Impact of Population on Environment Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Introduction the kingdom of cambodia is a small country covering an area of 181,035 km2. Thus, there have many factors that face by the growth of population are very noticeable particularly in phnom penh city. As we know that before the national election in 1993, our country face many regimes and. Introduction the kingdom of cambodia is a small country covering an area of 181,035 km2.

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Essay writing service essay marking service place an order at present there are two school of thought for the theories on population growth. The first is the pessimistic view developed by reverend robert malthus, a british scholar who believed that the resources available will not be sufficient for human beings if human population is not controlled. The other theory is the optimistic view developed by julian simon who believed that humans can manage the issue of population because of their knowledge and skills. Therefore this paper will discuss these two theories for population growth and their effect on the resources and environment of the earth. Factors affecting population growth the population growth is determined mainly by birth rate, death rate, and migration patterns immigration and emigration. For instance the population in the developed countries like europe and america is growing at rate of only 0.1% per year while in developing countries the growth rate is over 1.5% per year. In developing countries where manual labour is still considered main source of labour, children form part of the labour force and therefore families tend to have more children.

Similarly when the pension system is not good, people tend to raise more children to look after during old age. Wherever women are more educated and take lead role in household income activities, there tend to be less number of children raised. In areas where traditions, culture and customs are respected population tend to be higher due to less use of contraceptives. Impacts of population growth although it may be difficult to measure the carrying capacity for humans on earth cohen, 1995 scientists have estimated the carrying capacity at around 7.7 billion people van den bergh and rietveld, 2004.

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It is now estimated that the world population will be around 9.1 billion by the year 2050. The very high population growth has raised concerns that the planet may not be able to sustain such population in the long run. Increasing population will mean increased demand for food, water, and other resources such as fossil fuel. The impact of population growth can be seen by everyone who care for the world that we live in. Over the last few decades there has been large scale destruction of the tropical forests mainly to make land available for agriculture and for urbanization. In order to produce enough food to meet the demand of growing population, forests have been cleared to undertake farming.

Due to increased industrialization and urbanization, there has been great increase in the pollution of air, water and the environment of the planet. Growing population will result in the depletion of natural resources such as water, fossil fuels hubert, 1982 deforestation and loss of ecosystems and emergence of new diseases. It will also lead to more starvation, hunger and unhygienic living conditions in poor countries.

Factors affecting environment environment means our surroundings in which all the things, living or non living, which includes atmosphere air , hydrosphere water , lithosphere solid earth , biosphere all living organisms , and geosphere rocks and regoliths. Numerous factors affect our environment which includes anthropogenic activities such as urbanization, industrialization, deforestation, overpopulation, and use of fossil fuels. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, cyclones, landslide and floods can also negatively affect the environment. Relationship between environment and population growth humans are an integral part of the eco system of nature and there is close interconnection between human beings and environment. Ever since life existed humans have been depending on their environment for food, shelter, and other necessities. There is an inverse relationship existing between population growth and environment as overpopulation will lead to adverse effect on the environment.

As human population increase, there is also increase in the demand for food and other energy sources. It is essential that the population is maintained at a level so that the natural resources are sufficient to meet the requirement for survival of all living beings. Neo malthusian or pessimistic views on population growth malthusian theories or pessimistic theories on population growth was derived from the ideas of reverend thomas robert malthus, a british scholar who wrote series of essays on the principles of population. There were six editions of his an essay on the principle of population published from 1798 to 1826 in which he said that if the human population growth is left unchecked the food supply will not be sufficient to meet the needs of humans. He proposed the idea that while human population grew exponentially, the food resources grew only arithmetically. He also believed that population will be controlled naturally by disease, famine and mortality.

Malthus believed in using preventive checks such as abstinence, delayed marriage and restricting marriages in order to control population growth. Some people criticized malthuss theory based on the fact that there has been an enhanced agricultural production and reduced human fertility over the past few decades since the publication of his theories. However, many still believe in his theory that if left unchecked, population growth can pose serious problems for resource availability cristina, 2010. Who wrote this essay request removal example essays neo malthusianism these are groups who also believe in the theories of malthus and encourage population control programs for the present and future benefit of human beings. The neo malthusians view however differ from malthus in their belief on the use of contraceptive techniques for the birth control measures. The neo malthusians or the pessimistic view had more concerns about the effect that population growth would have on environmental degradation. While they supported the theories put forward by malthus, this group of people strongly supported the idea of actively controlling population growth in order to prevent adverse impact on the environment.

This pessimistic group are concerned about the effect overpopulation may have on resource depletion and environmental degradation. There has been a general revival in neo malthusian ideologies from the 1950s onwards especially after the publication of series of books by some malthusian supporters such as fairfield osborn our plundered planet , william vogt road to survival and paul ehrlich the population bomb. Although many critics of neo malthusianism criticize the revival of this theory based on fact that the green revolution has led to sufficient food production, pessimists such as paul ehrlich believe that unchecked population will ultimately lead to serious problems in the future ehrlich, 2009. Neo malthusian or the pessimistic view is more about the positive checks but malthusian said that there is balance between both positive and negative checks. The optimistic model of population growth was proposed by julian simon who in his book the ultimate resource 1981 argued that as resources become scarce the price goes up which in turn creates incentives for people to discover new source or find alternatives for the resource.

Simon also claims in his book that the natural resources are infinite based on the justification that innovative methods can be used to make natural resources available. Increasing population growth and reduced resources make people to create innovations and inventions to produce more food and all basic needs. The optimistic view said that science and technology can overcome scarcity problems. Esther boserup 1910 19 danish economist said necessity is the mother of invention.

The optimistic view also said that more people means more alternatives to find new materials and discover ways to do things. Discussion it can be seen from the above paragraphs that population growth can impact on the state of environment of our planet. Of the two theories on population growth, i support the neo malthusian theory of pessimistic views based on the following justifications. Deforestation for agriculture if the human population growth is left unchecked, a day might come when the earths resources will not be able to sustain the requirements of human beings. As overpopulation will demand increasing food, energy, and other resources, humans will engage in activities that will directly affect our environment and ecosystem.

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