Essay on How to Respect Our Elders Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

If we do not respect our elders, we should not expect our youngers would respect us when the time comes and we need their help. Etiquette expert debby grew up in an air force family, with etiquette and good manners being essential at all times. Her mother sent her to a 6 week department store charm school for children where she learned posture the old book on the head routine , poise, and how to drink tea without spilling it. After she graduated from high school, she went to the university of southern mississippi and joined a sorority where she learned even more layers of etiquette.

Her southern parents and grandparents considered using the correct fork and knowing how to write thank you notes as fundamental as breathing and eating. After all, these folks have life experiences that we should listen to and learn from. As someone who has seen firsthand how older people can enrich the lives of younger folks, i believe that respecting elders should be high on the list of what we should teach. How would you feel if people disrespected you just because you had gray hair, wrinkles, and a slower gait? use the golden rule when you are with your elders. People who have experienced many years of life have a different perspective from someone who is seeing things for the first time. Doesn 39 t it make sense to show respect for someone who is teaching you something so valuable? here are some ways you can show respect to those who are older than you: use the name they want to be called. If you are meeting this person for the first time or if you haven 39 t seen him or her in a while, shake hands.

This is such a simple yet friendly gesture that lets the person know you have manners, and you 39 re not afraid to use them. Your friends might understand mumblings filled with the latest slang, but don 39 t expect someone much older than you to get what you are trying to say. You don 39 t have to yell, but keep your voice as clear as possible and be willing to speak louder if it 39 s clear that the person can 39 t hear you. A warm smile from you can make this person 39 s otherwise dreary day much brighter.

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When an elderly person approaches an entrance to a building, hold the door and allow him or her to go first. Be aware of any disability the person may have and help according to what he or she needs. Any kind or generous thing you do to make their lives easier will be appreciated. Most people who are older than you will appreciate having your attention in blocks of time.

If the elderly person is a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or related to you in any way, show that you love him or her. Ask questions about your ancestors and offer to put together a photo album or scrapbook with mementos. You 39 ll be amazed by how enriching the experience can be, and you 39 ll most likely learn something new about your family. Most of your elders were taught proper etiquette when they were children, and they deserve good manners from you in return. 34 they need to know that the generations following them are civil enough to carry on. In today's society, and at younger and younger ages, people are increasingly horrified by the rude attitude and foul language used by young people of all ages. From the five year old who defiantly puts her hands on her hips, lifts one eyebrow and declares to her mother you're stupid, and i don't have to do what you say to the four letter words that erupt from the mouths of teenagers, lack of respect for one's elders appears to be increasingly prevalent.

How then do we engage or even demand the respect of our children? and how do we encourage them to show respect to others as well? a wise man once said respect is something you have to have in order to get. Let's take a look at what, exactly, that phrase means and how we, as parents, can put it to practical use in order to garner respect and improve our relationship with our children. First of all, is that phrase even true? to see, try this exercise: think for a moment about the people in your life with whom you have a relationship and for whom you have the most respect not grudging respect but honest wow, that person is amazing respect. The one who is respected is the one who has acted in respectful ways towards you and others. However, before we mistakenly jump to false conclusions, it's important to be clear about what respect does not mean before we can discover its practical applications. Respecting them is not about becoming permissive or even about understanding their feelings to the degree that you let them get away with murder. In fact, children learn to respect their parents not only when they are treated respectfully by them, but also when parents are clear about the limits they set with children and enforce those limits in a firm and loving way.

However, if parents expect to win the respect of their children solely through the setting of limits, they stand to be disappointed. Time after time, it is the children who have been given the combination of respect and limits who are the most respectful towards others in society. So, how can we make this practical? what are the things that parents can do to feel respectful towards their children and to communicate that respect on a daily basis? if you need to work on feeling more respectful towards your children, try the following: separate who your child is from his behavior.