English Research Paper The Metamorphosis Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The metamorphosis, by franz kafka, begins with the development of gregory as an insect. In the first paragraph, which is a very famous one in literature, kafka describes it so: when gregor samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin. вќ kafka 3 after gregor's change into an insect, his entire family rejects him everyone changes. His father locks him in his room and later injures him by chunking apples at him and his mother is so horrid at the sight of her son as a bug she faints even grete, who is close to greg, tires of caring for him, wishing he would go away. None of them think about how gregor feels about his miserable transformation instead, they are worried about how the metamorphosis will have an effect on of the on them personally, especially since gregor has been the main source of income for the family.

Wilhelm emrich writes in his essay, the animal as liberating self вќ about gregor that he believed he had to provide his family with pleasant, contented, secure life by sacrificing himself, by selling himself to his business. вќ 125 when gregor becomes a bug and can no longer work the other family members change from lazy, slothful people into workers who support themselves. His transformation forces the members of the samsa family into the work force, and this puts gregor's father back in charge of the household look at what is written in the essay education for tragedy: through gregor's metamorphosis, the father becomes masterful again and reasserts himself as head of the family. вќ sokel 170 it becomes evident to gregor that his metamorphosis is creating change in the family. His mother and sister take on all the housework and cooking, which makes gregor feel

essay/term paper: the metamorphosis

essay, term paper, research paper: metamorphosis

gregor was the most unselfish person in the metamorphosis. He was the only family member with a job, believing he was the only one capable of it. Sacrificing his social life for his work, he had no friends at work, and never went out at night.

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In all of the five years he had worked for his father's creditor, he had never once been absent. Always ready to go out on his rounds as early as possible, he never took advantage of time for a break. Under the belief that he was the sole provider for the family, gregor took up a job with his father's creditor, before even consulting his family. He was even thinking of sending grete to the conservatorium to further enhance what he believed to be musical talents. Showing his concern for others' wellbeing, he hid under the couch so as not to disgust anyone by his sight. He even wished he were not such a burden on the family, and that he could have transformed back into his old self. After his metamorphosis, nobody indicated they were grateful for what he had done.

After his first absence, the chief clerk himself appeared at gregor's house to see what was the matter. When gregor did not open his door, the chief clerk accused him of stealing the company's funds, and degraded him in front of his parents as being insubordinate. After having gregor around for a while however grete asserted that they should somehow get rid of him. At this point, gregor realized that his family no longer loves him, and gave up on life. Although gregor did aid his family in a critical time of need, they hardly acknowledged this fact after his transformation.

For the past five years, he provided for his family, and when he needed them, they did not care. After his metamorphosis, they all got jobs, something gregor thought they were incapable of. After his death, they moved out of the flat, which was too expensive for them, leaving all of their memories, starting anew without him.

essay, research paper: metamorphosis by franz kafka

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We are neither affiliated with the author of this essay nor responsible for its content. If you need high quality, fresh and competent research / writing done on the subject of english, use the professional writing service offered by our company. Metamorphosis by: franz kafka what is reality? every person has his or her own reality or truth of their existence. For some it may be nothing they expected while others can just be successful in anything.

The true reality is that regardless of what direction is taken in life a person brings the same inner self, motivational levels and attitudes. As followers of literature we often escape our own reality and experience life through the imagination of the author's we read. In franz kafka's metamorphosis, gregor samsa's reality changes indifferently in spite of his drastic physical changes. Before the metamorphosis, gregors life consisted of working and caring for his family. He led a life of a traveling salesman, working long hours, which didn't permit to him living his own life. He reflects his own life as the plague of traveling: the anxieties of changing trains, the irregular, inferior meals, the ever changing faces, never to be seen again, people with whom one has no chance to be friendly kafka 13. Kafka himself counterparts this sentiment in a quote taken from his diaries no matter how hard you work that work still doesn't entitle you to loving concern for people.

In gregor's life he had no room for anyone other than his family which in the end left him without love or caring or any other kind of companionship. He worked so industriously for his family that this became his only goal in life. They became so dependent on gregor to support them but did nothing for him in return. Up until now gregor was living a life of obligations, he came home every night to an empty hotel room to ensure his family was taken care of.

His parents and their dominance thus extends to the system which deprives him of creative life and married love eggenschwiler 54. Apparent to everyone, gregor was no longer thought of a member of the family but nothing more than a support system. The fact of the matter become, everyone had grown accustomed to it, his family as much as himself they took the money gratefully, he gave it willingly but the act was accompanied by no remarkable effusiveness kafka 48. Gregor still believed he had to provide his family with a pleasant, contented, secure life emrich 149.

After being transformed into a cockroach gregor lived in isolation with his family. In a dark bedroom, in the jumble of discarded furniture and filth, monstrous vermin, a grotesque, hidden part of the family eggenschwiler 211. Gregor's sister was the only one who helped poor gregor, in his time of transformation. She was frightened but managed to put her fears aside, she even got angry with others for trying to help. Upon his sister taking care of him, the rest of gregor's family would not associate with him. No one attempted to understand him, no one, not even his sister, imagined that she could understand him kafka 45.

Before long, gregor noticed that through his metamorphosis he had not lost nor gained anything. The actual metamorphosis symbolizes a rebellion assertion of unconscious desires and energies eggenschwiler 203. For after the change, gregor would not be able to support his family's lazy asses. Strangely, after what his family put him through he still looked vigorously for a way to help his parents, his duty was to remain docile and to try to make things bearable for his family kafka 42. As time passes, gregor realizes that his family doesn't need his help and support and that he is nothing more than a burden to them. The family never realized the strain that the transformation had put gregor through, and now they have cut off relations instead of supporting gregor they desert him.

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Even his sister had gotten to the point of no longer feeding or cleaning gregor's room, she might stop in and give him a piece of bread but not stay and talk to him. The thing that really got to gregor is the memories of all the things he had done for his family and now here he is being shoved into some room and given nothing in return. Gregor died that night and when his family found out they mourned for only a minute and went about their sick ways. Did responsibility prove to be too much for the family gregor had taken care of for so many years? the true reality of gregor and his family can be seen through the resulting condition of the family itself. For five years gregor had remained a slave to his own family not finding out they could have taken care of themselves until it was too late. Now gregor realized he was forced to live a life of not loving anyone and basically just a life of loneliness.

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