Environmental Topics for Essay Writing Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Our writers can help get your essay back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Essay writing service essay marking service place an order pollution can be divided into four types water pollution, air pollution, thermal pollution and sound pollution. Fossils fuels used in most factories, petroleum and gas usage for vehicle is the major cause of air pollution. Environment pollution can also be an addition harmful substance that could affect human health and human life gan, 2006, 311.

Given the above, environmentalist should fight for a better environment because pollutions caused by burning of fossil fuels will results in severe environmental problems such as the occurrence of acid rain due to the production of sulphur dioxide so2 and nitrogen monoxide no. Casiday and frey mentioned that combustion process not only increases the concentration of carbon dioxide co2 in the atmosphere but it is also the main source in producing high level of nitrogen monoxide no and sulphur dioxide so2. Acidity of acid rain changes the ph of the river water and lakes which then disrupt the nature habitat of aquatic organisms and reduce the chance of survival of aquatic organisms, for example fishes cannot survive due to lack of oxygen.

In addition, the insoluble aluminum ions added to the water can causes water to become poisonous which can also be known as water pollution 1998, internet. For example, norway has blamed that the sea and lakes are poisoned by the formation of acid rain for many years due to the unclean air pollution that comes from britian's power stations nova science in the news, 1997, internet. Since the global concentration of carbon dioxides have increased given the reasons of combustion of fossil fuels and also human activities such as deforestation.

The reasons for deforestation are usually resulted from cutting down the forests for lumber logging and also for building a new farming for animal. Forest can also be known as carbon sink because trees can be used as an absorber of carbon dioxide in the environment and in returns release some oxygen to the atmosphere. However, unplanned deforestation activities have significantly reduced the concentration of oxygen o2 and caused the rise in temperature of the earth. Christopher monckton also emphasises that every doubling the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is sufficient to rise the global surface temperature by 3.26 â c 2008, 3. Rise in global temperature will significantly caused ice melting, for instance, according to the my eco project organization, the reports of ice melting at arctic retreat prepares in the late summer 2007 surprised the experts that every week, the arctic sea ice is continuously melting and the amount of melted ice can fill up to as large as two britain country 2009, internet. Meanwhile, the consequence of ice melting at arctic has increased the sea water levels. According to the evidence gathered by shepherd and his team, they found that the sea water level has increased by 2.6% which has the same volume with 49 microns per year spread across the oceans from over the world due to the distinct value between the density and temperature of ice and sea water university of leeds, 2010, internet.

In addition, the polar bear will also face extinction in the future due to global warming. Based on the report from national geographic news, several studies that have been conducted by the u.s. Government has show that melting of arctic's ice that caused by the global warming will endangered two thirds of the world's polar bears and cause them to face extinction by 2050 roach, 2007, 1. Given the above fact, environmentalist should fight for a better environment and save our earth. Furthermore, environmental protection should be implemented due to warm climate changes and flood which heighten the risks of spread out pests and vector diseases. Some infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue, cholera and encephalitis can also spread out rapidly throughout the whole area by mosquitoes, flies and other insects those usually adapt to live in warm weather region. As world health organization notes that contamination of water resources due to the occurrence of flood enlarge the chances of getting water borne diseases and also for mosquitoes to carry disease around the environment 2010, internet.

Malaria and dengue fever have threaten the southeast asia and south pacific island due to the climate change as increases the population of mosquitoes and migration of refugees allianz knowledge partnership,2008.internet. Hence, it can be concluded that flood and climate change will destroy our safety health environment. Moreover, high temperature in the river will encourage the growth of algal broom and causes the water pollution index to increases and decrease the amount of oxygen supplied for the aquatic organisms.

Since the river water pollution increases dramatically, the level of biochemical oxygen demand which known as bod level also will increases. The higher the biochemical oxygen demand level will result in the higher of the pollution level. For instance, large amount of blue green algae devastate the nature of the universal solvent and threaten the public health by releasing toxins into the water. Diseases and infection that can cause by the algae's toxin are sore throats, gastro enteritis and skin or eye infections department of the environment, climate change, energy and water, 2010, internet. There are no global laws protecting the environment and that is why everyone should practice good ethics when it comes to environmental issues. Most environmental problems are the result of the unethical actions of individuals or organizations.

One of the worst industrial catastrophes ever was caused by the unethical behavior of a union carbide employee. In december of 1984, in bhopal, india, water was mixed into a tank of methyl isocyanate. Environmental activists expressed that poison from the factory continues to creep into the local water system and continues to cause devastating effects to the environment.

The sierra club is one of many groups that have displayed a global environmental ethic when it comes to the environment. The club is america's oldest, largest and most influential environmental organization. The sierra club has lobbied congress to pass bills that are environmental friendly and reject those that are not. The sierra club defends the environment and upholds a global environmental ethic on many issues such as global warming, air pollution, water pollution, cleaner energy, land population, and human rights. The sierra club also helps by providing information to the communities on local and global environmental problems.

How to Write a Science Essay

Environmental education provides countless contributions to ethical treatment of the environment. For example it can enlighten the public on many of the environmental issues we face today. At the same time, environmental education promotes stewardship of natural resources. Most of all environmental education enhances the public's understanding of the need for a healthy plant, animal life and biodiversity. It also educates the public about how their actions affect natural ecosystems and how positive steps taken to minimize impacts on these ecosystems will translate into improvements in our overall environment. Teaching about the environment is as important as teaching people to read or write. For many people, after learning about the impact that the human race has caused, they want to know how to correct the problems or reduce the impact on the environment.

Source reduction is about reversing one's lifestyle and building an economy that is environmentally sound, rather than one based on the throw and burn ethic. Source reduction is about designing, manufacturing and using products with the goal of lessening their quantity and toxicity in the waste stream. In the long run, source reduction provides the most ethical and cost effective way of reducing our impact on the environment.

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Please don't hesitate to contact us to improve the service and to help your friends improve! today mankind has seen numerous developments brought by industrial revolutions and new technology in different aspects of life. Undoubtedly, environmental issues such as pollution are clear examples of the disadvantageous effects of this development. The causes of this problem and the possible solutions to remedy these effects will be analyzed in this report. Perhaps pollution is one of the most heated problems that the whole world is sufferring from. For instance, many factories get rid of their trash by burning or burying it under the ground or throwing it into the ocean.