English Homework for Year 10 Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

term 1:this homework assignment is due at the end of week 3. you are to complete 20 25 lines about your summer break. You are to write two paragraphs and you are use at least 15 adjectives and similes and metaphors to be descriptive. your writing will be polished and well crafted for a higher grade. does your child need help with spelling, writing or speaking english? check our english a to z, download the help sheets or read our tips and suggestions which we hope will get you started. Struggling to remember everything you learnt in maths? if you need a refresher course, our tips, tools and maths a to z will help you to help your child. Wondering where to start with those homework projects? we have put together some ideas and resources on popular topics to kick start your child's home project activities.

We have some homework hints and tips to help make sure that homework in your house is as effective and painless! as possible. As a parent it's only natural to want to help your child, but when it comes to homework and study, the completed work should be theirs. Here are some important points to remember to ensure your child is following good practice for a lifetime of learning. Analyse and explain the major’s utopian ideals for society the rules for a just, fair and equal society what does he forbid? how does he portray man? how does he analyse the lives of the animals? learn some new words/ phrases. The choices we make under pressure choose/analyse two soldier stories and explain the link to the prompt. For the next lesson s , could i please ask you all to prepare a folder consisting of all the stories that we have covered so far in the class.

We need to keep reading the stories, analysing the characters and thinking about key aspects of character.  how do they think and feel? how do they develop and change? these stories about people especially those featured constantly in two of us the age , help us to analyse peoples thoughts and actions in greater depth. They also provide interesting anecdotes and examples for our context based essays.

work on character based creative essays
the following tasks are useful for all students who wish to improve their creative writing, and in particular for students who are sitting scholarships. Anecdotes/personal references and comments in hybrid style expository essays in vce. This is an excellent way to hone these skills and think more deeply about characters as you would when studying novels.

choose a variety of people stories that we have been working on throughout the year. describe the character from an analytical, reflective perspective include adjectives from our list. Here is a copy of our notes and one of our lists relating to character tips and descriptions. Use the following character based stories as a model to write your own creative, reflective story. Try to work with material that is close to you so that you can write a story or extended anecdote that is deeply personal, in order to avoid clichés and stereotypes. Write about a character who experiences a deep seated sense of exclusion a character who is tormented by regret an ordinary person who did something extraordinary end with a comment/reflection. For work on characters: especially important for all students sitting scholarship tests.

    keep revising adverbs, adverbial phrases and clauses do two short character descriptions: describe one person who is bedraggled and dishevelled untidy/ unkempt and one person who is earnest and affable.

    Broaden the essay to include specific examples of jonathan and corrin or kayne and adam people grow through tough times: relay the experiences of stella young, tiffany hall, or valiami  see the articles read feline furious cat fans fight curfew. The melbourne council has decided to implement a curfew or ban on cats roaming around outside.

please find the essay prompt for this week and the suggested articles below. people grow through tough times or the choices people make under pressure show us who they are
    read habitual cruelty by kendall hill give character descriptions of the two people: tiffany hall, stella young.

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    How do the views and values reflected in fiona scott norman’s book kendall hill’s article , show in the characters discussed in class: tiffany hall and stella young. include specific details about personal changes, before and after, and consequences for growth. Include significant quotes. for example: corrin varady states, hes put life into perspective for me. for example:   kayne and adam:   kayne hughes was born in a rough environment. He met his foster father, adam hughes, through the big brother big sisters youth mentoring program.

    He lacked direction and the only relationships he had were those that took advantage of him.    adam and his wife provided kayne with a loving and supportive environment. In the relationship kayne was able to offload and talk without being judged, and he knew that someone was genuinely interested. Explain how the friendship has led to important changes in the individual’s personal development. step 3: weave into your essay some quotes and comments about friendship. Read the stories and describe the characters: explain how these characters respond to conflict or hardship: night of infamy two of us: child soldier jonathan and corrin corporal cameron baird. Should schools test students for drug usage. how can we sharpen our reasoning and persuasive skills to present a more insightful, complicated and authoritative view? the aim is to unpack, analyse and evaluate the evidence as insightfully and as accurately as possible.

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    In other words, make links and conclusions that strengthen your argument/topic sentence. Use a combination of evidence to good advantage in this case refer to principals, psychologists for trust and authority purposes/professional experience and also real life stories of young adults relatable, genuine, practical and emotional reasons. first paragraph: it is imperative that schools implement drug testing trials because evidence reveals that tests are a useful deterrent to young adults who may be contemplating drug use.