Essay on Right to Life Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 642 words 1.8 double spaced pages we all have the right to life! life is a right held by all creatures on the universe, everything has life however, everything also has it's own character or individuality. Every person is his or her own self and does what he or she in roman times, abortion ans the destruction of unwanted children was permissible, however civilization's aged and now there is a huge controversy about who chooses. 'jane roe' took the district attorney of dallas county to the supreme court because she wanted an abortion and was not legally permitted to have one where she lived. She could not afford to travel elsewhere to have it preformed so she went to court.

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On january 22, 1973 the supreme court said that it was legal for any woman to have an abortion and terminate her pregnancy at any given time. The roman catholic church has said that abortion is murder and violates all terms of human morality. My personal opinion lays between that of the roman catholic church and the supreme court. I believe that a woman should have the right to an abortion only if she was raped and can not afford to have the child, or if she does not know who the father is. If the woman just want's to have an abortion for no reason, believes that the baby will be born with a handicap, or will be born with a disease, life threatening or not the abortion should not be permitted to take place. Within the past year president clinton has vetoed a bill that will outlaw partial birth abortions, i strongly oppose his decision and believe that he should have outlawed them.

In new jersey, there is an assemblywoman writing a bill that would outlaw them in new jersey and fine each party involved twenty five thousand dollars. Assisted suicide has also been a controversial topic concerning the right to life. I believe that everyone should come to accept the fact that people have the right to choose to live of die. I think that assisted suicides should be legal only if the person is terminally ill. The person should be able to choose when to end his or her own life if he or she is terminally ill.

I strongly oppose assisted suicide if the person just wants to kill himself or herself for no particular reason. If that is the case he or she should go seek counseling from a priest or counselor. A family should also have the right to disconnect a person from life support if he or she will never be able to live life without any physical limitations. If a family has the right to do this then a person should have the right to do this to him or her self.

Weather it be a loved one or a worst enemy, the server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, email 160 protected and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. Additionally, a 500 internal server error error was encountered while trying to use an errordocument to handle the request. One of the biggest topics thrown around in politics, government, and everyday conversation is abortion. Abortion can be defined in many ways, but a basic definition would go something like this… any method used to terminate a human life from the moment of conception until birth. Abortion is such a difficult subject to come to an agreement on because different people's lives and rights hang in the balance.

Two major questions lie in the determination of whether abortion is right or wrong – is this a human life? , and when does a human life begin?. Wade was the first legal case to try and examine this subject at a closer look back in 1973 and nearly three decades after the roe v. The public debate continues to follow the well worn path between condemnation and choice. To start, these people believe that life as a fetus is not technically a human life until after the second trimester of birth. Aside from the argument of whether the fetus is viable or not, the basic idea of taking a women's rights to her own body disturbs many pro choice believers.

They feel that abortions are private affairs and do often involve painfully difficult decisions with life long consequences. But they also feel that, tragically, the lives of the parents are completely ignored by the anti abortionists. They feel that in any conflict it's the actual, living persons who count, not the mere potential of the embryo.

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They are firm in the belief that what a woman does to her own body is her own business. In addition, they believe that it is best for a child to not be born at all than to be born hated, to a mother who is forced to have him because she has no choice, and not because she wants the child. They feel that there are many other legitimate reasons why a rational woman might have an abortion accidental pregnancy, rape, birth defects, or danger to her health. In cases such as rape and incest, they feel it is unjust to force a woman to complete her pregnancy due to someone else's mistake or problem. In cases where the mother's health is in jeopardy because of the pregnancy, they believe that the only logical and just thing to do is abort the baby, if the woman so desires. I'm sure everyone would probably agree that in cases such as rape and health problems, abortion is a logical and just step. No one wants to harm a woman's life or cause her anymore more harm after a raping or bad experience.

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