Descriptive Essay Cat Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 1061 words 3 double spaced pages a companion is someone you have a special connection with, someone you can talk to about your problems and who will listen. The adults in the family were busy packing things up and transporting them to the new house. After the last load was unpacked, mom realized that squeaky wasn't at the new house. When she realized it was only my immediate family left, she began to wander about. Of course she looked like any other cat with her long white fur and patches of brown and black spots. If i ever had a problem and needed someone to talk to, squeaky seemed to always be there to listen.

In high school, it seemed like i was always in disagreement with one of my friends. She would snuggle against me as if she were reassuring me that everything was going to be all right. My mom reported that squeaky wasn't eating and that she was going to take her to the vet. When my mom arrived to take my sister and me home, she informed me of the vet's diagnosis. Hearing the news of squeaky's condition felt as if someone had stabbed me in the heart with a knife.

Never in my lifetime did i think i would be faced with the decision i had to make once i returned home. I couldn't believe all of this had happened to her in the short while i was gone. I had to choose if this was the quality of life i wanted squeaky to have, or have the vet put her to sleep forever. I thought at this point in time she was doing fine and deserved to live her life.

It was almost as if she was trying to tell me she wanted to go to sleep, but that she would need my help in doing so. On july 6 of 2003, an appointment was made for squeaky's last trip to the veterinarian. The ways my cat shows he is king of the house i have three animals, one dog and two cats. I will explain how he shows us this in a first, you need to know about his physical characteristics. Currently he has more white on him, due to the fact that he tried to help paint the living room wall. Dink can stretch out to be as long as three and some half feet without his tail included.

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I believe his physical characteristics have quite a bit to do with his feelings about being king of the house. The beginning of dink's day begins about ten minutes before the alarm clock goes off. Once he realizes that yelling is not getting us out of bed, dink will then begin to paw at our faces. Needless to say i end up feeding him at the sound of the alarm clock, rather than waking at this time.

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Dink will always be the first to eat, the first to finish, and the first back to the next major event in dink's day is playtime. The favorites amon i want to keep a pet since i was young and i did but our happy time used to be short. They, including fish, turtles, and hamster, used to send out to my cousins or friends home by my mum for various reasons.

The situation had changed in four years ago, when the fifth member of our family came. she was just a baby cat with beautiful brown and write hair and big tan eyes. She looked thin and weak when i first saw her and luckily she had grown up healthily. May be because of lacking the sense of security, she must follow us even when we are in our own bedroom with door closed, the yelling sound would not stop until you let her come in. At night, when you walked from your bedroom to the bathroom, something soft suddenly holds your leg and starts a chasing race with you. And when i am studying, she would jump up and set on my books and catch my pen so you could only stop and play with her. Although she is very naughty, but with her accompany, our family life become happier.

People usually said that cats got two extreme personalities one is cold, arrogant and uncontrollable while another is sweet, mild and adorable. Sometimes, she is so cute that you want to hold her in yours arm and kiss her, but she can also make you angry yet you can do nothing to change her. One of the bad habits she gets is that she loves to bite people as she think that she is playing with you. My cat is totally different when she is with us and when she is facing strangers. She will yell for food and hug but when she does not want our hug anymore, she will jump away immediately. In winter time, she will jump up to our thigh and sleep no matter what you are doing.

However, when she faces the stranger, she just likes a rat being chased by a cat. She will run very fast and hide in the place that she feels safe, usually the top of the wardrobe as she can watch what we are doing but we are not able to catch her. Therefore, not many of my friends had saw her and only one or two had play with her. My cat brings a lot of happiness to our family and we will certainly create more treasurable memory in the future. I really love this little evil and i can feel that she loves me too. we at take great pride in our customers' satisfaction. That's why we have been in business so long with many happy customers to show for it. If you want our help today, just register with us online and then fill in the order form.

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In no time at all, one of our writers with an advanced degree in your essay's topic will begin to craft you a superbly written academic paper. Take that initial first step with our services at today and you'll be pleased with the results! domestic pets are a source of pleasure and fun. Pets help an individual to achieve a healthy state of mind and playing with our pets makes most of us happy. Though dogs are the most preferred pets because of their faithfulness and honesty, but still there are thousands of cat lovers in the world. The cat is a beautiful small animal resembling the likes of a tiger.

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It lives on the streets as well as in our houses and is one of our favourite pet animals. The cat’s body is covered with soft, silky hair and has four short legs and sharp claws hidden in the fleshy pads. Image source: cats seldom make any noise while walking or running. But in general cats are gentle and playful and they love playing with the children. Many people think that cat is a harmful animal for it spreads various disease like diphtheria and thus they advice to keep children away from the cat. The most significant superstition related to the cat is that if a cat crosses the way of a passerby, he or she should not walk past.

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This is just a superstition because common sense says that when a cat crosses a road it means that the animal needs to go somewhere. Cats possess scary grey coloured eyes and most of the children are scared of cat’s eyes. A cat gives birth to three to four kittens at a time and these kittens need proper love and care when they are born. When it comes to food, a variety of cat food is available in the market with various options such as canned cat foot, dry foods, kitten food etc. While taming a cat, it is essential to keep in mind if you have plants which are toxic to cats, they should be kept out of their reach. If your cat has given birth to kittens, make sure that your house is quiet because a lot of noise and activity can scare a small kitten and a cat lover would never wish to scare a kitten for sure.