College Essay Losing Loved One Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Annabel lee, by edgar allan poe, is a lyrical ballad that tells a story of a young couple in love, and how the man responds to the early death of his beloved. The male narrator is also the main character of the poem, which makes this ballad different from the usual ones because, beyond the story, there is also an emotional expression. The poem’s narrator, like poe himself, is a depressed and angry man who tries to understand the loss of his beloved. Both the narrator and poe are poor, which is suggested by the poem when the narrator refers to the woman’s relatives as highborn kinsmen line 17. Therefore, the depressed outlook and financial pressure reinforce even more that this poem is not just a ballad, but also an emotional expression of the author.

The story occurs at a non specified time and in a kingdom by the sea, which connotes a fairytale and royal setting 2. The poem describes his anger and obsession to find an answer for her death, which makes him lose perspective in life. After he answers his question, he realizes that their love is not over yet because their souls are intertwined 32.

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Their love is eternal because the narrator believes that his love continues after death. The poem creates the theme of eternal love by using words drawn from fairytales, and multisyllabic words with a religious meaning. For example, night is the time when most of the events occur the narrator gives the reader sense of a sad world. The repetition and rhyme of annabel lee, me, and sea also reinforce the tight link between the narrator, his lost love, and the sea. Finally, the ballad’s peaceful and pleasing rhythm created by anapests and iambs, it was ma/ny and ma/ny a year ago/in a king/dom by/ the sea/, 1 2 echoes the waves of the sea, and his waves of emotion. Overall, the narrator effectively creates an atmospheric poem of eternal love and loss, which makes this a good poem. The use of romantic language and religious words contributes to the theme of the poem of eternal love, and to express the narrator’s revolt against heaven.

The way the poem was written at the beginning, it was many and many years ago/ in a kingdom by the sea, 1 2 reminds us of a fairytale, which gives the reader an idealistic image, that suggests eternal love, or love after death. Also, since fairytales usually are happy, the love at the beginning of a fairytale probably is almost perfect. The narrator writes as a fairytale to use it as a metaphor to express how awesome is the love between him and annabel lee.

By alternating germanic words with a few romantic, the narrator highlights the meaning of the non germanic words, such as sepulchre. The narrator claims that the angels are guilty for her death because they envied them, yes! that was the reason. This line, the only one in the poem with a pause, suggests the first moment of happiness and relief after a long time of denial and despair to find an answer for her death. Besides religious words, the narrator suggests he is lower class when he refers to the woman’s relatives as highborn kinsmen. Social class, the forces of heaven and earth, and spiritual beings, are obstacles for their love.

Also, the use of romantic language reflects the romantic period that the poem was written, which was in the early 1800’s. Romantics believed in the nature and purity of love, and viewed adulthood as the corruption of childhood, which they viewed with purity. The love of children was purer, stronger and lasted longer than the love of adults poe’s poetry summary and analysis. Below is an essay on losing a loved one from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Throughout this essay i will be going through the steps i went through as i coped with the death of a loved one. Anger comes in when all of the anger inside, that it bottles up explodes! when i felt this anger i kept it all inside. Throughout the process i felt all alone even though all my loved ones were there for me.

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The composer’s use satirical techniques to show humility’s countless attempts to cheat death and by doing so, leads to the death of spiritual, emotional and cultural death of our society. Through the two texts, the loved one by evelyn waugh a post war satirical novel written in 1948 that deals with the superficiality and materialism of the funeral industry in modern day society and death an episode of the popular british sitcom absolutely fabulous written in the 90’s that comments on the rise of consumerism and the trivializing of death. Both texts depict their purpose through the use of satirical devices such as macabre humor, hyperbole, understatement, caricature, parody and juxtaposition.

The texts studied both critique to the death of culture, emotion and spirituality in our society to show our lack of moral standards and reinforce the ever present reality of our imminent death. Both composers, waugh and saunders, successfully use satire to critique modern society’s values and ideas and by doing so demonstrate the ever present reminder that death is at the elbow. Society’s attempts to cheat death are exhibited in each text such as eddy in absolutely fabulous buying art so she has something for people to remember her from and whispering glades in the loved one.

Each text uses satirical devices to depict the death of spirituality, emotion and culture in our society. Intro the composer’s use satirical techniques to show humility’s countless attempts to cheat death and by doing so, leads to the death of spiritual, emotional and cultural death of our society. When you compare these two texts and their contexts, how was your understanding of the theme studied, developed and reshaped? the death of spirituality is shown through both guru brahmin and whispering glades as an eclectic mismatch of religion, and by cumulating each religion it causes a loss of importance in society.

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39 this quote directly parody’s the builder and by using this quote waugh questions the sanitizing and presentation of death as a celebration in order to minimize sadness and pain. Eddy ironically calls herself a buddhist which completely juxtaposes her narcissistic behavior no grave for me darling i’m a buddhist anyway darling this quote directly relates to the death of spirituality in society by the ignorance of the buddhist religion which leads to people ironically calling themselves buddhists giving the religion less meaning. Both social satire texts directly satire moral and spiritual beliefs and by doing so question the modern society’s attempts to remove the reality of the afterlife with the contentment of a humanist oasis which is seen in. Love cannot be described through definition it carries a meaning that is unique among each of its recipients.

For some, it brings joy, warmth, and happiness, while for others it brings with it memories of ones that have passed on. Yet my situation is unique in the fact that the love i felt was not for a human being but for a four legged companion, my dog bandit. I ran daily but never alone bandit was always there by my side, trotting along with his tongue hanging out, through rain, wind, and shine.

It was on one particular run where my life was changed that at the time seemed for the worse but looking back now, i can see the important growth and strength i received from that moment. We were running one of our usual routes along the rural gravel road, me on the road and bandit zigzagging between the road and the ditches. About halfway through, i noticed he was not beside me but was smelling something in the ditch. I ran back to him to see what he had found when i noticed he had a fox trap latched onto his head, suffocating him. My dog who i dearly loved, died in my arms that afternoon and with him, a little of my heart.

When a loved one dies, feelings of hate, sadness, anger, and disbelief course through those who remain. It was my thinking time a time of solitude and silence with only the sounds being the gravel crunching under my shoes and my rapid breathing. During these long, solo runs, i confronted many issues regarding my beliefs on god, love, life, and death. It was on these runs that i grew as a person and realized that things occur in life that are unexpected but they have a purpose.