No Assignments Book of Rhyming Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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There are several games and activities under the kids section, like reggie loves to rhyme. After choosing a place, the students are then given a word, like dime, and they choose the picture that rhymes with that word. This website provides pictures of the words for children who are not proficient in reading. I would use this website in class by showing the students the word and picture, and then have them write or draw the rhyming word on a dry erase board or piece of paper. After an allotted amount of time, the students would then show their answer and we would use the website to see if they are correct. They could also think of several words, independently or in groups, that rhyme with the given word. For homework assignments, students could write a rhyming story based on the word.

I think this is a great resource for el classrooms because it provides many opportunities for them to develop language. For instance, it allows them to read, write, speak, and interact with their peers. Scholastic illustrates principles of effective teaching because it provides several opportunities for the children to practice developing their target language. By danna siciliano the website the virtual vine is a website that will be very useful for any future teachers when focusing on a lesson on rhyming. As we all know when it comes to teaching young children the concept of rhyming a great tool to do so is using nursery rhymes.

On the left side of this website, it lists most all of the popular nursery rhymes like humpty dumpty, jack and jill, and little miss muffet. This is a great tool to bring up onto the computer for the students to see the poem. The words to the poem are displayed along with a picture that describes the nursery rhyme. Then once you are done with going over rhyme under the poem the website gives you many activities to do with your students. First you can ask the children to point out the rhyming words in the nursery rhymes.

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Also, the website is good for helping teachers use the poem into different activities. For example on the jack and jill page, there is an example activity that a student could write what else jack and jill could do besides go up a hill. This is great way to have students get their mind working and thinking about rhyming words. This website is a good transition into a homework assignment for the students to do at home. The teacher could give them the website and the students could pick out the poem they want to read. Then they could make up their own rhyming poems using similar words from the website.

The downfall to this site is that it is a site that will be more useful to a teacher than a student. But overall this website will help students and teachers with the concept of rhyming. The objectives of this plan include reading a rhyming book in which the children will learn to identify, say and write rhyming words by participating in class discussions of the text.

Not only will students learn rhyming techniques, but they will also work on the development of phonemic awareness, writing, and reading comprehension. By the end of this these activities, students should be able to successfully identify words that rhyme or have the same ending sound. 167 goodnight moon by margaret wise brown using these books as resources, you can create many fun activities for your students.

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After you have chosen a book, do a read aloud and have the students predict main characters, setting. Then, read the story and have them repeat the repetitive or predictable phrases with you. Then, reread the book and have them raise their hand when they hear a rhyming pair then write these words on index cards. A game like memory can be implemented by mixing up the cards and assigning them to students who will then find their rhyming pairs. In the end, you can do a simple closing activity by calling out a word and pointing to individual students that will need to shout out a rhyming pair! by alyssa sacco the sesamestreet website is a wonderful website for children to engage in innovative and educational content. There are many activities and games for the children to get involved in that emphasize phonemic awareness.

This website is a wonderful place for children to practice the concept of rhyming. If you go to the main website and click on games, and click the link that says by subject, you will find the rhyming link. Teachers can use this resource in their classroom by using it as a bonus lesson, such as when the class has been behaving really well. The teacher can have the students involved in the lesson by having them call out ideas about which words rhyme together and what kind of words rhyme with the words that were not the right answer. The teacher could have the students go to this website and write down six words that rhymed with each other. The limitation to using a website for a homework assignment is the accessibility of computers to the students outside of class. The teacher could incorporate this activity into small groups and one group at a time, can go up to the computer and learn their six words for the day.