English Essays My Village Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

outline: situation consists mainly of kacha houses the people of the village and their work the centers of interests in the village lambardars the important men of the village life of the villagers. It is ten miles from the nearest railway station, and about sixteen miles from the district town. A kachcha, dusty road runs by my village, which is made use of by the people who go on foot, ride a horse or journey in a tum tum.

The road is, however, uneven and full of ruts, and becomes almost impassable when the rains fall. Mostly these houses have only one room, which serves as a kitchen, bed room, reception room, store room, and nursery. These lanes are littered with the refuse and rubbish of houses and have also puddles of dirty water, which breed swarms of lusty mosquitoes. It is this insanitary condition of the village, which renders it an easy prey to malaria plague and other epidemics. The village has barbers with none too keen wits and dull razors, carpenters with primitive instruments, shoe makers whose shoes are known more for durability than for beauty and blacksmiths who make ploughshares and sickles. My village has also a dispensary where sore eyes are cured, and fever is treated. The centres of interest, however, in the village are the school, to which most of the boys repair and the mosque where the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer five times a day.

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The village has a couple of inns also, where travelers take shelter for the night. They are not on the best of terms with each other as is to be expected, and therefore the village is full of petty intrigues and malicious party spirit. The patwari was dreaded in days gone by, but now he has lost much of his prestige. The head master of the school is a worthy man, and the adult school run by him contains pupils from the ages of 15 to 20. The co operative bank in our village is managed by a clever man, who gives loans only to his own favorites.

Points situation consists mainly of kacha houses the people of the village and their work the centers of interests in the village lambardars the important men of the village life of the villagers. It is this insanitary condition of the village, which renders it an easy prey to malaria plague and other epidemics.4essays.blogspot.com the village is inhabited mostly by farmers. My village has also a dispensary where sore eyes are cured, and fever is treated.4essays.blogspot.com the centres of interest, however, in the village are the school, to which most of the boys repair and the mosque where the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer five times a day. It has also the tomb of a saint.4essays.blogspot.com the most important men in my village are the two mighty lambardars. Essay on my village in english students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others. Students should consider the following points when looking for essay writing services to write essay for me.

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