Development Economics Term Paper Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Often students have difficulty picking a topic suitable for an economics term paper. Either the idea is much too vague, such as, i want to write something on the auto industry or the idea has little or nothing to do with economics. It is often difficult to locate good sources of information on a subject with which you are unfamiliar. In an effort to combat these problems hannah and mike have put together five topics for economics term papers. The topics lend themselves well to discuss an issue style term papers, but probably are not suitable for term papers which require statistical or econometrics analysis.

Each topic contains a brief summary of the issue, a few key questions to answer in your paper, and a list of resources which will help you get started on your research. The starting points for research include links to newspaper and magazine articles, policy papers put out by think tanks and lobby groups, and lists of academic journal articles. Most journal articles and books are not available online, so you rsquo ll have to obtain these at your school library. Ask the librarian if you are unfamiliar with where the economics journals are located they rsquo ll be happy to help. Magazine articles are generally appropriate for high school and freshman community college courses, while upper year university courses will require you to use academic journal articles and books.

If you are unsure what types of sources you are allowed to use, ask your professor, instructor, or teaching assistant. The research articles referenced in this article are not meant to be an exhaustive list of sources on the subject. Many of the magazine and journal articles will list other sources you may want to look at. You can also do a google search for web pages on your subject, but be mindful of the source of the information presented.

Anyone can write a web page and have it published on the internet, so it is important to know what the credentials of the author or organization publishing the piece are. The one for the university of rochester is located at: you may also want to see the economics glossary on this site for information on a topic. It can be found at: now let rsquo s get to the topics! be it high school or masters level, every student has to come face to face with the horrors of a term paper. A term paper is a virtual ticket to a students success either for a good decent grade or the accomplishment of a degree. To start a term paper on development economics you first need to analyze your topic and your audience. In your case, you will be responsible to pen down about the economic aspects of developing countries to your readers. More specifically to your instructors who are already well versed with the subject at hand.

To begin your term paper on development economics you will have to explain to your readers what exactly development economics is. You can then talk about the various theories that have been put forward over the passage of time to elucidate development economics including mercantilism, economic nationalism, post wwii theories, linear stages of growth, structural change theory international dependence theory and nonclassical theory. With this you can add the recent developments of your country and how the international market grades it. You will also have to give a few points on international relations and how they affect development economics in the developing countries. development economics is a practical discipline, which is connected with the creation of the political and economic strategy of the increase of the level of life in the developing countries.

The discipline is quite important and plays a great role in the modern society, because the current condition of the majority of countries is still unfavourable and the experts on development economics try to understand the cause of these economic problems. They analyze the natural environment, natural potential of the country, its climate, people human resource , the political situation, the form of government, etc. The discipline is focused on the research of the factors which cause the mass poverty, the reasons of unemployment and generates factors, tendencies and strategies which can be useful in the stimulation of the economic growth there.

The aim of development economics is to break the obstacles on the way of the economic development of the countries which have the low rates of income. Nowadays, the problem is really urgent, because the world is divided into the rich western world and the eastern and southern developing one. The result of this bipolar structure is the economic inequality and poverty in the majority of the countries. With the help of the creation of the sensible strategies and methods it is possible to evaluate the potential of every country and work out an effective scenario of the efficient solution to the problem.

The expert on development economics touch upon the spheres of politics, sociology, culture, anthropology, economics, etc. Of course, the effectiveness of the embodiment of the strategies depends on the local government of the country and its desire to carry out the reforms. Development economics is a complex discipline which is aimed at the improvement of the economic condition of the developing countries. The student is able to focus on the issues related with development economics, explain its work, dwell on the principles of its functioning, the methodology, strategy and techniques of work, the strong and weak sides of development economics, the success and failure of the discipline on the definite examples, etc.

The student is expected to evaluate the matter objectively, analyze the factors which influence the functioning of development economics and summarize the paper in the appropriate way. When the student has troubles with his term paper, the internet can be of good help for the young professional, because the net is able to provide him with a free example term paper on development economics which possesses the right sensible structure and valid format. The most serious plus of a free sample term paper on development economics is the ability to see the completed assignment and its major chapters and the manner of their presentation. at writing service you can order a custom term paper on development economics topics. And masters writers only to provide students with professional term paper help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non plagiarized term paper or essay with timely delivery.

Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all paper details: enjoy our professional term paper writing service! the essay will focus on the subject of rich and poor countries it will distinguish between four classifications based on income levels. These include low income country, lower middle income country, upper middle income country and high income country. Each category will provide a practical example by comparing the levels of development indicators of the four countries as well as the trends over time. The development indicators include: health – this is a state of the whole physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease. Health is not just a feature of the daily life it also appears frequently on the political landscape bury, 2005. Education – this is the act of teaching or getting general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself for developed life.

Poverty and inequality it refers to a social phenomenon under which the standard of living of individuals and households in a community or country is persistently below a certain level required physically for sustaining human life according to some accepted social norms bhalla amp qui, 2006. Gdp per capita this is a core indicator of economic performance and commonly used as a broad measure of average living standards or economic well being despite some recognised shortcoming oecd, 2011. Low income economy mozambique mozambique is a low income country in southern africa, the country is bordered by the indian ocean, and it was involved in a civil war lasting from 1977 to 1992. Health the civil war had a huge contribution to the down fall of the health system in the country. The objectives of the term papers are to learn how to conduct independent research projects in applied economics and how to develop the ability to write a high quality research paper. In this guideline we provide a number of suggestions on doing excellent research and writing effective papers. To do the term papers, students are expected to use the knowledge, understanding, and skills in international trade to carry out independent research.

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