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We're trying to help students improve their writing the hard way, providing expert reviews for free to students who want to work on becoming great writers. Do you know any students who want informed, critical feedback about the argument, coherence, organization, and general quality of their essays from a professor of english literature? click like to share. We need your help essayjudge provides critical feedback for free to students who seek help writing their essays. Essay reviews published here are a free learning and pedagogical resource for students and teachers. Can you help students and teachers find perhaps the easiest way to do that is to share on facebook there's a button up there somewhere , but you can also write about the site on your blog or your school website, or tweet about it, or just talk about it loudly in bars and coffee shops. If you are a teacher, can you volunteer 30 minutes a week, or can you submit useful, classroom tested, essay writing advice? you can email us at [email protected]. If you want to share, perhaps you can link to from your school website, but please do not require students to submit work to this site.

If you are a student, can you help this project? if you submit original work, you get free expert feedback, but you also help others find the site by producing searchable content. The review of your essay will be helpful to you, but it may also be helpful to others. Consider submitting work for feedback even if it's already graded, but please do not submit work that has already been published elsewhere, because duplicated content reduces the visibility of the site as a whole according to mr. Google , and we are trying to make expert writing advice available to as many students as possible.

Narrative Essay Synonyms

Quotations from the reviews from the review of slavery’s dehumanizing effects: the strength of your essay is your realization of what is most important in terms of the content of douglass' narrative, its deep understanding of the negative impact of slavery beyond the cruelty exacted upon the slaves themselves. In your final paragraph you say this: in analysis, douglass effectively proves that slavery has a soul killing effect on the slaveholders. Through the use of flashback, characterization, and imagery he effectively persuades the reader that slavery is contrary to the laws of nature.

What’s missing from your essay is an articulation of the link between the narrative's analytic power and its persuasive power from the review of my life: if you fix nothing else here, fix candy stripper. Never has the addition of a single letter had such a devastating impact on the intended meaning of a phrase. from the review of 'essay on journey's end' and 'birdsong': the thesis of the essay is the biggest problem here. It doesn’t seem arguable, in any case, to say that these two works show the tedium of war. One general way to make a thesis arguable is to cite other opinions and disagree with them.

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You refer to some people with whom you disagree, but don’t actually cite any specific sources. The essay moves from one topic to the next, and from one book to the other and back again, in an apparently random fashion. If you had a strong, complex argument to make, then you could organize the essay around the elaboration of that argument, but it doesn’t really seem that you are trying to convince your reader of anything beyond the fact that there are a couple of examples in these works that show men trying to cope with boredom or when you go beyond that, as you do when you compare earwig races to horse races, the analysis seems to be merely ancillary. from the review of pick me!: finally, since i agree that ethics are important, perhaps you’ll forgive me for pointing out that your existence will be more ethically justifiable if you make a commitment never again to use the phrase in no way, shape, or form.

from the review of what is death? the sublime irony of your essay is that even though it demonstrates especially, but not only, in the second paragraph a kind of entrenched unwillingness to bring the question of the meaning of death into its contemplation of life, it’s major insight, nonetheless, is that a life that flees from that question is in some sense inauthentic or incomplete. But an essay that hides its major insight beneath the false security blanket of platitudinous drivel is also inauthentic and incomplete. I suggest that you raise your insight to the level of an explicit thesis and ruthlessly delete everything that doesn’t help elaborate that thesis.

There are two ways to submit your personal statement: tips info: getting feedback on your essay since it is almost impossible to have objectivity about your own personal statement, it is crucial to get feedback on your draft essay before you start revising. What will someone who provides useful feedback do for you? a good reviewer will help you to see your essay's strengths and weaknesses clearly. They'll point to where you may've strayed from the question, failed to address it, or failed to answer all its parts. They'll give you a sense of where your readers may feel lost, confused, unsure of your meaning, or unconvinced by your evidence or logic. They will brainstorm with you about the question, asking probing questions to help you answer the question in a way that brings your key strengths to light, and that helps you fill in information that is scant or missing and weed out or reduce extraneous details.

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For the purpose of revising a college application or award essay, it may also be useful to have a reviewer who has specialized knowledge of the audience and purpose toward which this type of essay is directed. In the end, good reviewers will not attempt to rewrite the essay in their own words but will instead guide you toward improving your own draft. Their feedback will help you to revise the essay more successfully and in less time than you could manage on your own.

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Where do you find good reviewers? how do you approach people with a request to review your draft? how can you make their task easier, and also improve the chances that their feedback will be useful to you? follow our suggestions below. selecting good reviewers who should you ask to review your essay? in general, it is best to select people who write and edit well. It is also useful to work with someone who knows you personally or who takes time to get to know you over e mail or by phone. And, if possible, you should choose someone who also has experience reviewing personal statements and knowledge of what it takes to write one successfully. three main groups of candidates fit most or all of these criteria. Family members and friends who are strong writers and editors are a good place to start. Keep in mind, however, that the reviewer needs to maintain a detached perspective about your work, and people who know you well may not be able to view your work objectively or offer much criticism.

Your educators and academic advisors professors, teachers, guidance counselors, etc. In addition to knowing you and knowing how to write and edit well, they usually have some knowledge of what it takes to write a strong personal statement. These are people with professional writing and editing experience who review personal statements for a fee. The best professional editor will ask you questions and get to know you over email or the phone before giving you feedback. If you have few good reviewer candidates among your personal contacts, if you've not had recent or close contact with your educators or academic advisors, or if you simply want a professional opinion, seeking advice from an essay editor may be the best option for you.

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You can request professional assistance from or another provider of similar services. asking for reviews how do you ask for assistance in reviewing your essay? if you're seeking assistance from professional essay editors, follow their business procedures for requesting editing. If you're asking someone you know, explain your plans for applying for college admissions or academic awards. Tell them of the importance of the personal statement part of the application and your desire for critical feedback to help you improve the essay.