Does Music Help Writing Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Some writers work better with the sounds of a bustling cafe around them, others prefer the comfort of silence, but for some writers, the medium of music helps them to write better. There is something about the right background music that magically lights the creative touch paper. Would the emotional, dramatic or action scenes seem right? would they have any impact? imagine the opening scenes of jaws without the clever cello build up of john williams score. Without that creeping sound, the scene loses the sinister feel and it also loses any opportunity to create tension. And what would the vast visual beauty of lawrence of arabia be without maurice jarres romantic swish of strings to rouse the audience? it would be somewhat empty.

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The right music can create drama, it can affect the mood and it also stirs the imagination. Its important to choose the right music for the right scene although you might be one of those writers who can write sensual scenes to the decibel shattering sounds of metallica so perhaps non distracting music may work better, so that it actually helps you focus on your narrative rather than detract from it. Choosing the right music for the right scene is important if you want those creative juices to bubble.

Light classical or movie soundtrack music is perfect for this because scores can provide the right amount of mood and atmosphere for a particular scene. For instance, slow thoughtful music for contemplative scenes, or upbeat, bristling, stirring music for action scenes, and sad, softer music for emotional scenes. Also, try to focus on the piece of music you choose, listen to its rich layers and let your thoughts wander. It should stir your creativity and stretch your imagination, after all, these two art forms music and literature work in tandem. They are so ingrained in our psyche that the world would seem strange without them. I write to well chosen movie scores ranging from john williams, james newton howard, james horner, thomas newman and many others. Each one offers something different and i can tailor the music to suit my writing needs.

There are a number of free online resources for those interested putting together playlists. Just follow the links: is a free streaming and radio service. Youll find many movie scores and classical composers here, and you can also create your own playlists. Select notes on your computer keyboard by typing note names, or enter notes in step time using a midi keyboard – or any other midi device. Ever jot a musical idea down only to find out it’s unintelligible the next day? not with notepad: your music is always clear and legible, just like published scores. If some of your inspiration comes from working with collaborators, notepad can help here too, even if your partners use different software. Notepad can open files made by the entire family of finale software as well as import midi and musicxml files created by hundreds of other products.

Can popping a classical music cd into the player after nap time help johnnie breeze through his homework? will lizzie's piano lessons help her get an a in math? research on the effects of music on learning has been in progress for decades. When research on the mozart effect the theory that listening to mozart's music can temporarily improve performance, and perhaps even iq became popularized in the late 1950s, parents everywhere began to try and expose their children to more classical music. The theory became so popular that georgia's governor even proposed a budget allowing for every baby born in georgia to receive a classical music cd. Do georgia's children now have iqs that surpass the national average? can mozart really make our children smarter? as with most theories, critics' verdicts on the mozart effect have been controversial. But what is not generally controversial though, and is supported by a strong body of evidence, is the fact that ongoing music education does help children across a wide range of criteria including overall academic performance. A canadian research group from mcmaster university compared two groups of six children between the ages of 4 and 6 one group took suzuki music lessons and the other had no musical instruction. The results, which were published in the online journal brain on september 20, 2006, showed that the children who received musical instruction excelled above their peers in memory skills as well as 'non musical' abilities such as literacy, mathematics and even iq.

Advertising agencies have invested time and money into music for jingles that keep products in your head or a television series in the forefront of your mind. The first step in my writing process is to turn on my music. i do not require utter silence in order to write. In fact, silence is distracting, which might be due to my history as a one in four sibling growing up on a 30 acre homestead in oregon. Seriously. i wish i had my headphones right now so i could tune out the television and conversations booming behind me.

I have more than seven days of music on my computer in genres ranging from alternative to industrial to techno. This broad range of styles helps me create a writing soundtrack, as it were, for a specific scene, character, era, or particular intensity i want to impart to my readers. For my newest release searching for sara

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There are times when i need to work in total silence, and music is a total distraction. However, in reality, total silence can never be achieved and the next best thing is a constant stream of background noise that blocks out other noises that are more distracting. For example, if i can hear people having a conversation when im trying to work, i find it very distracting because even if i dont realise it, im subconsciously listening and if i hear something that relates to me, i would completely loose concentration. However if i had in some headphones with some music on, i wouldnt be able to hear anything of the conversation so i couldnt be distracted by it. Its the same way in libraries generally very quite places, the slightest pin drop causes everyone to swivel round and see what it was.

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You dont want the music to distract you, just be there in the background to drown out other distractions. I found that listening to music helped me write a lot faster in a very unexpected way. I was listening to a song on youtube while writing one day and then it finished, and there was nothing else in the playlist afterwards, so the music went dead.

Instead of immediately going to find another track i said to myself, you can put another song on, after youve written another 100 words. I quickly wrote the 100 words and then put on another song, but this time, while the song was playing, i couldnt help thinking what if i can write another 100 words before the end of the song? that was it! race on! i typed faster than i had done all day and just about managed 100 words by the end of the song. When the song finished and before i played another one, i wrote another 100 words and so the cycle continued. 100 words while listening to a song, 100 words while waiting to listen to a song. While the song is playing you are stimulated by the music and while you are waiting for a song, you are stimulated by the reward of a song at the end of your 100 words.

This works great for me when writing because it prevents me from thinking too much. It stops me worrying about what im writing and if it sounds good because that is not important when you initially write. I cannot listen to music when i am trying to edit and refine something that i have previously written, i simply cannot think and concentrate on the exact problems which i face, so i would not recommend listening to music while editing you draft. That being said, the way people work and write are very personal and one of my main aims with this blog is to give food for thought with some of the many ways i have tried, both successfully and unsuccessfully to work.