vial, and in the porches of my ear did pour. These quotes were said by the ghost in an effort to tell hamlet the truth about his father's death. The ghost explains how claudius poured poison in king hamlet's ear in which killed him, and now claudius is king and hamlet's step father. Upon hearing this treachery, hamlet decides he must take revenge on his uncle and he decides to do so by acting crazy around his family and killing claudius when he has the chance. Hamlet make horatio and marcellus swore to him by sword that although he is going to be acting crazy, that it is just an act and that they shall tell no one about what has happened that night. He acts crazy in front of his mother, the king, ophelia, laertes and polonius in an effort to make them believe he has gone insane. There are a couple theories as to why hamlet appears mad, yet this is what hamlet wants the others to believe.

Admit no messengers, receive no tokens which done, she too want to read the rest of this paper? join essayworld today to view this entire essay and over 50,0 other term papers ophelia, she exhumes more depth than many of the other characters that have a more predominant role in the play. From the beginning ophelia's lack of independence and freedom was expressed when polonius dispatches his son to university to learn through his errors how to be true to himself, and thus to others, while his daughter ophelia must not depend on on her own judgment. Her conviction of hamlet's sincerity arouses disapproval in her father, polonius. This can be seen when polonius says, affection? pooh! you speak like a green girl/ unsifted in such perilous circumstance, 1.3.101 102. Instead of ophelia leaving for school, her education is geared into relying on other people's judgement, and to place chastity and reputation above the virtue of truthfulness.

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Ophelia is given no chance to develop an independent conscience of her own, because she has been so stifled by the authority of the male world. Abridged by elizabeth woledge, shakespeare birthplace trust one of the things you will undoubtedly encounter at university is different critical approaches. €�the different theories should not be seen as competitors each striving to offer you the only correct way of understanding a text. Instead you should look on theory as a kind of literary banquet from which you can select the dish that most appeals at the time.

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Look at the text through a different theoretical lens and, although the text will be the same, it will appear in different shades, perhaps offering new and unexpected colours for the imagination. When applying theory to a text you should remain a little skeptical that any theory can offer the definitive answer to a text or to a character. There are many theoretical problems with theory…and you should look on using theory as a kind of intellectual gymnastics, rather than as any kind of ultimate truth. Whatever theoretical approach you decide to try on for size and explore, ask yourself what it can offer the particular text you are studying.